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The Himalayan country Nepal of the sub-continent is bestowed with abundant water resources and great potential of hydroelectric power. Her lower riparian country India, though belongs to the same water basin, forms sharp contradiction with inadequate water and energy supply, while at the meantime, India experiences serious water-related problems of many sorts, like flood control or irrigation development. The effective governance, utilization and development of water resources in Nepal will help India to see to all such issues. Hereafter, hydropolitics constitutes the core factor of the overall bilateral relationship of Nepal and India, whose successive governments always have such issue high on their agendas. Due to the considerable differences in terms of their respective state power, when dealing with strong India, Nepal’s weakness casts shadow on her water resources, which not only deprives her of the advantages stemming from geological position, but also places the whole country under India’s dominance. India monopolizes Nepal’s water resources development. Such an asymmetrical equilibrium between Nepal and India framed out when Nepal was under the Ranas’autocratic rule and had dominated Indo-Nepalese relations ever since then for more than a century. From the 1960’s, with the support of foreign assistance, Nepal began to distance herself with India by asserting Nepalese nationalism and trying to have a free hand in shaping the country’s political destiny, during which process water resources play a decisive role. However, influenced by changes in the international system on the one hand, and India’s superior presence in Nepal, especially in her power-political framework on the other, the positive effects of foreign assistance is limited and fluctuating in its nature. The fierce fight for power among and within Nepal’s political parties since 1990s has also shifted Indo-Nepalese hydropolitics to a large extent.
     Based upon historic facts and analyses, this dissertation aims to make explosive research about the above mentioned aspects of the bilateral relationship of Nepal and India, displaying their unique relations pattern with the involvement of third part and with hydropolitics being the core. Some relevant conceptions from the Game Theory have been adopted to interpret the characteristics of such a pattern. At present, Nepal is undergoing unprecedented changes, how to make policies towards India and other donor countries with respect to water resources will be a real test for the new government. This is also an important domain of this dissertation.
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    ②Ram Prasad Rajbahak:Nepal-India Open Border: A Bond of Shared Aspirations( New Delhi: Lancer Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1992), p39
    ①Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), p21
    ②Ibid, pp39-71
    ①S.S. Negi: Himalayan Rivers, Lakes and Glaciers (New Delhi: Indus Publishing Company, 1999), pp9-11
    ②Avtar Singh Bhasin (ed): Nepal-India, Nepal-China Relations: Documents, 1947-2005 June (New Delhi: Geetika Publishers, 2005), pXII
    ③Rakesh Kumar, R. D. Singh & K. D. Sharma: Water Resources of India, Current Science, Vol 89, No. 5, 2005, pp794-795 (Roorkee: National Institute of Hydrology), available: http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/sep102005/794.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ①Fred Pearce: When the Rivers Run Dry: Water—The Defining Crisis of the 21st Century (Boston: Beason Press, 2006), pp36-37
    ②Rakesh Kumar, R. D. Singh & K. D. Sharma: Water Resources of India, Current Science, Vol 89, No. 5, 2005, pp794-795 (Roorkee: National Institute of Hydrology), available: http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/sep102005/794.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ③Dr B. H. Nepal: Managing Nepalese Waters, available at http://www.southasianmedia.net/Magazine/Journal/8_nepalese_water.htm, accessed on March 4th , 2008
    ①Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997, p109,p127
    ②2003年4月,美国将尼共(毛主义)收入“2002年全球恐怖组织形态”报告中的“其他恐怖组织”一列;2003年11月,美国政府宣布将按照13224号执行法案对镇压尼共(毛主义)的行为提供财政援助,原因就是后者的“若干行为构成了对美国友好的国家之稳定的威胁,并对美国国民、美国的国家安全和对外政策利益构成威胁;2004年4月,尼共(毛主义)被收入“消除恐怖主义名单”。参见Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: Printhouse, 2004), pp189-191
    ①参见下述文章:Mani Nepal、Alok K. Bohara & Kishore Gawande:“Inequality, Polarization and Violent Conflict: The Maoist Insurgency in Nepal”, available at https://repository.unm.edu/dspace/handle/1928/3295 accessed on June 8th, 2008; Bishwa Nath Tiwari:“An Assessment of the Causes of Conflict in Nepal”; available at: https://repository.unm.edu/dspace/handle/1928/3294, accessed on June 8th, 2008
    ②参见下述文章:William Easterly:“Can Institutions Resolve Ethnic Conflict”, available at http://www.nyu.edu/fas/institute/dri/Easterly/File/can%20institutions%20resolve%20ethnic%20conflict.pdf, accessed on February 22nd, 2009; Nishchal Nath Pandey:“Nepal’s Maoist Movement and Implications for India and China”, available at http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0QLQ/is_2006_Feb/ai_n16068663/, accessed on February 22nd, 2009; Shahid Md. Parwez:“An Empirical Analysis of the Conflict in Nepal”, available at: http://igov.berkeley.edu/workingpapers/series2/No12_Iyer.pdf, accessed on February 22nd, 2009
    ③Walter Andersen:“South Asia Opens Up”, available at: http://www.sais-jhu.edu/pressroom/publications/saisphere/2007/andersen.htm, accessed on May 11th, 2008
    ①Walter Andersen and Daniel Consolatore:“South Asia Plays the Energy Game——Facing Off: The Region’s Booming Economies, Led by India. Will Cooperation or Competition Be the Winning Strategy?”, available at http://www.sais-jhu.edu/pressroom/publications/saisphere/2005/andersen-consolatore.htm, accessed on May 16th, 2008
    ①Dr B. H. Nepal:“Managing Nepalese Waters”, available at http://www.southasianmedia.net/Magazine/Journal/8_nepalese_water.htm, accessed on March 4th , 2008
    ②Rajendra Dahal:“From Darkness to Light”, available at http://www.himalmag.com/2007/september/india_hydropower.htm, accessed on March 4th, 2008
    ③Khilendra Basnyat:“Bilateral Negotiation Needed”, available at http://www.nepalnews.com.np/contents/englishdaily/trn/2003/mar/mar22/features1.htm, accessed on March 4th, 2008
    ①,Dipak Gyawali:Rivers, Technology and Society: Learning the Lessons of Water Management in Nepal (New York: Zed Books Ltd, 2003), p179
    ③Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), p7
    ①Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), p9
    ③Walter Andersen:“South Asia Opens Up”, available at: http://www.sais-jhu.edu/pressroom/publications/saisphere/2007/andersen.htm, accessed on May 11th, 2008
    ③Kalim Bahadur and Mahendra P Lama (ed): New Perspectives on India-Nepal Relations(New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications, 1995), p62
    ①Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), p12
    ②Indu Bala: Compulsions of a Lank-Locked State: A Study of Nepal-India Relations (New Delhi: Batra Book Service, 2001), p29
    ③Ibid, p31
    ①参见Baral, Lok Raj:“Nepal Migration to India: Nature, Pattern and Consequence”, Upreti, B.C.: Indian Migration to Nepal: Nature, Role and Consequence”, India and Nepal: Aspects of Interdependent Relations by Ramakant and B.C. Upreti (Delhi: Kalinga Publications, 2001), pp65-87
    ②Ram Prasad Rajbahak: Nepal-India Open Border: A Bond of Shared Aspirations (New Delhi: Lancer Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1992), p48
    ①Gopal Singh and Rameshk Chauhan (ed): South Asia Today (New Delhi: Anamika Publishers & Distributors (P) Ltd., 2005), p91
