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Fabian socialism is the socialism ideological trend that is famous for “constitutionaldemocracy and gentle progress.” The Fabian main representatives, like, Sidney Webb,G.Bernard Shaw, G.D.H.Cole, C.A.R.Crosland etc., keeping a foothold on the historicaltradition and real national conditions and considering the imperialism transition period whichis from free capitalism to monopoly capitalism, inherit and develop the theory of Organicsociety, evolutionary history, rent theory, Marxism, Utilitarianism and Christian philosophyetc. Therefore, the ideology is gradually established.
     Fabian socialism regards history as the tendency that leads to socialism. The originalintention and duty of Fabians is to facilitate the compromise between traditional history andreal development and to lead people to socialism welfare countries by propaganda andeducation.
     Thus, Fabians outlines a strategical blueprint to realize socialism: In the aspect ofpolitical improvement, they pay attention to the instrumentality and neutrality of the state andpropose that with enlarging state functions and perfecting decentralization, civil servant teamcan be enriched by selecting expert talents under the system of civil officer and the balancebetween democracy and efficiency can be kept by establishing political and social congress.In the social and economic aspect, they hold that innovating tax system and carrying outmunicipal administration socialism and constantly adjusting the relationship between plan andmarket can propel to achieve the socialization of production instrument and resourceallocation and industry management democratization. For the education reform, they putforward the principle of education equality, education serving reality and educationdiversification. They carry out resolutely reformation in the system of education in UK,especially for advocating technical education and establishing London School of Economics&Politics In the aspect of welfare, they present that poverty should include two parts: materialand spirit poverty and inequality of social distribution is the main reason to causes poverty.Meanwhile, they believe that it is the duty of the whole state and society to carry out multiple humane relief measures. The Webbs raise a series of suggestions on social welfarereformation in “Minority Report” and promote to abolish the “poor laws”.
     Fabians didn’t propose the concrete contents in the aspect of politics and party, but wecan see the clue from the development of relationship building between Fabians and LabourParty. In fact, the relationship approximately evolves in two phases. Before World War I,considering reality and political philosophy, Fabian took penetrating strategy for early LabourParty and reluctantly maintained their basic relationship. After breaking out of World War II,as the penetrating policy for Liberal Party fails, the Fabians started to support thereorganization and reconstruction of Labour Party. After the new chapter and guidingprinciple were issued, Labour Party ascends to the traditional two-party system in the role ofworking class political party. Thus, a situation of tripartite confrontation in UK is formed.Since then, Labour Party becomes the instrument to carry out socialism.
     Fabianism, taking a century to develop and perfect, finally forms an irresistible trend andit plays an important role in theory and reality. Just for Britain, it not only leads to the trend ofgovernment administration reformation and change the pattern of party and politics, but alsoaccelerates the development of labour movement. In worldwide, the appearance of Fabianismriches the understanding of socialism, provides importance theory basis for revisionism andconstructs the original blueprint for market socialism. Moreover, it also creates the researchmethod of structure reconstruct. It is sure that Fabianism still has weakness in the basis andstrategy. For China, we can get the benefit from the Fabianism as follows: social reformlegalization, democracy politics institutionalization, citizenship education scientization andwelfare guarantee socialization.
    ⑤A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962.
    ⑥Patricia Pugh, Educate, Agitate, Organize:100Years of Fabian Socialism, London: CambridgeUniversity Press,1984.
    ①Carl Levy, Socialism and the Intelligentsia1880-1914, London: Routledge&Kegan Paul,1987.
    ②Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie, The Diary of Beatrice Webb, London: The London School of Economicsand Political Science,1982.
    ③Norman Mackenzie, The Letters of Sidney and Beatrice Webb, London: Cambridge University Press,2009.
    ④Drake Barbara and Cole Margaret, Our Partnership, London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd.,1948.
    ⑤Margaret Cole, The Webbs and Their Work, London: Greenwood Press,1949.
