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     对Femtocell辅助蜂窝系统中的全局频率复用方案进行了研究,提出了一种基于伪切换的子信道与功率自适应分配策略。相应研究内容主要包括3部分:1)在满足Femtocell中用户通信速率要求的条件下,以最小化Femtocell对临近用户的干扰功率为目标,建立了问题模型;2)基于3GPP LTE-A标准,提出了一种基于伪切换方法的跨层与同层信息交互方案;3)基于内容2)所获取的调度信息,原问题模型可以转化为功率与子信道联合优化分配问题,并提出了一种改进的比例公平与注水功控迭代算法。通过仿真与横向的性能比较,验证了本研究所提出策略能够有效的抑制跨层干扰与同层干扰,降低Femtocell功耗,并提高频谱效率。
     在Femtocell与宏小区间频率资源正交划分方案下(即正交频率划分),对Femtocell网络的最优功率分配、子信道可复用概率以及目标Femtocell用户所复用子信道容量进行了研究,并通过数学方法推导出相应的闭式解。所做研究主要包括3部分内容:1)参考干扰温度模型与3GPP LTE-A标准中相应的网络架构,同时考虑平均干扰限与瞬时干扰限,建立了优化Femtocell用户复用子信道容量的问题模型;2)利用凸优化等数学理论推导出最优子信道功率分配;3)基于研究内容1)与2),在瑞利(Rayleigh)信道下,进一步推导出子信道可复用概率与中断概率的闭式解,以及目标Femtocell用户所复用子信道容量的闭式解。通过数值分析验证了所建立问题模型以及数学推导的正确性。本研究为Femtocell层网络频谱资源的规划以及Femtocell网络的部署提供了理论参考。
     切换是无线资源管理中不可或缺的一部分,因此,针对Femtocell辅助蜂窝系统中的切换时延等问题,设计了一种用户预测切换触发策略。所做研究主要包括4部分内容:1)对Femtocell辅助蜂窝系统中切换场景与传统蜂窝小区中切换场景的不同点进行了分析与总结;2)参考3GPP LTE-A标准,设计了一种基于物理小区标识(PCI)预规划的用户终端切换场景识别策略,使用户终端能够识别可能发生的切换所属的切换场景类型,进而估计切换时延;3)基于研究内容1)的分析,参考3 GPP LTE-A标准框架,设计了一种用户预测切换触发策略,以降低不同切换场景下切换时延对用户感知度带来的影响;4)为了综合评估所提策略的鲁棒性与有效性,基于随机移动模型(Random walk model)与引力模型(Gravity model),设计了事件触发用户移动模型,最后,通过动态系统仿真验证了本章所提策略的有效性。
Mobile communications technology has never hesitated about improving the communication data rate, for example, the throughput of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced (IMT-Advanced) standard is up to 100 Mbps. With the support of reliably high data rate in radio access networks, a variety of wireless multimedia services has been widely used, which makes the wireless data traffic skyrocket. However, due to the limitation of available frequency spectrum resources, users'effective communication rate decreases when the required capacity exceeds the system capacity constraint. Studies on wireless usage show that more than 70% of mobile data traffic originates indoors, and this proportion is continuing to grow. Therefore, Femtocell, as an effective radio access technology to provide superior indoor coverage with low power, is seen as an effective way to relax the tremendous system capacity pressure faced by mobile cellular networks, and thus attracts significant interests.
     Femtocells deployed in the traditional cellular system generate a type of two-tier network. In order to express the relationship between these two tiers, the kind of two-tier network is named as Femtocell-aided cellular network in this dissertation. This dissertation investigates on some key techniques of Femtocell-aided cellular system. Firstly, in 3 different types of system frequency spectrum allocation for the future deployments of Femtocell networks, i.e., the universal frequency reuse, the frequency partitioning and the hybrid frequency reuse, Interference Management (IM), Resource Management (RM) and other technologies associated with them are studied. Then, Mobiltiy Management (MM) of Femtocell-aided cellular network is studied. The main contributions of this thesis include following aspects:
     In the case of universal frequency reuse strategy, this thesis proposes the Pseudo-Handover (PHO) based subchannel and power adaptation scheme for interference mitigation in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access (OFDMA) Femtocell-aided cellular networks. There are three main parts included in the proposed scheme:1) the problem model is constructed, which aims to minimizing the radiated interference, is formulated on the premise of satisfying the Quality of Service (QoS) of Femtocell users in terms of the data rate; 2) based on the 3GPP LTE-A standard, a PHO based co- and cross-tier scheduling information exchange method is proposed; 3) based on the obtained scheduling information by the way of 2), the problem model in 1) is converted to a joint optimization problem of subchannel and power allocation, and then a modified proportional fairness and water-filling iterative algorithm is proposed to solve the converted problem. Through simulations and comparisons with other schemes, the proposed scheme shows better performance in mitigating the co- and cross-tier interference, reducing Femtocell base station's transmit power, and improving the spectrum efficiency.
     In the case of frequency orthogonal partitioning, the optimal power allocation, the reusable probability of the subchannel and the capacity of the target Femtocell user are studied, and the closed-form solutions of them are mathematically derived. There are three parts in this contribution:1) based on the interference temperature concept in Cognitive Radio (CR), an optimization problem of the reused channel capacity is formulated, jointly considering the average interference constraint and the instantaneous interference constraint; 2) utilizing the theory of the convex optimization, the optimal power allocation is derived; 3) based on results of 2), the closed-form solutions of subchannel reusable probability and the reused channel capacity is derived under Rayleigh channel. Numerical simulations are conducted to confirm our analytical results, which could provide theoretical reference for frequency resources assignment between two tiers and deployment of two-tier Femtocell networks.
     In the case of hybrid frequency reuse, a Joint Frequency bandwidth dynamic division, Clustering and Power control Algorithm (JFCPA) is proposed for OFDMA based Femtocell-aided cellular networks. There are three parts in this contribution:1) through quantitative analysis on the established interference scenario, the dual relationship between the downlink interference scenario and the uplink interference scenario is proved; 2) based on analysis results of 1), the macro cell coverage area is divided into two regions:Femtocell Interference Sensitive Area (ISA) and Not Femtocell Interference Sensitive Area (NISA), and on the basis of the regional division, the system resources are further divided into three sub-bands:the universal reuse sub-band, Femtocell dedicated sub-band and the macrocell dedicated sub-band; 3) utilizing cluster analysis and graph theory, JFCPA is proposed to dynamically determine the division in part 2), Femtocell clusters and power allocation. At last, the system simulation is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Furthermore, statistical results provide reference for actual Femtocell planning.
     MM is an integral part of the radio resource management. Therefore, as for the problem of handover latency in Femtocell-aided cellular networks, a user prediction handover trigger scheme is proposed. There are four parts in this contribution:1) the features of the handover scenario is analyzed and concluded, comparing with the handover scenario of cellular networks; 2) based on pre-planning Physical Cell Identity (PCI), a strategy is designed to make the user terminal autonomously learn the handover scene and its corresponding handover latency; 3) based on 3GPP LTE-A standard, a user prediction handover trigger strategy is designed to reduce the handover latency under different handover scenarios and to improve users' perception; 4) in order to comprehensively assess the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed scheme, an event-driven user mobility model is designed on the basis of the random mobility model and the gravity model. Finally, dynamic system simulation is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
     A summary is given at the end, and the future research directions related to this doctoral thesis are also pointed out.
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