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Funeral buildings are important parts of city buildings from ancient time, they have splendid history in both east and west culture, and they become the important symbols of human being civilization. The ancient pyramids, Tai Mahsl Tomb, and Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor of China are all famous funeral buildings in the world. The latter-day Lenin's Mausoleum and Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum are also widely respected funeral buildings because of their wonderful design. Modern funeral buildings like Igualada Cemetery designed by Enric Miralles, Cemetery of San Cataldo designed by Aldo Rossi, and Kaze-no-Oka Crematorium designed by Fumihiko Maki are all highly respected.
     However, funeral buildings have not been paid enough attention to in our country. On one side, this is because of various history elements. The more important reason is taboo of ages and incapable of facing the specific phase of life, namely, death. That led to greatly avoiding of using death theme in modern Chinese architectures. Today, although human society developed so much, the attitude that people face to death changed little. However, the ability that people express death reduced. In a young and agile society, death can not hide anywhere. Instead, it becomes taboo, and art and technique that express death are censured much. Nowadays, when architecture innovation progresses rapidly, modern funeral buildings seem to be forgotten and haven’t been paid deserved attention to. This situation results in funeral buildings can not keep up with the progress of funeral and interment. Meanwhile, un-ecological funeral buildings bring on severe environment problems, that is opposite with global tide of sustainable development. So, the funeral building is an important research aspect of bionomics and is an important problem of sustainable development. In foreign counties, research on ecological funeral buildings began in recent decades.
     No other architectures emphasize relationship with natural environment so much than funeral buildings. From view of no matter architecture itself, human primal mentality or external and internal environment, funeral buildings are all have close relationship with ecology. Especially, the inbeing of funeral building is the procedure that transforms dead body into ashes. This procedure is exactly an ecological transformation; it is a special natural returning existence and representation form.
     For those reasons, in this paper we research on design and technique of funeral buildings from an ecological view. First, we begin with an introduction of ancient Chinese funeral idea, state Chinese traditional inchoate spontaneous ecological idea and experience of funeral buildings. Also we talk about ecological evolvement of funeral buildings in western countries. Then we summarize the ecological characters and value of funeral buildings, and propose ecological future development direction of our country funeral buildings. Aiming at harm that funeral buildings brought on, we further discuss on ecological landscape of funeral buildings, and analyze funeral building design that emphasize ecological landscape. Then we bring forward idea, principle, design method and technical strategy of funeral building ecological landscape design. Based on ecological quality analysis of natural environment interface and architecture environment interface of funeral buildings, we expound the ecological trend of funeral buildings interface material and technique. And trough integrated research on interface form and construction technique, equipment technique, intelligent technique and bionic technique, we discuss integration of funeral buildings interface ecological design and technique. At last we analyze the ecological elements of indoor environment, and discuss sound, light and temperature impact on indoor environment which funeral buildings bring due to their specific functions. We describe how to adjust the ecological character of indoor environment, and set forth the method of establish indoor ambience of funeral buildings. We also design funeral buildings indoor environment ecologically based on ecological technical strategies. Eventually, we can promote ecological quality of funeral buildings’indoor environment.
     In summary, this paper discuss on ecological design of funeral buildings. Trough application of environment ethnics, combining with design principle of Chinese traditional geomantic theory, culture anthropology, and landscape ecology, we try to research on ecological design of funeral buildings’outside environment, indoor environment, and interfaces, to found ecological design idea and theoretical framework of funeral buildings. It has important theoretical and practical significance on resolving problems in modern funeral buildings development, improving city environment, shortening the ecological trend gap between our country and foreign countries, constructing ecological city, achieving harmonious development of human, nature and society, realizing sustainable development strategy eventually. Meanwhile, in many works, death is always a potential subject to enlighten inspiration. We hope this paper can stimulate discussions in this often neglected architecture domain.
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