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     (1)模式施肥、传统施肥、不施肥对林分立竹密度、毛竹平均胸径影响大,模式施肥的立竹密度和平均胸径最大(194株/666.7m~2、11.4 cm),极显著高于其他方法。
     (2)施肥模式的新竹平均胸径为11.6 cm,极显著大于其他方法;新竹立竹数量75株/666.7m~2,显著大于传统施肥,与不施肥有极显著差异。
     (3)模式施肥处理的毛竹平均单株枝重、叶重、竹材重和地上部分总重量分别为5.23kg、2.09kg、29.62 kg、36.94 kg,模式施肥在叶重和单株材重上显著高于不施肥林地,枝重极显著高于不施肥的。模式施肥的单位面积枝重、叶、竹材重量、地上部分重量分别为:1015.61 kg/666.7m~2、405.86kg、5751.91 kg/666.7m~2、7173.38 kg/666.7m~2,比不施肥的分别增加了74.6%、49.4%、41.9%、46.2%。
     (4)模式施肥后,毛竹平均节间长为25.69 cm,其竹段(连续5节为1段)的长度呈近正态分布,两种施肥竹段长度出现峰值都位于第6段。竹段的中央直径随着段号(从毛竹基部算起)的增加而变小,呈Y=-1.1117X+13.678的关系。竹段长度与其中央直径也存在Y=-3.4084X~2+45.689X+12.56的关系。在模式施肥下平均壁厚为0.89 cm,显著厚于不施肥的。竹段(以竹秆高度1/10分成的竹段、)重量都随着段号的增加而减小,呈Y=8.7897e~(-0.2434X)指数曲线关系的,中央直径与其每段所在的位置呈Y=-0.9464X+12.745的负线性相关。
     (5)不同的立竹密度下毛竹平均胸径有差异,1~4密度等级的林分平均胸径分别为10.8 cm、10.6 cm、11.3 cm、10.9 cm,随着立竹密度的增大,平均胸径先是增加,在立竹量161~190株/666.7m~2时,达到最大值;当随着立竹密度的继续增加,平均胸径有逐渐下降的趋势。
     (8)龙泉市毛竹低产林改造后,林分平均立竹密度为154株/666.7m~2。在各龄级竹中,1~3度竹占了92%,4度及4度以上的老龄竹所占比例仅为8%,1、2、3度竹数比例约为1.59∶1.36∶1,平均年产材量为:573 kg/666.7m~2,毛竹平均胸径大部分在10 cm~12 cm范围内。与“浙江省毛竹低改项目技术规范(试行)”中规定相比,各项指标已达到或超过,低改效果明显。
The dimension of moso bamboo grove in Longquan city of Zhejiang province is very vast,but Most of moso bamboo grove in Longquan have poor site conditions,backward technology management and be in the low-yield and inefficient mode basically.The work of this study will provide scientific reliance of improvement low-yield moso bamboo grove by study of biologic effectation mode fertilization and evaluation.The study sites are 3 villages which are Xiaomei,Zhengbian and Shanxikou.It is 3 fertilizational modes,Pattern fertilization,Traditional fertilization and No fertilization(as a kind of contrast). We do survey for every bamboo in standardard ground and mensurate heigh, weight,biomass,wall thickness and other biological effective indicators in order to study biological effectation of different modes.The results showed that:
     (1)Pattern fertilization,the traditional fertilization and no fertilization have large influence to density and the average diameter breast-high.And the density and average diameter breast-high of Pattern fertilization are biggest of them.(194/666.7m~2,11.4 cm)There are significant differences from the other two modes.
     (2)The new bamboo average diameter breast-high is 11.6 cm.It is significant differences from the other two modes.The amount of new bamboo is 75/666.7m~2.There is varying difference among three fertilization patterns.
     (3)The average brench weight of per plant,leaf weight,and timber weight, the total weight of on the ground parts of bamboo is 5.23 kg,2.09 kg,29.62 kg, 36.94 kg in sequence.Brench weitht has very significant between fertilization and none.The weight leaf and timber has differentness.In unit area,the average brench weight of per plant,leaf weight,and timber weight,the total weight of on the ground parts of moso bamboo is 1015.61 kg/666.7m~2,405.86 kg/666.7m~2, 5751.9 1kg/666.7m~2,7173.38 kg/666.7m~2.And comparing no fertilization,the increase rate is 74.6%,49.4%,41.9%,46.2%in sequence.
     (4)Average internodal length of moso bamboo is 25.69 cm through pattern fertilization.The base and the top of moso bamboo are shoter and internodal length reaches the maximum of No.6 column under two ferterlization modes.Regression equation is Y=-1.1117X +13.678.Regression equation is Y=-3.4084X~2 +45.689X+12.56,between the length with the diameter of the central of bamboo column.By the pattern fertilization,the average ball thickness of moso bamboo is 0.89 cm,which is thicker 0.04 cm compared with no fertilization.The two have significant differentance.The weight is decreased with the increasing column sequence amount(from the date the base of bamboo). Regression equation is Y=8.7897e-0.2434X.Another regression equation is Y=-0.9464X+12.745 between its central diameter of column and location.
     (5)The average diameter breast-high has differentness in planting different bamboo density.Average diameter breast-high of breast height are 10.8 cm, 10.6 cm,11.3 cm,10.9 cm at the density level 1 to 4.The average diameter breast-high increased firstly.When the density of bamboo is continue to increasing,the average diameter is gradually declining.Diameter breast-high achieved maximum in the domain of 161 to 190/666.7m~2.
     (6)The difference of weight is extremely significant in different planting bamboo density.Correlation between bamboo high and density has no significant.Level 3 is the highest yield.Level 4 is higher than others.And level 1 is the least.
     (7)Under reclaiming,is the best ideal regression equation between timber height and diameter breast-high of bamboo is H=0.246X~2-3.554X+21.783.Another regression equation between timber weight and diameter breast-high is W=1.695X~2-30.364X+157.668.
     (8)After low-yield moso bamboo forest at Longquan City is improvement, bamboo forest average density is 154/666.7m~2.The older bamboo which is 4 and above 4 age proportion is 8%.And 1 to 3 ages is 92%.The ratio among 1, 2,3ages is 1.59:1.36:1.The average annual amount of wood is 573 kg/666.7m~2. The average diameter breast-high is from 10 to 12 cm mostly.And comparing "Low-yield moso bamboo forest projects technical specifications(Trial)in Zhejiang",All have been exceeded every index sign.And Low-yield improvement has demonstrable effects.
     (9)The economic efficiency of pattern fertilization is better than the traditional fertilization.The efficiency of per unit area increase by 128.6 yuan/666.7m~2
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