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During the past several years, quick development of Data Warehouse and Data Mining has opened a new approach for Decision Support System (DSS). The transformation from decision support system based on quantitative analysis dominated by modeling system to data-driven system has made a new improvement in computer-aided decision ability. At current, generalized DSS is a set of schemes based on Data Warehouse with the tools of On-Line Analytical Processing and Data Mining.
    With generalized Business Analysis System of mobile communication as the research background, and according to characters of data in this field, this thesis is based on bottom-up principle to construct business-subject-oriented Data Marts, and ultimately forms a central data warehouse oriented at the whole business system. After successful construction of data warehouse system, this thesis crossly applies several theories to combine technologies of neural network and decision tree. Thus a model of the analysis of customer chum is built to solve the emerging problem of customer churn from mobile communication companies. This thesis also provides an in-depth analysis of neural network and decision tree to find out their respective merits and drawbacks, and performs a research on the superiority of the combination of these two technologies. During the process of constructing the model of analyzing customer churn, an improved algorithm is applied in this thesis directed toward drawbacks of computer network and thus raises the training accuracy and rapidity of convergence. At the same time, after successful absorbent of the factor of misclassification cost into splitting principle of decision tree algorithm, the classification model gets a high improvement in accuracy and adaptation. From the evaluation on models with actual data, it demonstrates that such a predictive model based on neural network and decision tree can provide a comparatively accurate prediction of customer churn and satisfy the requirement of commercial application.
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