    ②Metha, Ram S.:“Security and Political Environment”, India-Nepal Relations: Challege Ahead, Observer Research Foundation (New Delhi: Rupa & Co, 2004), p22
    ③Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), p16
    ①Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), pp12-13
    ②Avtar Singh Bhasin (ed): Nepal-India, Nepal-China Relations: Documents, 1947-2005 June (New Delhi: Geetika Publishers, 2005), pXII
    ③Dr B. H. Nepal: Managing Nepalese Waters, available at http://www.southasianmedia.net/Magazine/Journal/8_nepalese_water.htm, accessed on March 4th , 2008
    ①Dr B. H. Nepal: Managing Nepalese Waters, available at http://www.southasianmedia.net/Magazine/Journal/8_nepalese_water.htm, accessed on March 4th , 2008
    ①以上数据参见《第三届世界水论坛国家报告——尼泊尔》,水信息网,http://www.hwcc.com.cn/newsdisplay/newsdisplay.asp?Id=110208,K. D. Adhikary et al: Cooperation on the Eastern Himalayan Rivers: Opportunities and Challenges (Delhi: Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2000)
    ②横亘于南亚次大陆北部,是位于喜马拉雅山南麓并约略与之平行的低矮山脉,属于喜马拉雅山脉的支脉,海拔600-1500米,由第三纪砂页岩组成。北与喜马拉雅山主脉平行;南从印度河和恒河平原抬升,山势陡峻。自印度锡金邦蒂斯塔河(Tista)向西北方向延伸,经尼泊尔、印度西北部进入巴基斯坦北部;全长1600公里。该山脉在尼泊尔境内的部分楚里亚山脉(Chruia Range)。
    ③Dwarika N. Dhungel:“Nepal-India Water Resources Relationship: Looking Ahead”, India-Nepal Relations: Challege Ahead, Observer Research Foundation (New Delhi: Rupa & Co, 2004), pp177-178
    ②Koshi River, available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosi_River, accessed on December 10th, 2008
    ①Gandaki River, available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gandaki_River, accessed on December 19th, 2008
    ①Gandaki River, available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gandaki_River, accessed on December 19th, 2008
    ③Gandaki River, available: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/225166/Gandak-River, accessed on December 19th, 2008
    ①Gandaki River, available: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/225166/Gandak-River, accessed on December 19th, 2008
    ③Karnali River, available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karnali_River, accessed on December 23th, 2008
    ①Karnali River, available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karnali_River, accessed on December 23th, 2008
    ②Mahakali encyclopedia, available: http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Mahakali-river, accessed on December 23ed, 2008
    ③玛雍旁错湖是位于中国西藏自治区内的一个淡水湖,距离自治区首府拉萨市约2000公里,西面是拉昂错湖(Lake Rakshastal),北面是凯拉什峰(Mount Kailash),是世界上海拔最高的大淡水湖。
    ①Sarda river, available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarda_River, accessed on November 16th, 2008
    ②Rakesh Kumar, R. D. Singh & K. D. Sharma: Water Resources of India, Current Science, Vol 89, No. 5, 2005, pp794-795 (Roorkee: National Institute of Hydrology), available: http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/sep102005/794.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ①以上数据参见Rakesh Kumar, R. D. Singh & K. D. Sharma: Water Resources of India, Current Science, Vol 89, No. 5, 2005, pp794-795 (Roorkee: National Institute of Hydrology), available: http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/sep102005/794.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ②M. Lal: Climate change—Implications for India’s water resources, J. India Water Res. Soc., 2001, 21, pp102-103
    ③Rakesh Kumar, R. D. Singh & K. D. Sharma: Water Resources of India, Current Science, Vol 89, No. 5, 2005, pp794-795 (Roorkee: National Institute of Hydrology), available: http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/sep102005/794.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ①莫德·巴洛、托尼·克拉克著,张岳、卢莹译:《水资源战争——向窃取世界水资源德公司宣战》,当代中国出版社,2008年版,第11页。②Fred Pearce: When the Rivers Run Dry: Water—The Defining Crisis of the 21st Century (Boston: Beason Press, 2006), pp36-37
    ①Rakesh Kumar, R. D. Singh & K. D. Sharma: Water Resources of India, Current Science, Vol 89, No. 5, 2005, pp794-795 (Roorkee: National Institute of Hydrology), available: http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/sep102005/794.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ⑤Rakesh Kumar, R. D. Singh & K. D. Sharma: Water Resources of India, Current Science, Vol 89, No. 5, 2005, p796 (Roorkee: National Institute of Hydrology), available: http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/sep102005/794.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ⑥Rakesh Kumar, R. D. Singh & K. D. Sharma: Water Resources of India, Current Science, Vol 89, No. 5, 2005, pp794-795 (Roorkee: National Institute of Hydrology), available: http://www.ias.ac.in/currsci/sep102005/794.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ①Rajendra Dahal: From Darkness to Light, available at http://www.himalmag.com/2007/september/india_hydropower.htm, accessed on March 4th, 2008
    ③Walter Andersen & Daniel Consolatore: South Asia Plays the Energy Game--Facing Off: The Region’s Booming Economies, Led by India. Will Cooperation or Competition Be the Winning Strategy? available: http://www.sais-jhu.edu/pressroom/publications/saisphere/2005/andersen-consolatore.htm, accessed on May 16th, 2008
    ①有关联合博弈的相关内容,参见Lynee L. Bennett, Shannon E. Ragland and Peter Yolles:“Facilitating International Agreements through an Interconnected Game Approach: The Case of River Basins”, Conflict and Cooperation on Trans-Boundary Water Resources, Richard Just and Sinaia Netanyahu eds (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998), pp61-88
    ①Dwarika N. Dhungel:“Nepal-India Water Resources Relationship: Looking Ahead”, India-Nepal Relations: Challege Ahead, Observer Research Foundation (New Delhi: Rupa & Co, 2004), p2
    ②Ibid, pp178-179
    ③Dipak Gyawali:“Nepal-India Water Resource Relation”, Power and Negotiation, I. William Zartman and late Jeffery Z. Rubin eds (Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 2000), 129
    ④Dipak Gyawali:“Nepal-Indian Water Resource Relations”, Power and Negotiation, William Zartman & Jeffrey Rubin, eds (Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 2000), p136
    ①Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit: The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), pp256-257
    ②Dipak Gyawali:“Nepal-Indian Water Resource Relations”, Power and Negotiation, William Zartman & Jeffrey Rubin, eds (Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 2000), p136
    ①Asad Husain: British India’s Relations with the Kingdom of Nepal 1857-1947: A Diplomatic History of Nepal (New Delhi: George Allen and Unwin Ltd., 1970), p132
    ③M. D. Dharamdasani,:Nepal’s Foreign Policy (New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2005), p26
    ①Raj Kumar Jha: The Himalayan Kingdoms in Indian Foreign Policy (Ranchi: Maitryee Publications, 1986), p71
    ①Raj Kumar Jha: The Himalayan Kingdoms in Indian Foreign Policy (Ranchi: Maitryee Publications, 1986), p59
    ②J.N. Dixit: India Foreign Service: History and Challenge (Delhi: Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2005), pp19-23
    ③Raj Kumar Jha: The Himalayan Kingdoms in Indian Foreign Policy (Ranchi: Maitryee Publications, 1986), p67
    ④B. L. Joshi and Leo E. Rose: Democratic Innovations in Nepal (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966), p104
    ①S. D. Muni: Foreign Policies of Nepal (Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt, Ltd., 1977), p32
    ②Rishikesh Shaha:“Political Culture in India and Nepal: Impact on Bilateral Relations”, India and Nepal: Aspects of Interdependent Relations, Ramakant and B.C. Upreti eds (Delhi: Kalinga Publications, 2001), p316
