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With the development of information technology and globalization of world economy, the environment of manufacturers has changed a lot. The construction of informatization became an important way to upgrade enterprises’value chain. But some enterprises lost profit, lost control on projects or constructed informatization well at the beginning but in a new round of competition during information technology application. So there is some important value and practical meaning in the research of enterprise informatization mechanism, using informatization successively and deeply.
     After summarizing documents of informatization theory, the author discovered it’s hard to establish and push forward enterprise informatization strategy and evaluate informatization efficiency. The losing control on informatization project originated from the poor understanding of enterprise and control of main managerial sectors.
     This article uses enterprise theory, management science, information science and economic science’s upgraded research fruits and knowledge, on the basic of imitating and innovation, analyzes enterprise information resources and capacity, gives out the enterprise total information management theory and framework, constructs evaluating mode of enterprise informatization sufficiency, and proves some conclusion.
     This article on the basic of enterprise resource-based view and enterprise capability-based view, analyzes enterprise resource character, redefine the concept of resource and capability constructs enterprise moving rules and capability system, and construct enterprise power mode and capability mode. This article begins from enterprise resource development, point out enterprise resource level, indirect effect, moving character, and summarizes its enlight rules and four periods. The author points out enterprise has not only the market and manufacture characters, but also has society character. Enterprise has three basic relation (includes control, market and abnormal relation). The author expresses the group construction way based on relation capability. On the base of above, this article expresses enterprise capability’s moving mode and double chain development mode, and redivides enterprise capability system.
     On the base of above, this article analyzes information resources status in enterprise, points out information is the core of enterprise management, can push enterprise innovation. On the base of current enterprise informatization research, integrated with enterprise theory and resource developing rules, this article points out four periods of informatization development (introduction, standardization, expansion and innovation periods). This article definite enterprise informatization capability, points out enterprise informatization capability is a comprehensive capability involving technology, management, organization, flow, divides enterprise informatization capability into Information Technology Capability, Information Organizing Capability and Information Innovation Capability, and analyzes their focus and management way.
     This article is based on enterprise informatization capability, definite the enterprise overall information management, points out enterprise informatization core is to train management resource, and its key is to train enterprise informatization capability and innovation capability, change informatization strategy into core strategy, and informatize all people, flows successively. This article analyzes strategic planning way and construction and function of informazitation organization, points out informatization strategy and enterprise strategy should go simultaneously, and take information resources, informatization capability’s effect on management way into consideration. Informatization organization should be open, innovative, connected with enterprise strategy, and go to the basic level. This article constructs enterprise information management frame including moving, operation and control mechanism, connected with Performance Management, establishes enterprise information management Performance Management system. At last, this article analyzes informatization invest/output and cost problems, concludes informatization cost and researches enterprise informatization strategy.
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