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With the development of culture industry, the financing and investment have become a bottleneck restricting the development of Chinese culture industry. Therefore, how to enhance the financial support to culture industry has gained highly attention from the theory field and the practical affairs field. Combined with the current status of Chinese culture industry, this dissertation presents that industrial investment fund is definitely going to become one of the important financing methods to support culture industry. However, the systematic study on industrial investment fund supporting culture industry is still absent in China; and practical operation mode has not yet formed. Therefore, by using theories and methods of industry economics and investment, this dissertation constructs systematic theory framework of industrial fund supporting culture industry, emphasizing the research of the mechanism for industrial investment fund supporting culture industry. With describing Chinese culture industry development and financing status, the dissertation proposes the detailed policy suggestions of establishing a new type of culture industrial investment fund and constructing a culture industrial financing support platform. The dissertation consists of six parts:
     (1) The theoretical foundation of this dissertation. This dissertation overviews industry life cycle theory, industrial upgrading theory, investment portfolio theory, transaction cost theory, commission-agency relationship theory and financial innovation theory; and those theories provide theoretical foundation for this dissertation.
     (2) The features and modes of industrial investment fund. Based on the understanding of relative definitions of industrial investment fund, the dissertation analyzes the features of industrial investment fund, and concludes the modes of industrial investment fund, and then reviews the developing course of domestic and international industrial funds.
     (3) Financial support for culture industry. The dissertation firstly defines the concept of culture industry; and analyzes the investment characteristics of culture industry; and then takes France, Britain, Korea and United States as examples to compare four different types of financing methods supporting culture industry with industrial investment fund, that is, government operation management, government administrative guidance, government market guidance, and market-oriented method; and finally, concludes the supporting measures of culture industry financial support of world main nations. The mechanism of industrial investment fund supporting culture industry. This dissertation firstly studies the mechanism of industrial investment fund acted on culture enterprises growth. Based on the theoretical analysis of culture enterprises growth, this dissertation describes the correlation between industrial investment fund and culture enterprises growth; and analyzes the path for industrial investment supporting culture enterprises' development. Next, the dissertation studies the mechanism of industrial investment fund acted on culture industry growth. Based on the theoretical analysis of culture industry growth, this dissertation describes the correlation between industrial investment fund and culture industry growth; and analyzes the path for industrial investment supporting culture industry's development. Finally, based on the theoretical study of culture industrial upgrading, the dissertation studies the mechanism of industrial investment fund supporting culture industry upgrading.
     (4) The compare and selection of Chinese culture industry financing methods. This dissertation firstly describes the development of Chinese culture industry and its financing status; and reviews the developing course of Chinese culture industry; and then introduces the traditional financing methods for Chinese culture industry; and also analyses the limitation of those traditional methods. Based on those, the dissertation concludes that industrial investment fund is an inevitable choice for culture industry financing. Finally, in order to solve the difficulties that existing industrial investment funds are facing during practical operation, the dissertation presents that the establishment of a new type of culture industrial investment fund is imperative.
     (5) A new type of culture industrial fund and the establishment of its financing platform. the dissertation defines the concept of the new type of culture industrial investment fund; and analyses its features, and also proposes concrete organizing principles, layouts, operating manners, investing strategies, layout measurements and relative policy suggestions of new type of culture industrial investment fund. Finally, this dissertation tries to establish a new type of financing platform with Chinese characteristics and with the new type of culture industrial investment fund as its core. This financing platform is constructed with two sub-platforms and a system, that is, government financial sub-platform, market financial sub-platform and financial service system. The reciprocal mechanism between two sub-platforms and also between sub-platforms and the new type of industrial investment fund, renders strong financial support for culture industry and therefore, promotes development and upgrading of culture industry.
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