    ⑥Royden J. Harrison, The life and Times of Sidney and Beatrice Webb1858-1905: the Formative Years,London: Macmillan Press LTD,2000.
    ⑦S. and B. Webb, A Constitution for the Socialist Commonwealth of Great Britain, London: Longmans,1920.
    ①Lisanne Radice, Beatrice and Sidney Webb-Fabian Socialist, London: The Macmillan Press LTD,1984.
    ②Deborah Epstein Nord, The Apprenticeship of Beatrice Webb, London: The University of MassachusettsPress Amherst,1989.
    ③Mary Agnes Hamilton, Sidney and Beatrice Webb—A Study in Contemporary Biography, London:Sampson Low, Marston&Co.LTD,1933.
    ④Sister Barbars E. Nolan, The Political Theory of Beatrice Webb, New York: Ams Press Inc,1988.
    ⑤Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Industrial Democracy, London: Longman, Green and Co,1902.
    ⑥Sidney Webb, London Education, London: Longmans,1904.
    ⑦Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Soviet Communism: A New Civilization, Third Edition, London: Longmans,Green and Co,1944.
    ①Mark bevir, Fabianism, Permeation and Independent Labour, The Historical Journal, Vol.39, No.1,1996(3):179-196.
    ②Josephine Fishel Milburn, The Fabian Society and the British Labour Party, The Western PoliticalQuarterly, Vol.11, No.2,1958(6):319-339.
    ③Gordon K Lewis, Fabian Socialism; Some Aspects of Theory and Practice, The Journal of Politics,Vol.14, No.3,1952(8):442-470.
    ④Mary Peter Mack, The Fabians and Utilitarianism, Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol.16, No.11955(1):76-78.
    ⑤Fred D. Schneider, Fabians and the Utilitarian Idea of Empire, The Review of Politics, Vol.35, No.4.1973(10):501-522.
    ⑥Mark Bevir, Sidney Webb: Utilitarianism, Positivism, and Social Democracy, The Journal of ModernHistory, Vol.74, No.2,2002(6):217-252.
    ⑦William Irvine, Shaw,The Fabians and the Utilitarians, Journal of The History Ideas, Vol.Ⅷ, No.2,1947(4):218-231.
    ⑧Jesse D. Clarkson, The Background of Fabian Theory, The Journal of Economic History, Vol.13, No.4.1953(10):462-471.
    ⑨Mary E. Murphy, The Role of the Fabian Society in British Affairs, Southern Economic Journal, Vol.14,No.1.1947(7):14-23.
    ①Jack Melitz, The Trade Unions and Fabian Socialism, Industrial and Labour Relations Review, Vol.12,No.4.1959(1):554-567.
    ②William Irvine, George Bernard Shaw and Karl Marx, The Journal of Economic History, Vol. Ⅶ,No.1,1946(5):53-72.
    ③George J Stigler, Bernard Shaw, Sidney Webb, and the Theory of Fabian Socialism, Proceedings of theAmerican Philosophical Society, Vol.103, No.3,1959(6):469-475.
    ④Carole Seymour-Jones, Webbs of Intrigue, New Statesman, Vol.Ⅶ, No.283,1993:50.
    ⑤R. H. Tawney, In Memory of Sidney Webb, Economical, New Series, Vol.14, No.56,1947(11):245-253.
    ⑥Glenn Perusek, The Internal Politics of Trade Unions: the Neglected View of Sidney and Beatrice Webb,Labour Studies Journal, Vol.18, No.1,1993(4):32-42.
    ⑦A. V. Judges, The Educational Influence of the Webbs, The British Journal of Educational Studies, Vol.10,No.1,1961(11):33-48.
    ⑧Cardiff, The Poor Law Reports of1909and the Social Theory of the Charity Organization Society,Victorian Studies, Vol.27, No.3,1984(4):343-363.
    ⑨Russel D. Lansbury and Geoffrey J. Prideaux, Industrial Democracy: Toward an Analytical Framework,Journal of Economic Issues, Vol.15, No.2,1981(6):325.
