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As low-carbon economy becomes the new economic development model in the world, the problem that how to make finance effectively promote the industry low-carbon development has become more and more urgent at present. This dissertation is to systematically study the financial service of industrial low-carbon development with the theoretic guide of low-carbon economy, financial function and complex system. Its main parts include the following aspects:
     (1) Studying the financial service model of low-carbon economy in certain typical countries around the world. Based on the analysis of international carbon finance market development, this dissertation presents a comparative study of financial service model in low-carbon economy within USA, Japan and China and gives some advices about China’s financial service orientation for industrial low-carbon development in the future.
     (2) Analyzing the principles of financial service for industrial low-carbon development. Based on the theory of financial function, this dissertation discusses five functions of finance for industrial development, including funds formation, funds leading, information revealing, corporate government and risk management. Then, financial service principles are explained by analyzing the characters of industrial low-carbon development and its requirements of financial service. Financial service principles have four aspects: forming industrial capital through the funds formation function, promoting industrial structure adjustment through the funds leading function, helping enterprises develop the low-carbon economy through the information revealing and enterprise governance function, and speeding up the progress of low-carbon technologies through the risk management function.
     (3) Constructing the financial service system model for industrial low-carbon development. Based on the financial service principles, this dissertation considers all elements from a system perspective, including carrier of financial function realization and other influencing factors. With the guide of complex adaptive system theory, financial service system for industrial low-carbon development are analyzed, as well as its internal elements and external environment factors, and then the financial service system model of industrial low-carbon development come into being.
     (4) Researching the financial service conduction mechanism for industrial low-carbon development, including theoretical and empirical analysis. This dissertation proposes the theoretical framework of financial service conduction mechanism through in-depth analysis of economic policies conduction mechanism and test it by using data of the whole country and 28 major provinces. The result indicates that industrial structure is an important element combing financial service and industrial low-carbon development in the financial service conduction mechanism, whether on the level of country or province, that is, finance can promote the industrial low-carbon development by optimizing the industrial structure.
     (5) Proposing some policy advices of financial service for industrial low-carbon development. Based on the above research fruits, this dissertation studies the policy system of financial service and gives some policy advices in order to promote the industrial low-carbon development in China.
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