    ③Raj Kumar Jha: The Himalayan Kingdoms in Indian Foreign Policy (Ranchi: Maitryee Publications, 1986), p62
    ①Raj Kumar Jha: The Himalayan Kingdoms in Indian Foreign Policy (Ranchi: Maitryee Publications, 1986), p67
    ②Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), p47
    ④Raj Kumar Jha: The Himalayan Kingdoms in Indian Foreign Policy (Ranchi: Maitryee Publications, 1986), p123
    ①托马斯·松顿指出,对美国在南亚地区的安全利益进行评估并不在美国的全球构想之中,更不用说制定一份南亚地区的安全政策。美国的领导人,主要是在埃森豪威尔时代之前,就未曾将南亚地区作为一个政治实体来看待,而是将其视作是美国的对东南亚或是西南亚政策的一部分。参见Thomas P. Thornton:“U.S. Strategic Interests in South Asia”, Determinants of National Security and Cooperation in India and Pakistan, edited by Hafeez Malik (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993), p35
    ②1947年3月,美国总统杜鲁门在写给特里布文国王的信中表示:“美国承认尼泊尔的独立地位”。1947年4月25日美国与尼泊尔建交并同拉纳政府签署了《商业及友好协议》(Agreement of Commerce and Friendship),这份协议成为两国外交、商务关系的基础。协议订立了美国公民在尼泊尔应享受待遇的标准,还就两国在未来的商业往来中的非歧视性行为做出相关规定。
    ①Thomas P. Thornton:“U.S. Strategic Interests in South Asia”, Determinants of National Security and Cooperation in India and Pakistan, edited by Hafeez Malik (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993), p35
    ③Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1997), pp125-127
    ①Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1997), p205
    ②Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1997), p205
    ③Koshi River, available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosi_River, [accessed on December 10th, 2008]
    ①Dipak Gyawali:“Nepal-India Water Resource Relation”, Power and Negotiation, I. William Zartman and late Jeffery Z. Rubin eds (Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 2000), 131
    ②Dipak Gyawali:“Nepal-Indian Water Resource Relations”, Power and Negotiation, edited by I. William Zartman & Jeffery Z. Rubin (Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 2000), p142
    ③参见Avtar Singh Bhasin (ed): Nepal-India, Nepal-China Relations: Documents, 1947-2005 June (New Delhi: Geetika Publishers, 2005), pp1319-1325
    ①Raj Kumar Jha: The Himalayan Kingdoms in Indian Foreign Poicy (Ranchi: Maitryee Publications, 1986), p136
    ①Koshi River, available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosi_River, [accessed on December 10th, 2008]
    ②Avtar Singh Bhasin (ed): Nepal-India, Nepal-China Relations: Documents, 1947-2005 June (New Delhi: Geetika Publishers, 2005), pp1325-1330
    ①Deeptima Shukla:“Nepal’s Relations with India: Perception and Role of Monarchy”, India and Nepal: Aspects of Interdependent Relations, Ramakant & B.C.Upreti eds (Delhi: Kalinga Publications, 2001), pp334-336
    ②Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), p50
    ①Deeptima Shukla:“Nepal’s Relations with India: Perception and Role of Monarchy”, India and Nepal: Aspects of Interdependent Relations, Ramakant and B.C. Upreti eds (Delhi: Kalinga Publications, p331
    ①M. D. Dharamdasani: India and Nepal: Big Power-Small Power Relations in South Asia (New Delhi: South Asian Publishers Pvt Ltd., 2001), p71
    ②Indu Bala: Compulsions of A Land-locked State: A Study of Nepal- India Relations (New Delhi: Batra Book Service, 2001), p51
    ④Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997, p109,p321
    ⑤1953年,美国决定向巴基斯坦提供军事援助;54年5月19日,不顾尼赫鲁的坚决反对,美国同巴基斯坦签订了《巴美共同防御援助协定》(Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement),印度对此提出强烈抗议。1954年9月8日,巴基斯坦加入了以美国为首的东南亚条约组织,随后于1955年加入以英国为首的中央条约组织。印度对此非常不满,向美国和英国提出强烈抗议。
    ②Alexander deConde: A History of American Foreign Policy, Vol. II (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1978), p291
    ③S. Duncan:“the Soviet Union and India”, The Yogi and the Bear: A Study of Indo-Soviet Relations by S.N. Singh (New Delhi: Allied Publishers, 1986), p16
    ①Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), p50
    ①M.D.Dharamdasani: India and Nepal: Big Powers-Small Powers Relations in South Asia (New Delhi: South Asian Publishers PVT Ltd, 2001), p51-55
    ②Raj Kumar Jha: The Himalayan Kingdoms in Indian Foreign Policy (Ranchi: Maitryee Publications, 1986), p198
    ①M.D.Dharamdasani: India and Nepal: Big Powers-Small Powers Relations in South Asia (New Delhi: South Asian Publishers PVT Ltd, 2001), p55
    ②Bishwa Pradhan: Diplomatic Strategy for Nepal (Kathmandu: Mrs. Durga Devi Pradhan, 2003), p152
    ⑤S.D. Muni: India and Nepal: A Changing Relationship (Delhi: Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1995), p21
    ⑥Kumar Jha Raj: The Himalayan Kingdom in Indian Foreign Policy (Ranchi: Maitryee Publications, 1986), p87
    ①Richard E.Feinberg and Ratchik M. Avakov(ed): U.S. and Soviet Aid to Developing Countries : From Confrontation to Cooperation (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1991), p12
    ②David Morawetz: Twenty-Five Years of Economic Development: 1950-1975 (Washington D.C.: The World Bank, 1977), p20, p78
    ①以上数据参见Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 1997), pp207-209
    ④J.N. Dixit: India’s Foreign Policy: 1947-2003 (New Delhi: Picus Books, 2003), p81
    ①Bharat Mohan Adhikari:“Nepal-India Economic Relations”, India-Nepal Relaitons: The Challenge Ahead, Observer Research Foundation (New Delhi: Rupa & Co, 2004), p250
    ②Piers Blaikie, John Cameron and David Seddon: Nepal in Crisis (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1983), p80
    ③S.K. Chaturvedi:“Systemic Interdependence and Role of India’s Economic Aid Towards a Sustainable Development in Nepal”, India and Nepal: Aspects of Interdependent Relations, Ramakant and B.C. Upreti eds (Delhi: Kalinga Publications, 2001), p158
    ①S.K. Chaturvedi:“Systemic Interdependence and Role of India’s Economic Aid Towards a Sustainable Development in Nepal”, India and Nepal: Aspects of Interdependent Relations, Ramakant and B.C. Upreti eds (Delhi: Kalinga Publications, 2001), p161
    ①以上数据参见Gandaki River, available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gandaki_River, Gandaki River, available: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/225166/Gandak-River, accessed on December 19th, 2008
    ②《甘达基协议》的具体内容参见Avtar Singh Bhasin (ed): Nepal-India, Nepal-China Relations: Documents, 1947-2005 June (New Delhi: Geetika Publishers, 2005), pp1325-1330
    ①Bhubanesh Kumar Pradhan:“Personal Reflections: Nepal-India Water Relations”, The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Institute for Integrated Development Studies, IIDS) (Kathmandu: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2009), pp247-248
    ①Bhubanesh Kumar Pradhan:“Personal Reflections: Nepal-India Water Relations”, The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Institute for Integrated Development Studies, IIDS) (Kathmandu: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2009), pp247-248
    ②E.B. Mihaly: Foreign Aid and Politics in Nepal (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), p81
    ①Ram Prasad Rajbahak: Nepal-India Open Border: A Bond of Shared Aspirations (New Delhi: Lancer Publishers Pvt. Ltd.), p113
    ②Jagat S. Mehta:“India and Nepal Relations: A Victim of Politics”, India-Nepal Relations: The Challenge Ahead by Observer Research Foundation (New Delhi: Rupa & Co, 2004), p39
    ③Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun: The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges (Kathmandu: Springer Science + Business B.V., 2009), p3
    ④Kumar Jha, Raj: The Himalayan Kingdom in Indian Foreign Policy (Ranchi: Maitryee Publications, 1986),p189
    ①G.V. Ambekar and V.D. Divekar (ed):Documents on China’s Relations with South and Southeast Asia: 1949-1962 (Bombay: Orient Longman, 1964), pp207-209
    ②Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), p93
    ②S.D. Muni(ed): Nepal: An Assertive Monarchy (New Delhi: Chetana Publications, 1977), p70
