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China is an important country to produce, consume and export electric appliances in the world. It is urgent to recycle waste and old electric appliances(WOEA) scientifically because environmental pressure in China has been growing with the gradual discard of electric appliances produced since 1980s. Based on theories of systems engineering and management, recycling pattern and management framework were presented in this thesis. The economic management of recycling of WOEA comprises enterprise management and government administration of harmless treatment.
     The pricing methods of WOEA, recycle cost management, marketing and investment evaluation were set up from concretely analysis of recycling process. According to the value of materials and the time remaining respectively, the prices of WOEA were established. The pricing of reusing products distributed multi-channel accord with the cost of raw material, production and marketing. Whole Activity-Based Costing(WABC) including cost of operating and capital was used to cost accounting of recycling. In addition, real options evaluation method was discussed and fluctuation rate was studied. The method suitable for calculating the full period fluctuation rate of real options in project investments was put forward.
     According to environment theory, the management methods of subsidy, charge and supervision were set up based on analysis of government administration of recycling. Subsidy model was set up to improve the economic benefit of recycler and a minimum subsidy standard model and a method for maximal subsidy standard were established. In order to resolve the problem of subsidy capital, charge pattern and charge model were set up based on the extended producer responsibility and international experiences. A charge partake model was put forward uncovering the relations between partake of charge and elastic of supply curve and demand curve. An evaluation system of ability-to-treatment harmlessly was set up and a fuzzy multi-hierarchy comprehensive evaluation model was built up. The principal-agent relation and game strategies of supervision institutions and recycler were analyzed. The incentive and restricting mechanisms was discusses by constructing performance assessment system and gray evaluation method.
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