    ⑩Yosef, Gorni, Beatrice Webb’s Views on Judaism and Zionism, Juwish Social Studies, Vol.40, No.2,1978(4):95-116.
    ①V.L.Allen, Valuations and Historical Interpretation: A Case Study, The British Journal of Sociology,Vol.14, No.1,1963(3):48-58.
    ②J.A.Hall, The Roles and Influence of Political Intellectuals: Tawney vs Sidney Webb, The British Journalof Sociology, Vol.28, No.3,1977(9):351-362.
    ③Alan. J. Kidd, Historian or Polemicists? How the Webbs Wrote Their History of the English Poor Laws,The Economic History Review, Vol.40, No.3,1987(8):400-417.
    ②M. Cole,1893-1980: The Story of Fabian Socialism. London: Heinemann,1961:175-176.
    ④M. Cole,1893-1980: The Story of Fabian Socialism. London: Heinemann,1961:85.
    ⑤Mary Agnes Hamilton, Beatrice and Sidney Webb, London: Sampson Low, Marston&CO. LTD,1932:32.
    ②System of Tripartite,即生产所得由地主、佃农以及佃农雇佣的农工三分。
    ①W. H. B. Court, British History:1870-1914, Commentaries and Documents, Cambridge,1965:45-49.
    ②R. C. O. Matthews, British Economic Growth:1856-1973, Stanford,1982:228-231.
    ①William Booth, In the Darkest London and the Way Out, London: Diggory Press,1885:19-20.
    ③E. Royle, Modern Britain: A Social History,1750-1985, Arnold,1988:159.
    ④William Booth, In the Darkest London and the Way Out, London: Diggory Press,1885:20.
    ①Hubert Bland, The Outlook of Socialism in G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed. London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:239.
    ②Hubert Bland, The Outlook of Socialism in G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed. London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:255.
    ②Asa Briggs, Introduction in G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed. London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:18.
    ④Sidney Webb, The Historical Basis of Socialism in G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed. London:George Allen&Unwin,1962:18.
    ②Sidney Webb, Socialism: True and False, Fabian Tract No.51. London: Fabian Society,1899:6.
    ③Drake Barbara and Cole Margaret, Our Partnership, London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd.,1948:210.
    ④Sister Barbars E. Nolan, The Political Theory of Beatrice Webb, New York: Ams Press Inc,1988:
    ⑤Mark Bevir, Sidney Webb: Utilitarianism, Positivism, and Social Democracy, The Journal of ModernHistory, Vol.74, No.2.2002:218.
    ②William Irvine, Shaw, The Fabians and the Utilitarians, Journal of The History of Ideas, Vol. Ⅷ,No.4.1947:222.
    ①A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:61-62.
    ②William Irvine, George Bernard Shaw and Karl Marx, The Journal of Economic History, Vol.6,1946(1):72.
    ④Sidney Webb, Socialism in England. London: Swan Sonnenschein,1890:8.
    ③James Fuchs, The Socialism of Shaw, New York: Vanguard Press,1926:147.
    ②Sidney Webb, The Decline in the Birthrate, Fabian Tract No.131. London: Fabian Society,1907:2.
    ③Samuel Smiles, Self Help, London: Book Jungle.2009:1-3.
    ①Margaret Cole, The Story of Fabian Socialism, New York: John Wiley&Sons,1964:54.
    ②William Irvine, Shaw, The Fabians and the Utilitarians, Journal of The History of Ideas, Vol. Ⅷ,No.4.1947:220.
    ②Alexander Gray, The Socialist Tradition: Moses to Lenin, London: Longmans, Green and Co.Ltd,1948:389.
    ①Mary Agnes Hamilton, Beatrice and Sidney Webb, London: Sampson Low, Marston&CO.LTD,1932:240.
    ①G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed., London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:215-216.