    ①Ramakant and B.C. Upreti: India and Nepal: Aspects of Interdependent Relations (Delhi: Kalinga Publications, 2001), p330
    ②M.D. Dharamdasani: India-Nepal Partnership and South Asian Resurgence (New Delhi: Kanishka Publishers, 2000), p61
    ③S.D. Muni (ed): Nepal: An Assertive Monarchy (New Delhi: Chetana Publications, 1977), p71
    ①Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997), p289
    ①M.D. Dharamdasani (ed): India and Nepal: Big Power-Small Power Relations in South Asia (New Delhi: South Asian Publishers Pvt Ltd, 2001), p78
    ②Ibid, p91
    ③Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997), p171
    ④Department of State: Foreign Relations of the United States, 1958-1960, Vol. XV (South and South East Asia), Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992), pp612-613
    ①E.B. Mihaly: Foreign Aid and Politics in Nepal: A Case Study (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), p122
    ②B.L. Joshi and Leo E. Rose: Democratic Innovations in Nepal (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966), p449
    ④Hamilton F. A rmstrong:“Where India Faces China”, Foreign Affairs, July 1959, Vol.37, No.4, p62
    ①Andrei I. Chekhutov, Nataliya A. Ushakova and Leon Z. Zevein: Economic Assisstance to Developing Countries”, Richard E. Feinberg and Ratchik M. Avakov (ed): U.S. and Soviet Aid to Developing Countries : From Confrontation to Cooperation (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1991), pp189-190
    ②Ibid, p192
    ①上述内容中的具体数字和时间参见Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997), Richard E. Feinberg and Ratchik M. Avakov (ed): U.S. and Soviet Aid to Developing Countries : From Confrontation to Cooperation (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1991), B. E Mihaly.: Foreign Aid and Politics in Nepal: A Case Study (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), Christa A Skerry, Kerry Moran and Kay M Calavan: Four Decades of Development: The History of U.S. Assistance to Nepal (1951-1991) (Kathmandu: USAID, 1991),王宏纬编著:《尼泊尔》(社会科学文献出版社,2004年版)等书中的相关内容。
    ①上述内容中的具体数字和时间参见Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997), Richard E. Feinberg and Ratchik M. Avakov (ed): U.S. and Soviet Aid to Developing Countries : From Confrontation to Cooperation (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1991), B. E Mihaly.: Foreign Aid and Politics in Nepal: A Case Study (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), Christa A Skerry, Kerry Moran and Kay M Calavan: Four Decades of Development: The History of U.S. Assistance to Nepal (1951-1991) (Kathmandu: USAID, 1991),王宏纬编著:《尼泊尔》(社会科学文献出版社,2004年版)等书中的相关内容。
    ①上述内容中的具体数字和时间参见Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997), Richard E. Feinberg and Ratchik M. Avakov (ed): U.S. and Soviet Aid to Developing Countries : From Confrontation to Cooperation (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1991), B. E Mihaly.: Foreign Aid and Politics in Nepal: A Case Study (London: Oxford University Press, 1965),王宏纬编著:《尼泊尔》(社会科学文献出版社,2004年版)等书中的相关内容。
    ②S. N. Singh.: The Yogi and the Bear: A Study of Indo-Soviet Relations (New Delhi: Allied Publishers, 1986), p201
    ①Bama Dev Sigdel: Nepal’s Relations with Japan and China (Kathmandu: Hishi Offset Printers (P) Ltd., 2003), pp31-32
    ①尼赫鲁总统于1964年5月27日逝世,随后,由国大党的吉尔扎里·拉尔·南达(Gulzari Lal Nanda)任代总理,至64年6月9日; 1964年6月9日,国大党的拉尔·巴哈杜尔·夏斯特里出任政府总理,直至其于1966年1月11日突然逝世;1966年1月11日-1966年1月24日,吉尔扎里·拉尔·南达再次出任代总理,直至英迪拉·甘地于66年1月24日成为印度联邦政府总理。
    ②R. S. Chauhan:“Indo-Nepalese Relations Under Indira Gandhi”, Indian Foreign Policy: The Indira Gandhi Years edited by A. K. Damodaran and U. S. Bajpai (New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 1990), p162
    ④P. L. Bhola: Foreign Policies of India, Pakistan and China (Jaipur: Motherland Printing Press, 2001), p151
    ①J.N. Dixit: India’s Foreign Policy and Its Neighbours (New Delhi: Gyan Publishing House, 2001), pp120-121
    ③Bama Dev Sigdel: Nepal’s Relations with Japan and China (Kathmandu: Hishi Offset Printers (P) Ltd., 2003), pp61-70
    ①J.N. Dixit: India’s Foreign Policy: 1947-2003 (New Delhi: Picus Books, 2003), pp91-102
    ②R. S. Chauhan:“Indo-Nepalese Relations Under Indira Gandhi”, Indian Foreign Policy: The Indira GandhiYears, A. K. Damodaran and U. S. Bajpai eds (New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 1990), pp173-174
    ①R. S. Chauhan:“Indo-Nepalese Relations Under Indira Gandhi”, Indian Foreign Policy: The Indira Gandhi Years, A. K. Damodaran and U. S. Bajpai eds (New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 1990), p174
    ②Kumar Jha, Raj: The Himalayan Kingdom in Indian Foreign Policy (Ranchi: Maitryee Publications, 1986), p169
    ①Dwarika Nath Dhungel:“Historical Eye View”, The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Kathmandu: Springer Science + Business B.V., 2009), p26
    ②Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997), p188
    ①Leo E. Rose:“India’s Foreign Relations: Reassessing Basic Policies”, Marshall M. Bouton and Philip Oldenburg (ed): India Briefing (Boulder: Westview Press, 1990), p63
    ①Dr B. H. Nepal: Managing Nepalese Waters, available at http://www.southasianmedia.net/Magazine/Journal/8_nepalese_water.htm, accessed on March 4th , 2008
    ②Ramakant and B.C. Upreti: India and Nepal: Aspects of Interdependent Relations (Delhi: Kalinga Publications, 2001), p92
    ③Ramakant and B.C. Upreti: India and Nepal: Aspects of Interdependent Relations (Delhi: Kalinga Publications, 2001), p92
    ①M.D. Dharamdasani: India and Nepal: Big Power-Small Power Relations in South Asia (New Delhi: South Asian Publishers Pvt Ltd., 2001), p67
    ②S. N. Singh: The Yogi and the Bear: A Study of Indo-Soviet Relations (New Delhi: Allied Publishers, 1986), pp90-102
    ①M. Ataman Aksoy and Helena Tang:“Imports , exports , and industrial performance in India , 1970-88”, available at www.brookings.edu/views/papers/20060803india.pdf, accessed on January 23rd, 2009
    ②“History of the Republic of India”, available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Republic_of_India, accessed on February 22nd, 2009
    ②Harun Ur Rashid: Indo-Bangladesh Relations: An Insider’s View (Varanasi: Rishi Publications, 2001), pp34-35
    ③Singh, Abhay Kumar: India and Bangladesh (Delhi: Anmol Publications, 1987), p91
    ①B. M. Abass: The Ganges Water Disputes (Dhaka: Vikas Publications House Pvt. Ltd., 1982), pp52-55
    ②Rekha Saha: India-Bangladesh Relations (Calcutta: Minerva Associates Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2000), p35
    ①Saha Rekha: India-Bangladesh Relations (Calcutta: Minerva Associations (Publications) Pvt. Ltd., 2000), p121
    ②Lawrence Ziring: Bangladesh From Mujib to Ershad (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1992), p161
    ③Harun Ur Rashid: Indo-Bangladesh Relations: An Insider’s View (New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2002), pp55-56
    ④Craig Baxter: Bangladesh: A New Nation in an Old Setting (Colorado: Westview Press Inc., 1984), p89
    ①Kathryn Jacques: Bangladesh, India and Pakistan: International Relations and Regional Tensions in South Asia (New York: St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 2000), p79
    ②Harun Ur Rashid: Indo-Bangladesh Relations: An Insider’s View (New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2002), p56
    ①Deeptima Shukla:“Nepal’s Relations with India: Perception and Role of Monarchy”, India and Nepal: Aspects of Interdependent Relations, by Ramakant & B.C.Upreti (Delhi: Kalinga Publications, 2001), pp336-337
    ②Adams, Barbara: Nepal, Crisis Unlimited: Reflections from the Crucial Years (New Delhi: Adroit Publishers, 2006), p71-78
