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     皿形式,最大贩为特殊儿童撇垃少受限制的教育毗,朋每个儿童的 幡
    女;aA确特殊儿童的主体地位,发捧他们的洛在优势子 O)改革师资培训制度,健
    优师资椿制度,鳅高质量教师队伍 0加强特殊儿童的家长工作,实现旱期
This article looks back to the history of special education both in China and abroad.
    This can help us to understand the origin of the special education in the world Some
    theorists and educationists Such as Comenius and Diderot discussed Possibilities of
    education of the persons who were deaf, blind and mentally retarded Their ideas
    positive to the development of the modern spcial education. Special education in the
    early times,as a kind of individual education. Itard, Seguin, Hauy, L' Epee, Heinicke
    and MOntessori were pioneers of the practice to teach the special children. Thus the
    developent of special education in the world Passed through theory to practice.
    However the modern special education system in China,as imprted from abroad. At first
    some foreign missionaries set up several charitable school for the special children.
    Later some Chinese included some deaf persons began to set up special schools. The
    developent of special education in China Passed through imitation to creation. Some
    educationists such as Hu Shi and Chen Heqin had visited some foreign countries and
    realized the imprtance to educate the special children according to Chinese condition.
    Since the twenty centuries, more children have been included in the special children.
    On one hand, each kind of special child wes divided into bore kinds according to their
    degrte: on the other hand, some other kinds of children were also considered as special
    children.,ith the change of the special children, it was necessary to reform the
    traditional isolated system. Thanks to the mvements of Normlization and No Labeling,
    the expression SPECIAL CHILIDREN was taken place by CHILDREN WITH SPECIAl. EDUCTlON NEEDS.
    Thus more children have been included in special education programs, and the mainl body
    of special children has changed. In l994, Inclusive Education was announced at the world
    i Conference on Special Needs Education. It called that all the children should go to school.
    It was quite different from the isolated systems. lt requires offering flexible
    amepent to the special children, Which should be the least restricted enviroarent
    for them Every child should be taught according to its own Individual Education Plans.
    In recent years, mny artic1es concentrate on the fO11o,ing fie1ds: (l) about the
    c1assification of the special chi1dren; (2) about the identification and diagnose of
    children,ith specia1 needs: (3) about the settlement of different chi1dren,i th special
    needs: (4) about thee 1a's on the chi1dren,ith special needs. 1n different countries,
    the concept and c1assification of specia1 chi1dren are qUite different.
    There are severa1 trends of specia1 1earuers, such as: (1) rea1ize the difference bet'een
    handiC8P and disability, Pay sore attention to the education of children,ith 1earning
    disabi1ity: (2) based on the 8cientific research, the education for the gifted and
    talented chi1dren are t.ken into account; (3) Qffer surviva1 education to the chi1dren
    ,ith specia1 needs, emPhasize on the chi1dren's advantage and POtentiality: (4) offer
    life-1ong education to the children,ith special needs, increase the co--operation
    beteeen schoo1s and society: (5)serve fOr the children through a11-round ray.
    The effects of the trends to the special education in China are: (l) helping more special
    chi1dren to enjoy edUcation under the gUide of huamism and eqUal edllcation opPOrtunity
    ' for a1l: (2) teaching the chi1dren,ith specia1 needs according to individua1 characters,
    dra' up individua1 education p1ans: (3) offering surviva1 education according to the
    chi1dren's characteristics, help them prepe fOr the socia1 1ife and competition: (4)
    insisting on qlla1ity edUcation, paying attention to the gifted and talented chi1dren,
    training high-quality citizens; (5)understanding the POsi tion of the special learners
    in the integYating prope, exerting their potentia1 and advantages: (6) reforming the
    specia1-teachet Itraining syste' estab1ishing the system of certification of sP
    [注3]刘颂 王辉,《特殊儿童家长参与的权利——英美两国有关特殊教育立法的述评》,《中国特殊教育》2000年第四期,第33页。

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