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With the rapid development of economy, society, science and technology, mankind has entered the era of network. Network culture, a hi-tech culture through the medium of electronic, has been gradually becoming unique in the spiritual land of mankind, opening a new cultural area for the people. It entered our daily life and our spiritual world, becoming our way of life. During the development of the long history of more than 5000 years, the Chinese nation, which created brilliant culture, has become an outstanding representative of oriental culture. Our precious cultural resources and exceptional cultural advantages with rich cultural accumulation, diverse cultural forms and profound cultural philosophy are incomparable in the world. Nevertheless, as a developing country with relatively backward modern economy and culture, without the shift from potential cultural advantages to cultural superiority, the cultural construction in our country will definitely meet great challenges of foreign cultural capitals in the process of globalization, especially in network information environment, hence, devoting major efforts to the development of the cultural construction in our country, the enhancement of cultural soft strength in our country and resisting western cultural infiltration bears great significance.
     Due to the popularity and extensive application of the internet, much more attention was paid to network culture in overseas academic circle, thus becoming a focus of research for numerous scholars. In recent years, in our country the researches on network culture have become more and more rich and a number of results have been achieved in network culture. However, the study on the integration of network culture and advanced cultural construction in our country and the study from the perspective of network and the direction of advanced culture are relatively weak. Jin Wulun, a research fellow at the Philosophy Institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, argued that a culture was vital and vigorous when it kept up with the development of the time and when it wsa consistently updating and developing without abandoning its own traditional advantages. So we should push the construction of Chinese advanced culture to a new stage by fully utilizing the advantages of network and vigorously carrying forward the excellent culture in our country. This paper adopted Marxist historical materialism and dialectical materialism, integrating theory with practice and applying induction, logic and so on to analyze in depth Chinese advanced network cultural construction.
     Three sections are included in this paper:
     In the first section, the author gave a strict definition of advanced network culture and expounded the importance and urgency of developing advanced network culture in our country. Chinese advanced network culture is an open socialist advanced culture with Chinese characteristics which spreads main melody of thoughts and culture and carries forward Chinese excellent traditional culture under the guidance of Marxism and Leninism, Mao Zedong Thoughts, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of‘Three Representatives’, on the basis of internet and communication technology and with the core of receiving/sending information. Persisting in the forward direction of advanced culture and developing advanced network culture bear important and far-reaching significance. Developing advanced network culture is the inevitable choice of spreading advanced culture; developing advanced network culture is the objective demand of establishing socialist market economy in our country; developing advanced network culture is a strategy of enhancing Chinese cultural soft strength and defending national sovereignty; developing advanced network culture is a positive factor for promoting the healthy development of the young people, relating to China’s fate in the future.
     In the second section, the problems existing in the development of Chinese network culture were summarized and the causes for the problems were also further analyzed. After the development of more than 20 years, some encouraging results in Chinese network cultural construction were achieved: the internet basic resources were increasing rapidly; the internet information resources were becoming more and more rich; the construction of some important news websites was strengthened; the influence of Chinese mainstream network culture was getting larger and larger; the network culture industry with rapid development was becoming a new economic growth point in our country; network culture management was strengthened. Meanwhile, we should keep sober on the problems existing in Chinese network cultural constriction that is facing great challenge in adapting the new situation. For the external environment of network culture development in China, the infiltration and erosion of English culture exist: as for the internal construction of the network culture in China, unhealthy information crammed in the internet, great impact upon the young people’s social value, loss of network morality, ineffective administration and vacancy in network culture exist. The causes for these problems were complex and various: first, powerful impact and influence caused by economic globalization; secondly, great discrepancy in science and technology; thirdly, the loss of morality characterized by profit pursue, weak autonomy and heteronomy; fourthly, the power politics implemented by western countries led by the United States; fifthly, the immaturity of Chinese network culture industry.
     In the third section, a discussion and a reflection on the countermeasure of developing Chinese advanced network culture were pointed out. In a new information era, more efforts should be devoted to the development of advanced network culture in order to defend state cultural sovereignty and strengthen cultural soft power. Based on the problems existing in the development of network cultural construction, several countermeasures of developing Chinese advanced network culture, which manifested the basic approach to Chinese advanced network cultural construction, were pointed out The author argued that great efforts should be devoted to develop advanced network culture and strengthen connotation construction in order to enhance the core competitive power of Chinese advanced network culture; that great efforts should be devoted to develop network cultural industry in order to flourish socialist cultural market; that network culture management should be strengthened through innovative spirit in order to create a harmonious developing environment; that network moral construction should be strengthened in order to enhance nationwide overall quality.
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