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平话汉族(Pinghua Han)为南方汉族典型的代表之一,是汉族的一个古老支系,人口总数在300-400万之间,主要分布在广西。文化人类学显示平话人的形成历史比客家人、粤语人群、闽语人群还早。为理清平话汉族的起源、迁徙及与周围族群的关系,本文从分子人类学角度出发,使用STR荧光扫描、TaqMan探针、微测序、SNaPshot等方法对中国广西壮族自治区南部包括南宁市江西镇、平果县、田东县三个地区的平话汉族人群共341份个体(包括181个男性),分别进行了Y染色体和mtDNA单倍群的分型,结果发现南部平话人群的Y染色体单倍群具有高频的南方原住民族单倍型O1a2、O2a*、O*、O3*。mtDNA的高频单倍型是M7b1、F1a、M*、B4a、N*,与其周边原住民族和南方少数民族亦很接近。根据平话人群以及汉族其他支系和东亚其他民族群体的Y染色体和mtDNA单倍群数据所绘制的无根系统树、主成分分析图及网络结构图分析,显示平话人在遗传结构上更靠近南方原住民族而与汉族距离甚远。结合北部平话已发表数据我们得出结论:南部平话人在遗传结构上并非汉族的后裔,他们来自南方少数民族。南、北平话汉族内部遗传结构亦存在较大差异;推测原来都是讲侗台语的不同人群,通过不同的过程转用汉语并传承汉族习俗后形成了今日的平话人群。
Pinghua Han is an old and one of the typical southern Han groups with a population of 3-4 million. Pinghua Hans mainly live in Guangxi province. Their history might be more earlier than Hakka、Cantonese and Min dialect groups according to cultural anthropology. In order to know more accurately the origin, the migration and the mixture with the surrounding groups of Southern Pinghua Hans, 341 healthy Pinghua individuals (including 181 males) were recruited from the south part of Guangxi province including Nanning, Pingguo and Tiandong and their Y chromosome-SNP and mitochondrial DNA haplogroups were typed with fluorescent STR scan, TaqMan probe, mini-sequencing and SNaPshot techniques. As a result, high frequencies of the Y chromosome haplogroup O1a2, O2a*, O* and O3*,which are the most frequent haplogroups in the southern aborigines, were found in the Sorthern Pinghua populations;on the mtDNA lineages, M7b1, F1a, M*, B4a, and N* were found more frequectly in Pinghua populations, exhibiting a pattern similar to the neighboring aboriginal groups, especially the Daic populations Clustering analyses (dendrograms, principal component analyses,AMOVA and networks) of the southern Pinghua populations, the other Han branches, and other ethnic groups in East Asia indicated that the northern Pinghua populations are much closer to the southern aborigines than to the other Han branches. Therefore, we argued that the sorthern Pinghua populations did not descend from Han Chinese, but from southern aborigines in China. Combining the published data of northern Pinghuas, we suggested that Pinghua Hans dot not descended from other Hans, but from the southern minorities genetically; Even in Pinghua Hans themselves, there is a marked difference between the northern and the southern; The Pinghua develops into a Han ethnic group who speak a mixed language (mainly from Daic and ancient northern Han Chinese) and take the customs of Hans in the long run.
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