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煤炭智能物流园区是提高煤炭流通效率的关键节点。煤炭智能物流园区在我国属于新生事物,国际上也无成功经验可循。苹果公司的成功实践给了作者启示。苹果公司推出"iPod+iTunes"以及"iPhone+App Store"平台运营模式,建立了以苹果公司为基石,用户、应用开发商互动的商业生态系统。平台运营理论及其在煤炭智能物流园区的应用引起了作者的极大兴趣。通过采用若干研究方法对煤炭智能物流园区平台运营模式进行了研究,所得结论如下:
Coal smart logistic park plays crucial role in improve coal logistic efficiency. Coal smart logistic park is a new phenomenon and have no success experience before. Apple Inc. gives us insight. Apple recommends "iPod plus iTunes" and "iPhone plus App Store "platform operation model. Platform theory, operation model and applied brings great interest to me. By taking a couple of research methods, we analyze platform operation model and how it can be applied in coal smart logistic park operation.
     First of all, Platform operation is taking platform as keystone, and operated in the form of business ecosystem and build resource assembles capacity as core ability trinity system. Platform is a carrier or media that can realize related parties connect and interact. Platform has keystone, basic architecture and access. Resource assemble is the ability to assemble related capabilities.
     Secondly, coal smart logistic park is the industry platform of coal physical flow management which link coal owners and carriers. Place of production, distribution and consumption coal smart logistic park should develop with different characteristic.
     Thirdly, build a mathematical model of platform growth and pricing. The platform pricing model calculates optimal scale design when the platform scale is limited by physical space. Platform pricing model formulate platform price structure.
     Fourthly, conclude apple Inc.'s successful experience. Apple takes smart phone as the basis of service, and assembles telecommunication, music, and application all onto the platform; promote industry convergence to serve the client.
     Fifthly, Coal trading center and related smart logistics park interaction can form a complete, full-chain management to achieve operational coal smart logistics park doubled. Based on the theoretical analysis, this paper takes Hantaichuan north coal Logistics Park as a case study.
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