    ①Ram Prasad Rajbahak: Nepal-India Open Border: A Bond of Shared Aspirations (New Delhi: Lancer Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1992), pp131-136
    ②Ashok Kapur and A. Jeyaratnam Wilson: Foreign Policies of India and Her Neighbours (New York: Sr Martin’s Press, Inc., 1996), p109
    ③Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), p61
    ①Ramakant and B.C. Upreti: India and Nepal: Aspects of Interdependent Relations (Delhi: Kalinga Publications, 2001, p73)
    ②L.S. Baral:“India and Nepal”, India’s Foreign Policy: Studies in Continuity and Change edited by Bimal Prasad (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1979), p170
    ①Indu Bala: Compulsions of a Land-locked State: A Study of Nepal-India Relations (New Delhi: Batra Book Service, 2001), p91
    ②L.R. Baral: The Politics of Balanced Interdependence: Nepal and SAARC (New Delhi: Adroit Publications, 1988), pp29-30
    ④Bishwa Pradhan: Nepal: A Peace Zone (Kathmandu: Printhouse, 1982), pp111-114
    ①Bishwa Pradhan: Nepal: A Peace Zone (Kathmandu: Printhouse, 1982), pp111-114
    ②L.R. Baral: Nepal: Political Parties and Parliament (New Delhi: Adroit Publications, 2004), p49
    ①Bishwa Pradhan: Nepal: A Peace Zone (Kathmandu: Printhouse, 1982), p115
    ②当该计划首次被公开的时候,许多人的感觉是比兰德拉国王想得到国际上的保证,那就是在该地区爆发战争的时候,要保证这个内陆王国的独立和主权,其形式与瑞士颇为相似。一份在尼泊尔发行的英文报纸《祖国》就通过把和平区构想的本质特点刻划为“虽多次提及,但从未认真想过要将尼泊尔变成东方的瑞士”来婉转描述和平区理念的实质。但是,一些学者认为,考虑到其特殊的地理位置,经济发展的形式以及不同的历史背景,尼泊尔不能同瑞士相提并论,这样就排除了尼泊尔仿效瑞士中立模式的可能性。为了消除类似的疑虑和误解,尼首相图尔斯·吉里(Tulsi Giri)在1976年1月接受法新社的采访时曾明确表示:“尼泊尔的和平区绝不等同于中立。作为不结盟组织的一个创始国和积极成员,尼泊尔从未有过要让自己形成中立的局面的愿望,也没有要保持孤立、让自己远离世界事务的尘嚣之外的想法。我们之所以不选择中立或者是赞成中立政策的原因,可以归结至国王陛下在阿尔及利亚开会时所做的发言。不结盟峰会已经很明确地指出‘在存在允许世界上的每一个国家都能在各自所关心的问题上采取独立的立场并在完全平等的基础上参与到有着全球效应的国际问题的裁决的条件时,实现的和平的前景就能无比光明和远大’。”
    ③Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), p131
    ①Lok Raj Baral:“Democracy and Indo-Nepalese Relations”, India-Nepal Relations: The Challenge Ahead by Observer Research Foundation (New Delhi: Rupa & Co., 2004), p67
    ②Upendra Gautam:“China-South Asia political relations: A view from Nepal”, available at http://nation.ittefaq.com/artman/publish/article_24622.shtml, accessed on February 11st, 2009
    ③Kathryn Jacques: Bangladesh, India and Pakistan: International Relations and Regional Tensions in South Asia (New York: St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 2000), p72
    ④Mike Bowker:“Explaining Soviet Foreign Policy Behavior in the 1980s”, From Cold War to Collapse: Theory and World Politics in the 1980s ed by Robin Brown (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), p89
    ⑤Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997, p109,p325
    ⑥Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), pp145-146
    ①Donald C. Hellman (ed): Southern Asia: The Politics of Poverty and Peace: Critical Choices for Americans (Lexington: Lexington Books, 1976), p6
    ②Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1997), pp130-131
    ①Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1997), pp130-131
    ②Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), p257
    ①Dipak Gyawali:“Nepal-India Water Resource Relations”, Power and Negotiation edited by William Zartman and Jeffrey Z. Rubin (Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 2000), p139
    ①Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun: The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges (Kathmandu: Springer Science + Business B.V., 2009), p31
    ①Dwarika Nath Dhungel:“Historical Eye View”, The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Kathmandu: Springer Science + Business B.V., 2009), p28
    ②Bama Dev Sigdel: Nepal’s Relations with Japan and China (Kathmandu: Hishi Offset Printers (P) Ltd., 2003), p32
    ③A.S. Bhasin: Nepal’s Relations with India and China: Documents 1947-1992 (Delhi: Siba Exim. Pvt. Ltd., 2002), p57
    ④Ibid, p61
    ①A.S. Bhasin: Nepal’s Relations with India and China: Documents 1947-1992 (Delhi: Siba Exim. Pvt. Ltd., 2002), p57
    ②K. D. Adhikary , Khalilur Rahman, G. K. Ahmad, R. Rangachari, S. K. Malla, K. B. Rasheed, Sajjadur, B. B. Pradhan and B. G. Verghese(ed): Cooperation on the Eastern Himalayan Rivers: Opportunities and Challenges (Delhi: Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2000), p167
    ①K. D. Adhikary , Khalilur Rahman, G. K. Ahmad, R. Rangachari, S. K. Malla, K. B. Rasheed, Sajjadur, B. B. Pradhan and B. G. Verghese(ed): Cooperation on the Eastern Himalayan Rivers: Opportunities and Challenges (Delhi: Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2000), p171
    ①Dwarika Nath Dhungel:“Historical Eye View”The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika Nath Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Kathmandu: Springer Science + Business B.V., 2009), p39
    ②Bhubanesh Kumar Pradhan:“Personal Reflections: Nepal-India Water Relations”, The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Institute for Integrated Development Studies, IIDS) (Kathmandu: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2009), p249
    ①K. D. Adhikary , Khalilur Rahman, G. K. Ahmad, R. Rangachari, S. K. Malla, K. B. Rasheed, Sajjadur, B. B. Pradhan and B. G. Verghese(ed): Cooperation on the Eastern Himalayan Rivers: Opportunities and Challenges (Delhi: Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2000), p169
    ②Bhubanesh Kumar Pradhan:“Personal Reflections: Nepal-India Water Relations”, The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Institute for Integrated Development Studies, IIDS) (Kathmandu: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2009), p249
    ③特里苏里河发源于西藏地区,在由海拔1830米的尼泊尔中部拉苏瓦(Rasuwa)地区的拉苏佳利(Rasugarhi)进入尼泊尔之前,在喜马拉雅山区的流域面积达2600平方公里。特里苏里水电工程(Trishuli Hydel Project)是印、尼两国政府54年合作项目的一部分,工程设计的发电量为21000兆瓦,耗资1.288亿印度卢比,于1971年完工。
    ①Bhubanesh Kumar Pradhan:“Personal Reflections: Nepal-India Water Relations”, The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Institute for Integrated Development Studies, IIDS) (Kathmandu: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2009), p256
    ①S.D. Muni:“India and Regionalism in South Asia: A Political Perspective”, India’s Foreign Policy: Studies in Continuity and Change edited by Bimal Prasad (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1979), pp116-117
    ①L. S. Baral:“India and Nepal”, India’s Foreign Policy: Studies in Continuity and Change, Bimal Prasad (ed) (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1979), pp170-172
    ①L.S.Baral:“India and Nepal”, India’s Foreign Policy: Studies in Continuity and Change edited by Bimal Prasad (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1979), p186
    ②Ibid, p187
    ④Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaver Publishing House, 1994), p78
    ①S.D. Muni:“India and Regionalism in South Asia: A Political Perspective”, India’s Foreign Policy: Studies in Continuity and Change edited by Bimal Prasad (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1979), p118
    ②Singh K.: India and Bangladesh (Delhi: Anmol Publications, 1987), p56
    ③Harun Ur Rashid: Indo-Bangladesh Relations: An Insider’s View (New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2002), p65
    ①哈伦·乌尔·拉什德,1976-1979年任孟加拉外务部的主席(Director General),86-87年任部长助理(Additional Secretary)。在20世纪70、80年代,拉什德几乎参加了孟加拉同印度之间所有的双边问题的谈判。1981-82年,出任孟加拉共和国驻尼泊尔大使;82-84年,出任孟加拉共和国驻澳大利亚大使,84-86年出任孟加拉共和国驻菲律宾大使;87-91年,被派往孟加拉共和国驻日内瓦欧盟使团。
    ②Harun Ur Rashid: Indo-Bangladesh Relations: An Insider’s View (New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2002), p67
    ①Kathryn Jacques: Bangladesh, India and Pakistan: International Relations and Regional Tensions in South Asia (New York: St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 2000), p126
