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The goal of Grid is to realize share of homogeneous resources that locate all over the world. Because the Grid is homogeneous, distributed and dynamic, traditional methods of resource management will not function well in Grid environment. Moreover, in order to attract resource consumers and providers to attend the Grid, their needs must be meet. All these problems can be solved by using economic principles, such as marginal efficiency and Nash Equilibrium, in the management of resources in the Grid. In this article, relative research of last 10 years about using economic models in distributed systems will be listed, and analysis of several projects about Grid Economy will be found. Based on previous research, the major research works in this article are:
    (1)OGSA, Open Grid Service Architecture, is an architecture advanced by Globus workgroup, whose foundation is Globus Toolkit and Web Services. Based on OGSA, a Grid economic model is constructed to introduce economic principle into Grid environment, and a credit mechanism is devised, allowing users to choose their favorite services according to the credit a service provider has. The model will be discussed in detail in the article.
    (2) After a thorough, detailed discussion about Grid resource auction mechanisms, a new ascending auction mechanism of Grid resource based on budget factor and von Neumann-Morgenstern
    utility function is devised. Individual user bidding process and the possibilities to use game theory to optimize the bidding decisions will be mentioned.
    (3) A Grid economy model simulation will be founded upon SimJava toolkits, using Java to code, referring to relative researches.
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