    ②G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed., London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:179.
    ①G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed., London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:216.
    ②Sidney Webb, The Difficulties of Individualism, Fabian Tract No.69. London: Fabian Society,1896:6.
    ③Sidney Webb, The Historical Basis of Socialism in G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed. London:George Allen&Unwin,1962:77-84.
    ①G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed., London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:222.
    ②Mulford. Q. Sibly, Political Ideas and Ideologies: A History of Political Thought. New York: Harper&Row,1970:527.
    ①G. B. Shaw, Everybody’s Political What’s What. London: Constable,1944:244-366.
    ②Drake Barbara and Cole Margaret, Our Partnership, London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd.,1948:97.
    ①Drake Barbara and Cole Margaret, Our Partnership, London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd.,1948:120.
    ①S. and B. Webb, A Constitution for the Socialist Commonwealth of Great Britain, London: Longmans,1920:117.
    ②S. and B. Webb, A Constitution for the Socialist Commonwealth of Great Britain, London: Longmans,1920:115-128.
    ①A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:95.
    ①A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:29.
    ①Margaret Cole, The Story of Fabian Socialism, New York: John Wiley&Sons,1964:4.
    ③Sidney Webb, Socialism in England. London: Swan Sonnenschein,1890:10.
    ⑥G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed., London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:260.
    ⑦Sidney Webb, Socialism: True and False, Fabian Tract No.51. London: Fabian Society,1899:6.
    ①不在地主所有权(absentee ownership)在资本主义上,本指不参与直接生产的地主所拥有的权利,相对名词为佃权。此种权利在某些时候为负面用词,19世纪中期,实施市场开放最力的美国政府还将拥有2000公亩以上的不在地主所有权视为投机。20世纪后,该名词后来普遍于审计制度被引申为非经营者的业主权益。
    ②G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed., London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:58.
    ②G. D. H. Cole, A History of Socialist Thought, Vol. Ⅲ, The Second International1889-1914, London:Macmillan,1956:118.
    ①The Fabian Society, Report on Fabian Policy and Resolutions, Fabian Tract No.70. London: FabianSociety,1896:6.
    ①Sidney Ball, The Moral Aspects of Socialism, Fabian Tract No.72. London: Fabian Society,1896:1.
    ③Hubert Bland, The Outlook of Socialism in G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed. London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:248.
    ④Sidney Ball, The Moral Aspects of Socialism, Fabian Tract No.72. London: Fabian Society,1896:2.
    ①G. B. Shaw, What Socialism Is, Fabian Tract No.13. London: Fabian Society,1890:3.
    ②Sidney Webb, Socialism: True and False, Fabian Tract No.51. London: Fabian Society,1899:13.
    ③The Fabian Society, Report on Fabian Policy and Resolutions, Fabian Tract No.70. London: FabianSociety,1896:9.
    ④S. and B. Webb, The Consumer’s Co-operative Movement, London: Longmans,1921:481.
    ⑤G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed., London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:149.
    ①Sidney Webb, Socialism: True and False, Fabian Tract No.51. London: Fabian Society,1899:17-18.
    ①Sidney Webb, An Eight Hours Bill, Fabian Tract No.9. London: Fabian Society,1889:1-15.
    ②Sidney Webb, Twentieth Century Politic: A Policy of National Efficiency, Fabian Tract No.108. London:Fabian Society,1899:8.
    ②Sidney Webb, Socialism: True and False, Fabian Tract No.51. London: Fabian Society,1899:17.
    ③Sidney Webb, Socialism: True and False, Fabian Tract No.51. London: Fabian Society,1899:18.
    ①G. B. Shaw, The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism, Vol.Ⅱ, London: Pelican,1937:
    ②S. and B. Webb, The Decay of Capitalist Civilization, London: Longmans,1923:54.
    ①G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed., London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:192-193.
    ①A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:105.
    ①S. and B. Webb, The Consumer’s Co-operative Movement, London: Longmans,1921:461-462.