    ②S. Ghosh: The Role of India in the Emergence of Bangladesh (Calcutta: Minerva Associates, 1983), p41
    ③Harun Ur Rashid: Indo-Bangladesh Relations: An Insider’s View (New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2002), pp68-69
    ①Bhubanesh Kumar Pradhan:“Personal Reflections: Nepal-India Water Relations”, The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Institute for Integrated Development Studies, IIDS) (Kathmandu: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2009), pp258-259
    ①L.S. Baral:“India and Nepal”, India’s Foreign Policy: Studies in Continuity and Change edited by Bimal Prasad (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1979), p191
    ②S. D. Muni:“India and Regionalism in South Asia: A Political Perspective”, India’s Foreign Policy: Studies in Continuity and Change edited by Bimal Prasad (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1979), p126
    ③L.S. Baral:“India and Nepal”, India’s Foreign Policy: Studies in Continuity and Change edited by Bimal Prasad (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1979), p191
    ①L.S. Baral:“India and Nepal”, India’s Foreign Policy: Studies in Continuity and Change edited by Bimal Prasad (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1979), p191
    ②Bhubanesh Kumar Pradhan:“Personal Reflections: Nepal-India Water Relations”, The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Institute for Integrated Development Studies, IIDS) (Kathmandu: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2009), p252
    ①Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1997), p117
    ③Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaver Publishing House, 1994), p78
    ①Ashok Kapur and A. Jeyaratnam Wilson: Foreign Policies of India and Her Neighbours (New York: ST. Martin’s Press, Inc., 1996), p80
    ①S.D. Muni: India and Nepal: A Changing Relationship (Delhi: Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1995), p154
    ②Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1997), pp201-202
    ①Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1997), p197
    ②Ibid, p216
    ③Ibid, p217
    ①Shriman Narayan: India and Nepal: An Exercise in Open Diplomacy (Kathmandu: CEDA, 1987), P81
    ②Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1997), p217
    ①Thomas P. Thornton:“U.S. Strategic Interests in South Asia”, Determinants of National Security and Cooperation in India and Pakistan edited by Hafeez Malik (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1993), p35
    ②Vinod Kumar:“Great Powers and Nepal”, Nepal: An Assertive Monarchy edited by S.D. Muni (New Delhi: Chetana Publications, 1977), p152
    ③Christa A Skerry, Kerry Moran and Kay M. Calavan: Four Decades of Development: The History of U.S. Assistance to Nepal (1951-1991) (Kathmandu: USAID, 1991), p221
    ④Ibid, p224
    ①Christa A Skerry, Kerry Moran and Kay M. Calavan: Four Decades of Development: The History of U.S. Assistance to Nepal (1951-1991) (Kathmandu: USAID, 1991), p224
    ②Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1997), p124
    ③Ibid, p117
    ⑥Vinod Kumar:“Great Powers and Nepal”, Nepal: An Assertive Monarchy, S.D. Muni ed (New Delhi: Chetana Publications, 1977), p155
    ①Donald C. Hellman: Southern Asia: The Politics of Poverty and Peace: Critical Choices for Americans (Lexington: Lexington Books, 1976), p21
    ②Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1997), p126-127
    ③以上数据参见Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1997), p126、p137
    ①George M. Guess: The Politics of the United States Foreign Aid (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1987), p182
    ①Dipak Gyawali: Rivers, Technology and Society: Learning the Lessons of Water Management in Nepal (Kathmandu: Himal Books, 2003), p148
    ①Dipak Gyawali: Rivers, Technology and Society: Learning the Lessons of Water Management in Nepal (Kathmandu: Himal Books, 2003), p68
    ②Ibid, p69
    ③Ibid, pp69-70
    ①Alfred Escher:“World Bank Withdraws from Arun III Project at Inspection Panel's Recommendation”, available at http://www.wcl.american.edu/hrbrief/v3i1/wldbnk31.htm, accessed on March 19th, 2009
    ③Dipak Gyawali: Rivers, Technology and Society: Learning the Lessons of Water Management in Nepal (Kathmandu: Himal Books, 2003), p72
    ④Ratna Sansar Shrestha:“Arun III Project: Nepal’s Electricity Crisis and it’s Role in Current Load Shedding and the Potential Role 10 Years Hence”, available at http://nepaliperspectives.blogspot.com/2009/03/arun-iii-project-nepals-electricity.html, accessed on April 2nd, 2009
    ①Alfred Escher:“World Bank Withdraws from Arun III Project at Inspection Panel's Recommendation”, available at http://www.wcl.american.edu/hrbrief/v3i1/wldbnk31.htm, accessed on March 19th, 2009
    ①Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1997), p193
    ②Ibid, p194
    ①Rekha Chowdhary: Ideology and Politics of Ruling Parties in India (New Delhi: DEEP & DEEP Publications, 1991), p86
    ④Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1997), p174
    ⑤M. D. Dharamdasani: Nepal’s Foreign Policy (New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2005), p92
    ①Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal (New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1997), p174-175
    ③M. D. Dharamdasani: Nepal’s Foreign Policy (New Delhi: Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2005), p96
    ①Rekha Chowdhary: Ideology and Politics of Ruling Parties in India (New Delhi: DEEP & DEEP Publications, 1991), p86
    ①J.S. Mehta:“India-Nepal Relations: A Victim of Politics”, India-Nepal Relations: The Challenges Ahead,Observer Research Foundation (New Delhi: Rupa & Co., 2004), p67
    ①Andrew Nickson: Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making. 1992,转引自Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), pp53-54
    ①Arjun Karki and David Seddon: The People’s War in Nepal: Left Perspectives (Delhi: Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2003), p67
    ②R. Andrew Nickson:“Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making”, Understanding the Maoist Movement of Nepal, Deepak Thapa ed (Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Center for Social Research and Development, 2003), p5
    ①R. Andrew Nickson:“Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making”, Understanding the Maoist Movement of Nepal, Deepak Thapa ed (Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Center for Social Research and Development, 2003), p6
    ①R. Andrew Nickson:“Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making”, Understanding the Maoist Movement of Nepal, Deepak Thapa ed (Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Center for Social Research and Development, 2003), p7
    ②Baburam Bhattarai: Nepal: A Marxist View (Kathmandu: Jhilko Publications, 1990), p24
    ①R. Andrew Nickson:“Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making”, Understanding the Maoist Movement of Nepal, Deepak Thapa ed (Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Center for Social Research and Development, 2003), p11
    ①Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p29
    ②R. Andrew Nickson:“Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making”, Understanding the Maoist Movement of Nepal, Deepak Thapa ed (Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Center for Social Research and Development, 2003), p11
    ③Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p30
    ①Christa A, Skerry Kerry Moran and Kay M Calavan.: Four Decades of Development: The History of U.S. Assistance to Nepal (1951-1991) (Kathmandu: USAID, 1991), p201
