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This dissertation totally studies six related information systems problems.
     The second chapter proposes a theory of information systems investment decision, and conducts an empirical research with two manufacturing firms. This research shows that if the learning effect is beyond the overconfidence effect, managers can make rational IT investment decision, and vice versa.
     By using exponential and S type learning curve, the third chapter explores the optimization problems of decision-making of information systems implementation cost, researchs three types of decision context, proposes corresponding three nonlinear programming decision models, and finally introduces the applications of the three decision models with numerical case by using Lingo8.0.This research shows that by the influence of the learning rate and performance initialization, there are an optimization between the training period and implementation period that can make the total implementation cost become minimum.
     By using exponential learning curve, this 4th chapter explores the optimization problems of decision-making of information system upgrading, researchs two types of decision context and decision models, proposes two approaches to the two above mentioned decision context, and introduces the applications of the two approaches at details with numerical case. This reearch shows that there are a series of optimizaton time points of decision-making of information system upgrading that can realize best benefits if organizations upgrades information systems at these time points.
     By using Chinese listed companies data, the 5th chapter empirically studies the hypothesis of profit reallocation and time lag with GLS regression method, and firstly empirically study the relationship between information systems and enterprise value under Chinese context. This study draws three conclusions:(1) the profitability of Chinese listed companies significantly decrease since adoption of information systems; (2) the asset management capabilities significantly increase since adoption of information systems; (3)in the short term, the adoption of information systems has significantly negative impact on enterprise value, and as time goes by, the negative influence increases gradually, and it is practical significance.
     The 6th chapter proposes an theoretical model of IT mechanism, and empirically study a manufacturing enterprise with case study method. This research argues that IT resource is necessary to improve organizational performance, the impact of IT resource on organizational performance is dependent on IT capabilities, IT capabilities has direct impact on organizational performance, and organizational performance is collectively influenced by the interaction of IT capabilities and organizational factors and enviromental factors.
     The 7th chapter proposes an integrated theoretical model of IT evolution mechanism. This research argues that the evolution mechnism of information systems on firm peroformance is a series of organizational learning process and dynamic capabilities development process with typical phase characteristics and hierarchy characteristics.
1 数据来源:中国产业地图编委会,中国经济景气监测中心编,中国IT产业地图2006-2007[M],2006.12。
    2 数据来源:中国产业地图编委会,中国经济景气监测中心编,中国IT产业地图2006-2007[M],2006.12。
    16 IBM商业价值研究院,IBM中国商业价值报告——战略与管理[M],北京:东方出版社,2007。
    17 阿尔弗雷德·D·钱德勒,詹姆斯·W·科塔达编,信息改变了美国[C],上海:上海远东出版社,2008。
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    22 中国产业地图委员会,中国经济景气中心,中国IT产业地图2006-2007,社会科学文献出版,2006年。
    23 IBM商业价值研究院,IBM中国商业价值报告—战略与管理[M],北京:东方出版社,2007。
    24 同注释23。
    25 王振江,系统动力学引论[M],上海科学技术文献出版社,1988年11月。
    26 2002年以来,管理软件市场的整合浪潮波涛汹涌,ERP、PDM、SCM、CRM等管理软件的传统界限日益模糊,许多管理软件公司开始逐步向客户提供集成的管理软件产品。所以本文样本选择的焦点集中于采用了ERP和PDM系统的上市公司。
    27 Michal A. Hitt(迈克尔A.希特),R. Duane Ireland(R.杜安·爱尔兰),Robert E. Hoskisson(罗伯特E.霍斯基森),战略管理——竞争与全球化[M],北京:机械工业出版社,2006,pp124-135。
    29 参见:陈志武,资本市场与法制发展的互动,载陈志武,《金融的逻辑》[M],pp168-194,北京:国际文化出版公司,2009年8月。
    18 请参见阿尔弗雷德·D·钱德勒,詹姆斯·W·科塔达编,信息改变了美国[C],上海:上海远东出版社,2008。
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