    ①S. and B. Webb, A Constitution for the Socialist Commonwealth of Great Britain, London: Longmans,1920:147.
    ②Philip Snowden, Socialism and Syndicalism, London: Collins,1913:142-143.
    ②G. B. Shaw, Fabian Parliament League, Fabian Tract No.6. London: Fabian Society,1887:7.
    ③A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:110-111.
    ①J. R. Hicks, Value and Capital, New York: Oxford University Press,1939:172.
    ①G. B. Shaw, What Socialism Is, Fabian Tract No.13. London: Fabian Society,1891:3.
    ①Alexander Gray, The Socialist Tradition: Moses to Lenin, London: Longmans, Green,1948:387.
    ②Fabian News, January1909.
    ③Edward. R. Pease, Capital and Compensation, Fabian Tract No.147. London: Fabian Society,1909:15.
    ①A. V. Judges, The Educational Influence of the Webbs, The British Journal of Educational Studies, Vol.10,No.1,1961(11):33-48.
    ②A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:208.
    ②A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:208-209.
    ③A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:209.
    ④A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:208.
    ⑤A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:208.
    ⑥Sidney Webb, The Education Muddle and the Way Out, Fabian Tract No.106. London: Fabian Society,1901:22.
    ①A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:25.
    ①Margaret Cole, The Webbs and Their Work, London: Greenwood Press,1949:43.
    ②The Fabian Society, Report on Fabian Policy and Resolutions, Fabian Tract No.70. London: FabianSociety,1896:5.
    ④Graham Wallas, Property Under Socialism in G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed. London: GeorgeAllen&Unwin,1962:181.
    ②A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:207.
    ③Lisanne Radice, Beatrice and Sidney Webb—Fabian Socialist, London: The Macmillan Press LTD,1984:
    ④Lisanne Radice, Beatrice and Sidney Webb—Fabian Socialist, London: The Macmillan Press LTD,1984:
    ⑤A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:206.
    ①Norman Mackenzie, The Letters of Sidney and Beatrice Webb, London: Cambridge University Press,1978:173-174.
    ①A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:211.
    ②Royden J. Harrison, The Life and Times of Sidney and Beatrice Webb, London: Macmillan Press Ltd.,2000:272.
    ③A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:211.
    ④A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:211.
    ①Drake Barbara and Cole Margaret, Our Partnership, London: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd.,1948:79.
    ①A. V. Judges, The Educational Influence of the Webbs, The British Journal of Educational Studies, Vol.10,No.1,1961(11):41.
    ②Drake Barbara and Cole Margaret, Our Partnership, London: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd.,1948:78.
    ③A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:210.
    ④Margaret Cole, The Webbs and Their Work, London: Greenwood Press,1949:44.
    ②Drake Barbara and Cole Margaret, Our Partnership, London: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd.,1948:86.
    ④Dahrendorf, Ralf, LSE: A History of the London School of Economics and Political Science (1895-1995),New York: Oxford University Press,1995:5.
    ①Lisanne Radice, Beatrice and Sidney Webb—Fabian Socialist, London: The Macmillan Press LTD,1984:119.
    ①Drake Barbara and Cole Margaret, Our Partnership, London: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd.,1948:94-95.
    ②Margaret Cole, The Webbs and Their Work, London: Greenwood Press,1949:42-43.
    ③Lisanne Radice, Beatrice and Sidney Webb—Fabian Socialist, London: The Macmillan Press LTD,1984:120.
    ②Drake Barbara and Cole Margaret, Our Partnership, London: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd.,1948:89.
    ①A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:219.
    ②刘新,伦敦经济学院简介[EB/OL]. http://sj.shufe.edu.cn/science/6.htm.2006-10-25.
    ①N. B. Harte, The University of London,1836-1986: An Illustrated History, London: Athlone Press,1986:139-140.