    ②Li Onesto: Dispaches from the People’s War in Nepal (Chicago: Pluto Press, 2005), p142
    ①R. Andrew Nickson:“Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making”, Understanding the Maoist Movement of Nepal, Deepak Thapa ed (Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Center for Social Research and Development, 2003), p13
    ②Ibid, p14
    ③R. Andrew Nickson:“Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making”, Understanding the Maoist Movement of Nepal, Deepak Thapa ed (Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Center for Social Research and Development, 2003), p13
    ①Shiva Bahadur Singh: Indo-Nepalese Relations: Discord and Harmony (Varanasi: Ganga Kaveri Publishing House, 1994), p106
    ①Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p35
    ②T Louise Brown: The Challenge to Democracy in Nepal: A Political History (London: Routledge, 1996), p154
    ①R. Andrew Nickson:“Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making”, Understanding the Maoist Movement of Nepal, Deepak Thapa ed (Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Center for Social Research and Development, 2003), p17
    ①R. Andrew Nickson:“Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making”, Understanding the Maoist Movement of Nepal, Deepak Thapa ed (Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Center for Social Research and Development, 2003), p18
    ③Pracha N Maharjan:“The Maoist Insurgency and Crisis of Governability in Nepal”, Domestic Conflict and Crisis of Governability in Nepal, Dhruba Kumar ed (Kathmandu: Center for Nepal and Asian Studies, 2000), p93
    ④R. Andrew Nickson:“Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making”, Understanding the Maoist Movement of Nepal, Deepak Thapa ed (Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Center for Social Research and Development, 2003), p18
    ①S.D. Muni: Maoist Insurgency in Nepal: The Challenge and the Response (New Delhi: Rupa & Co., 2003), p129
    ①R. Andrew Nickson:“Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making”, Understanding the Maoist Movement of Nepal, Deepak Thapa ed (Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Center for Social Research and Development, 2003), pp18-19
    ②以上数据参见Blaikie Piers, John Cameron and David Seddon: Nepal in Crisis: Growth and Stagnation at the Periphery (Delhi: Adroit Publishers, 2001), p157
    ③R. Andrew Nickson:“Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making”, Understanding the Maoist Movement of Nepal, Deepak Thapa ed (Kathmandu: Martin Chautari Center for Social Research and Development, 2003), pp24-25
    ①Pracha N Maharjan:“The Maoist Insurgency and Crisis of Governability in Nepal”, Domestic Conflict and Crisis of Governability in Nepal, Dhruba Kumar ed (Kathmandu: Center for Nepal and Asian Studies, 2000), p106
    ①Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p39
    ②Krishna Hachhethu: Party Building in Nepal: Organization, Leadership and People (Kathmandu: Mandala Book Print, 2002), p68
    ①Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit: The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), p258
    ①Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), p260
    ①Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), p260
    ②Dipak Gyawali: Rivers, Technology and Society: Learning the Lessons of Water Management in Nepal (Kathmandu: Himal Books, 2003), p139
    ①Chandralekha Upadhyaya: India’s Foreign Policy: A Study in South Asian Perspective (Delhi: Independent Publishing Company, 2003), p102
    ①Ganesh Man Singh:“There is No Alternative to National Consensus”,信件具体内容参见Dhruba Kumar:“Parliament and Public Policy Making: A Case Study of the Mahakali Treaty”, Nepal: Political Parties and Parliament, Lok Raj Baral ed (New Delhi: Adroit Publications, 2004), Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit: The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005)
    ②Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit: The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), p266
    ①Dhruba Kumar:“Parliament and Public Policy Making: A Case Study of the Mahakali Treaty”, Nepal: Political Parties and Parliament, Lok Raj Baral ed (New Delhi: Adroit Publications, 2004), p156
    ②Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), p267
    ①Dipak Gyawali:“Nepal-Indian Water Resource Relations”, Power and Negotiation, edited by I. William Zartman & Jeffery Z. Rubin (Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 2000), p142
    ③Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), p267
    ④Dhruba Kumar:“Parliament and Public Policy Making: A Case Study of the Mahakali Treaty”, Nepal: Political Parties and Parliament, Lok Raj Baral ed (New Delhi: Adroit Publications, 2004), p157
    ①Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), p267
    ①Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), p268
    ②Ibid, 269
    ①Dhruba Kumar:“Parliament and Public Policy Making: A Case Study of the Mahakali Treaty”, Nepal: Political Parties and Parliament, Lok Raj Baral ed (New Delhi: Adroit Publications, 2004), p160
    ③B.G.Verghese:“Harnessing of Water Resources: India-Nepal Relations”, India-Nepal Relations: The Challenges Ahead,Observer Research Foundation (New Delhi: Rupa & Co., 2004), p213
    ①Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), p270
    ②Ibid, p271
    ④Ibid, p273
    ①Dhruba Kumar:“Parliament and Public Policy Making: A Case Study of the Mahakali Treaty”, Nepal: Political Parties and Parliament, Lok Raj Baral ed (New Delhi: Adroit Publications, 2004), p162
    ①Dhruba Kumar:“Parliament and Public Policy Making: A Case Study of the Mahakali Treaty”, Nepal: Political Parties and Parliament, Lok Raj Baral ed (New Delhi: Adroit Publications, 2004), p163
    ②Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), p274
    ①Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), p274
    ②Ibid, p276
    ①Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), pp275-276
    ②Ibid, p276
    ③“Mahakali Treaty As Good As Dead”, Nepal, Crisis Unlimited: Reflections from the Crucial Years, Barbara Adams (New Delhi: Adroit Publishers, 2006), p102
    ①Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), pp277
    ②Ibid, pp277-278
    ①Dipak Gyawali and Ajaya Dixit:“The Mahakali Impasse And Indo-Nepal Water Conflict”, Peace Processes and Peace Accords,Samir Kumar Das ed (New Delhi: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2005), pp279
    ①Dhruba Kumar:“Parliament and Public Policy Making: A Case Study of the Mahakali Treaty”, Nepal: Political Parties and Parliament, Lok Raj Baral ed (New Delhi: Adroit Publications, 2004), p165
    ①Dhruba Kumar:“Parliament and Public Policy Making: A Case Study of the Mahakali Treaty”, Nepal: Political Parties and Parliament, Lok Raj Baral ed (New Delhi: Adroit Publications, 2004), p164
    ①Rajendra Dahal:“From Darkness to Light”, available at http://www.himalmag.com/2007/september/india_hydropower.htm, accessed on March 4th, 2008
    ①“Nepal’s Maoists: Their Aims, Structure and Strategy”, International Crisis Group (Asia Report N°104– 27 October 2005), available at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/asia/south_asia/104_nepal_s_maoists_their_aims_structure_and_strategy.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ②Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p43
    ①Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p45
    ①“Nepal: From People Power to Peace?”International Crisis, Asia Report N°115– 10 May 2006, available at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/asia/south_asia/115_nepal_from_people_power_to_peace.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ②Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p48
