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随着计算机技术的迅速发展和视觉传感器成本的降低,视觉测量和重构技术依靠其非接触、高精度、准实时化的优点在制造和装备业的产品品质管控(Quality Control,QC)中发挥着越来越重要的作用。近些年来,加工制造方法和工艺的改进,带来了微(小)型产品(尺寸为2mm~100mm)的数量不断增加,相对应的视觉测量任务也逐渐增多并且提出了一些新的要求,如检测精度高、速度快、误判率低等。本文针对微(小)型物体视觉测量与重构中的难点,以几种微(小)型物体(电子连接器、医学牙齿模型、医用注射器、珠宝、小型非标零件)为研究对象,从二维和三维视觉测量两个方面出发,对微(小)型物体几何特征提取和识别、精密外形快速重构、三维特征测量、模型简化等具体问题进行了研究。论文的主要工作和创新点包括:
     3.针对纹理缺乏、形状规则的全凸微(小)型物体快速三维重构需求,提出一种基于多视轮廓线的重构算法(Shape from closed contours,SFCC),能在极短的时间内(40sec以内)得到被测目标精密的mesh模型。该算法基于序列轮廓影像,通过初次切割和精密切割两个步骤直接恢复面模型。基于该算法,设计和装配了相应的硬件设备,以钻石和注射器针头为实验目标进行了测试,其中基于SFCC方法恢复的三维钻石模型量测得到的线元素和角元素的精度分别可达到0.3mmm,0.03°,满足钻石切工等级监控的需求。
With the rapid development of computer technology and cost reduction of vision sensors, vision measurement and reconstruction technique have played an important role in the manufacturing and equipment industry based on its' advantage of non-contact, high-precision, real-time.
     In recent years, with the improvements of the manufacturing methods and process,there has been an increasing number of micro (small) type products,(size2mm to100mm), and the corresponding visual measurement tasks are gradually increasing and put forward some new requirements, such as high precision, speed, and low false rate.
     This thesis focuses on the difficulties in the vision measurement and reconstruction of the micro (small) type object. Several miniature objects (such as electronic connectors, medical dental model, medical syringes, jewelry, small non-standard parts etc.) had been taken as the research object from2/3-D aspects. Some specific issues have been studied in this thesis, such as:the geometric characteristics of the micro and small objects extraction and recognition, the rapid reconstruction of precision shape, three-dimensional characteristics measurement, model simplification. Major works and innovations of this thesis include:
     1. For the vision measurement of the2-D geometry of the micro (small) type electronic products, a robust algorithm based on least squares and weighting function had been designed to extract the geometry features (line, circle and ellipse), meanwhile these features are taken as the skeleton base to locate the defects around.
     2. For the feature recognition of the micro (small) type object, a common affine invariant feature recognition algorithm had been designed, which utilized pseudo-Zernike moment and SIFT matching to solve the identification and classification problem when the features had been rotated, zoomed and transferred.
     3. For the fast reconstruction needs of the convex micro (small) type objects with less texture and rule shapes, an algorithm based on multi-view closed contours (Shape from closed contours, SFCC) had been proposed. The precision mesh model of the target can be obtained within a very short time (<40sec). In this algorithm, a sequence of contour was extracted from multi-view images, and then two-steps cutting was implemented to restore the surface model directly. In order to implement this algorithm, a serial hardware was designed and equipped. The diamonds are taken as the experimental objects. In the experiments, SFCC method can restore the3-D mesh quickly, and the distance precision can reach0.3(mm), the angle precision can reach0.03°, which can be used for the cutting grade for the diamond object.
     4. For the needs of complex irregular micro (small) type surface point cloud registration, a register algorithm based on the rotating platform was proposed. In this algorithm, a cylinder constraint was used to calibrate the position of the rotating platform in the space coordinate. Then any point cloud on the rotating platform can be registered automatic using the rotate angle information, without manual post-processing or sign point constraint. This algorithm can be combined with many types of3-D scanner. Experiments show that the precision is the same as the leading point registration algorithm, which is less than0.3(mm).
     5. Some geometric features (such as plane, sphere, and cylinder) had been extracted based on point cloud. Flatness was calculated using the plane feature. Sphere and cylindrical features of a non-standard work piece was extracted using related methods.
     6. A simplification algorithm using multi-directional cross-section lines based on triangular data was proposed. This algorithm can generate simplified data efficiently and output quadrilateral and triangular grid data. Through comparison with the original triangular data, the simplified error was less than0.04(mm), while the compress ratio can be under10%. This algorithm has been used for the oral disciplines dental wax stress analysis.
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