    ②N. B. Harte, The University of London,1836-1986: An Illustrated History, London: Athlone Press,1986:140.
    ①Drake Barbara and Cole Margaret, Our Partnership, London: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd.,1948:102.
    ②Drake Barbara and Cole Margaret, Our Partnership, London: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd.,1948:102.
    ①Sidney Webb, London Education, London: Longmans,1904:65.
    ①Sidney Webb, London Education, London: Longmans,1904:52-53.
    ②Drake Barbara and Cole Margaret, Our Partnership, London: Longmans, Green and Co., Ltd.,1948:442.
    ①Sidney and Beatrice Webb, The Public Organization of the Labor Market—The Minority Report of thePoor Law Commission,PartⅡ, London: Longmans, Green and Co.,1909: Ⅱ.
    ②Sidney and Beatrice Webb, The Break Up of the Poor Law—The Minority Report of the Poor LawCommission, PartⅠ, London: Longmans, Green and Co.,1909:71.
    ①Sidney and Beatrice Webb, The Break Up of the Poor Law—The Minority Report of the Poor LawCommission, PartⅠ, London: Longmans, Green and Co.,1909:15.
    ②Sidney and Beatrice Webb, The Break Up of the Poor Law—The Minority Report of the Poor LawCommission, PartⅠ, London: Longmans, Green and Co.,1909:16.
    ①London Municipal Society and National Union of Ratepayers’ Association, The Abuse of Poor Law Reliefin Bermondsey, Southwark, Greenwich (Deptford), Shoreditch and Woolwich Socialism in LocalGovernment,London: London Municipal Society and National Union of Ratepayers’ Association,1927:4-5.
    ②London Municipal Society and National Union of Ratepayers’ Association, The Abuse of Poor LawRelief in Bermondsey, Southwark, Greenwich (Deptford), Shoreditch and Woolwich Socialism in LocalGovernment,London: London Municipal Society and National Union of Ratepayers’ Association,1927:9.
    ①Sidney and Beatrice Webb, The Break Up of the Poor Law—The Minority Report of the Poor LawCommission, PartⅠ, London:Longmans, Green and Co.,1909:36.
    ①Lisanne Radice, Beatrice and Sidney Webb—Fabian Socialist, London: The Macmillan Press LTD,1984:161.
    ②Lisanne Radice, Beatrice and Sidney Webb—Fabian Socialist, London: The Macmillan Press LTD,1984:165.
    ①Sidney and Beatrice Webb, The Public Organization of the Labor Market—The Minority Report of thePoor Law Commission, Part Ⅱ, London: Longmans, Green and Co.,1909:333.
    ②Sidney and Beatrice Webb, The Public Organization of the Labor Market—The Minority Report of thePoor Law Commission, Part Ⅱ, London: Longmans, Green and Co.,1909:325-330.
    ①Sidney and Beatrice Webb, The Public Organization of the Labor Market—The Minority Report of thePoor Law Commission, Part Ⅱ, London: Longmans, Green and Co.,1909:299.
    ②Margaret Cole, The Webbs and Their Work, London: Greenwood Press,1949:112.
    ③Margaret Cole, The Webbs and Their Work, London: Greenwood Press,1949:104.
    ①Margaret Cole, The Webbs and Their Work, London: Greenwood Press,1949:101.
    ③A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:344-345.
    ②A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:314.
    ①A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:321.
    ①The Fabian Society, A Manifesto, Fabian Tract No.2. London: Fabian Society,1884:1.
    ②A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:316.
    ①Margaret Cole, The Webbs and Their Work, London: Greenwood Press,1949:170.
    ②A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:343.
    ③A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:343.
    ①G. D. H. Cole,“Fabianism”, Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Vol. Ⅵ, New York: Macmillan,1962:49.
    ②R. H. S. Crossman, ed., New Fabian Essays, London: J. M. Dent&Sons,1970:4.
    ③R. H. S. Crossman, ed., New Fabian Essays, London: J. M. Dent&Sons,1970: ⅸ.