    ③Pancha Maharjan:“The Maoist Insurgency and Crisis of Governability in Nepal”, Domestic Conflict and Crisis of Governability in Nepal, Dhruba Kumar ed (Kathmandu: Center for Nepal and Asian Studies, 2000), p168
    ①Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p86
    ①Pancha Maharjan:“The Maoist Insurgency and Crisis of Governability in Nepal”, Domestic Conflict and Crisis of Governability in Nepal, Dhruba Kumar ed (Kathmandu: Center for Nepal and Asian Studies, 2000), p168
    ②Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p89
    ③1、对毛主义的形成过程、组织架构、战略方针和未来计划做出了全面的分析;2、报告给政府提出的应对建议在很大程度上能够满足毛主义者要求的社会经济改革;3、报告承认尼警方的行为是非人道的、残酷的,许多无辜的群众因此失去生命;4、强调将尼共(毛主义)纳入宪法程序的重要性并正式向UPFN领袖巴塔拉伊提出谈判请求。参见Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p90
    ①Harka Gurung, Ananda Aditya, Surendra K.C., Chuda Bahadur Shrestha and Sudheer Sharma: An Overview of Recent Armed Conflict in Nepal (Kathmandu: New Era, 2001), p45
    ②这三点要求是:1、公布此前被定为“失踪”的毛主义中央委员会委员和其他成员的下落;2、释放被逮捕的工人以及同情毛主义运动的人士;3、结束国家暴力行为,开始调查卢孔地区发生的纵火和屠杀事件,向受害人家属支付赔偿金并惩罚肇事者。参见Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p95
    ③Pancha Maharjan:“The Maoist Insurgency and Crisis of Governability in Nepal”, Domestic Conflict and Crisis of Governability in Nepal, Dhruba Kumar ed (Kathmandu: Center for Nepal and Asian Studies, 2000), p168
    ①Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p96
    ①“A Great Leap Forward: The Inevitable Necessity of History”,参见Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p113
    ②1、成立制宪会议,组建过渡政府,成立共和国;2、解决与广大百姓密切相关的问题以并妥善处理同印度签署的不平等条约以及所有牵涉印度的有损国家主权和利益的不平等政策;3、要求政府为和谈创造“有利的氛围”。参见参见Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p117
    ①Andrew Nickson: Democratisation and the Growth of Communism in Nepal: A Peruvian Scenario in the Making. 1992,转引自Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), pp53-54
    ①以上数据参见Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003),“Nepal’s Maoists: Their Aims, Structure and Strategy”, International Crisis Group (Asia Report N°104– 27 October 2005), available at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/asia/south_asia/104_nepal_s_maoists_their_aims_structure_and_strategy.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ①以上数据参见Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003),“Nepal’s Maoists: Their Aims, Structure and Strategy”, International Crisis Group (Asia Report N°104– 27 October 2005), available at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/asia/south_asia/104_nepal_s_maoists_their_aims_structure_and_strategy.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ②本段内容中的观点和数据参见下述文章:Mani Nepal、Alok K. Bohara & Kishore Gawande:“Inequality, Polarization and Violent Conflict: The Maoist Insurgency in Nepal”, available at https://repository.unm.edu/dspace/handle/1928/3295 accessed on June 8th, 2008; Bishwa Nath Tiwari:“An Assessment of the Causes of Conflict in Nepal”; available at: https://repository.unm.edu/dspace/handle/1928/3294, accessed on June 8th, 2008; William Easterly:“Can Institutions Resolve Ethnic Conflict”, available at http://www.nyu.edu/fas/institute/dri/Easterly/File/can%20institutions%20resolve%20ethnic%20conflict.pdf, accessed on February 22nd, 2009; Nishchal Nath Pandey:“Nepal’s Maoist Movement and Implications for India and China”, available at http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0QLQ/is_2006_Feb/ai_n16068663/, accessed on February 22nd, 2009; Shahid Md. Parwez:“An Empirical Analysis of the Conflict in Nepal”, available at: http://igov.berkeley.edu/workingpapers/series2/No12_Iyer.pdf, accessed on February 22nd, 2009
    ①新马克思主义对“中心”和“边缘”这一组概念的定义及分析可以用来解释尼泊尔国内地区发展不均衡、区域分化现象严重的原因所在。源于中心和边缘的结构性不均衡使得中心可以从边缘那里获取附加利益来满足自身所需,同时还能确保对边缘的操控和边缘对自己的依赖。参见T. V. Paul, James J. Wirtz and Michel Fortmann(ed): Balance of Power: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004)
    ③Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997, p109,p156
    ①Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p66
    ①Nepal: Dealing with A Human Rights Crisis, International Crisis Group, Asia Report N°94– 24 March 2005, available at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/asia/south_asia/094_nepal_dealing_with_a_human_rights_crisis.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ①“Nepal: From People Power to Peace?”International Crisis, Asia Report N°115– 10 May 2006, available at: http://www.crisisgroup.org/library/documents/asia/south_asia/115_nepal_from_people_power_to_peace.pdf, accessed on December 26th, 2008
    ②Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p74
    ①Shobha Gautam: Women and Children in the Periphery of People’s War (Kathmandu: Institute of Human Rights Communications, 2001), p134
    ①Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p76
    ①Sohail Jawaid: The Naxalite Movement in India (Origin and Failure of the Maoist Revolutionary Strategy in West Bengal, 1967-1971), (New Delhi: Associated Publishing House, 1979), p67
    ①Sailen Chaudhuri: Maoist Betrayal India: A Case Study (New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Pvt, Ltd., 1980), p90
    ②Arun Prosad Mukherjee: Maoist‘Spring Thunder’: The Naxalite Movement (1967-1972) (Kolkata: K P Bagchi & Company, 2007), p102
    ①Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p190
    ③Narayan Khadka: Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy: Major Powers and Nepal, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 1997, p171
    ①Robyn Meredith: The Elephant and The Tiger: The Rise of India and China and What It Means for All of Us (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2007), p152
    ②Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p191
    ①Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p190
    ②Ibid, pp191-192
    ③Sushil Sharma:“Nepal Row Over US Support”, available at: https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south-asia/1564467.stm, accessed on December 17th, 2008
    ④S.D. Muni: Maoist Insurgency in Nepal: The Challenge and the Response (New Delhi: Rupa & Co., 2003), p58
    ①S.D. Muni: Maoist Insurgency in Nepal: The Challenge and the Response (New Delhi: Rupa & Co., 2003), p59
    ②Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p193
    ③Nishchal Nath Pandey: Nepal’s Maoist Movement and Implications for India and China (Regional Center for Strategic Studies Policy Studies 27) (New Delhi: Manohar Publishers & Distributors, 2005), pp157-159
    ②这五大政党是尼大会党、尼共(联合马列)、人民阵线(the People’s Front)、尼泊尔工农党和尼泊尔亲善党,参见Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p184
    ③Ibid, p185
    ①Deepak Thapa and Bandita Sijapati: A Kingdom Under Siege: Nepal’s Maoist Insurgency, 1996 to 2003 (Kathmandu: the Printhouse, 2003), p196
    ①Dipak Gyawali:“Epilogue: Re-imagining Nepal’s Water: Institutional Blind Spots, Development BIind Alleys and the Lessons of the Century Past”, The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Kathmandu: Springer Science + Business B.V., 2009), p307
    ①Rajendra Dahal:“From Darkness to Light”, available at http://www.himalmag.com/2007/september/india_hydropower.htm, accessed on March 4th, 2008
    ①Bhubanesh Kumar Pradhan:“Personal Reflections: Nepal-India Water Relations”, The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Kathmandu: Springer Science + Business B.V., 2009), p261
    ①转引自Bhubanesh Kumar Pradhan:“Personal Reflections: Nepal-India Water Relations”, The Nepal-India Water Relationship: Challenges, Dwarika N. Dhungel and Santa B. Pun eds (Kathmandu: Springer Science + Business B.V., 2009), p256

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