    ①Gordon K Lewis, Fabian Socialism; Some Aspects of Theory and Practice, The Journal of Politics,Vol.14, No.3.1952:449-450.
    ②Adam B. Ulam, Philosophical Foundation of English Socialism. New York: Octagon Books,1964:79.
    ①Adam B. Ulam, Philosophical Foundation of English Socialism. New York: Octagon Books,1964:79.
    ②Gordon K Lewis, Fabian Socialism; Some Aspects of Theory and Practice, The Journal of Politics,Vol.14, No.3.1952:470.
    ①Ernest Barker, Political Thought in England,1848-1914, London: Oxford University Press,1959:191.
    ②Alexander Gray, The Socialist Tradition: Moses to Lenin, London: Longmans, Green,1948:400.
    ③A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:328.
    ④Gordon K Lewis, Fabian Socialism; Some Aspects of Theory and Practice, The Journal of Politics,
    ②Alexander Gray, The Socialist Tradition: Moses to Lenin, London: Longmans, Green,1948:397.
    ③O. D. Skelton, Socialism: A Critical Analysis, London: Crstable,1911:289.
    ①G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed., London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:82.
    ②G. B. Shaw, ed., Fabian Essays,6th ed., London: George Allen&Unwin,1962:166.
    ③A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:68.
    ②A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:46.
    ③A.M. Mcbriar, Fabian Socialism and English Politics1884-1918, London: Cambridge University Press,1962:44.
    ①Bowle John, Politics and Option in the Nineteenth Century: An Historical Introduction. London:Jonathan Cape,1966:425.
    ②Gordon K Lewis, Fabian Socialism; Some Aspects of Theory and Practice, The Journal of Politics,Vol.14, No.3.1952:454.
    ①Gordon K Lewis, Fabian Socialism; Some Aspects of Theory and Practice, The Journal of Politics,Vol.14, No.3.1952:450.
    ②Gordon K Lewis, Fabian Socialism; Some Aspects of Theory and Practice, The Journal of Politics,Vol.14, No.3.1952:34.
    ①Gordon K Lewis, Fabian Socialism; Some Aspects of Theory and Practice, The Journal of Politics,Vol.14, No.3.1952:459.
    ②Gordon K Lewis, Fabian Socialism; Some Aspects of Theory and Practice, The Journal of Politics,Vol.14, No.3.1952:459.
    ①Max Beer, A History of British Socialism, Vol.Ⅱ, London: Allen&Unwin,1953:287.
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    [9]Royden J.Harrison, The Life and Times of Sidney and Beatrice Webb1858-1905: The Formative Years,London: Palgrave Macmillan Press LTD,2000.
    [10]Margaret Cole, The Webbs and Their Work, London: Greenwood Press,1949.
    [11]Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie, The Diary of Beatrice Webb, London: The London School ofEconomics and Political Science,1982.
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    [32]Philip Snowden, Socialism and Syndicalism, London: Collins,1913.
    [33]Alexander Gray, The Socialist Tradition: Moses to Lenin, London: Longmans, Green,1948.
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    [35]N. B. Harte, The University of London,1836-1986: An Illustrated History, London: Athlone Press,1986.
    [36]Sidney Webb, London Education, London: Longmans,1904.
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    [38]R. H. S. Crossman, ed., New Fabian Essays, London: J. M. Dent&Sons,1970.
    [39]Adam. B. Ulam, Philosophical Foundation of English Socialism, New York: Octagon Books,1964.
    [40]Ernest Barker, Political Thought in England,1848-1914, London: Oxford University Press,1959.
    [41]Mary Agnes Hamilton, Beatrice and Sidney Webb, London: Sampson Low, Marston&CO. Ltd,1932.
    [42]William Booth, In the Darkest London and the Way Out, London: Diggory Press,1885.
    [43]E. Rovle, Modern Britain: A Social History,1750-1985, London: Arnold,1988.
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