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The implementation of Household Responsibility System(HRS), which peels off the land-use right from the land property and adjust the relationship of income distribution of rural land, is a pioneering system of land right and the most important system and bascial characteristics of Chinese Socialism. It greatly trigger the production enthusiasm of hundreds of millions of farmers, effectively promotes the prosperity of rural areas and the economy. At the same time, it also should be noted that after a period of rapid growth, small-scale decentralized mangement, which is characterized by land equalization policy, exposes a series of problems.The fragmentation of land hinderes the efficiency of agricultural production and prevent scale application of agricultural science and technology, especially hamperes the development of agricultural economy. Therefore, depending on the framework of the land system, establishing flexible and effective mechanism for land circulation, optimizing the allocation of land resources, developing the economic factors of land values, promoting agricultural and rural economic development, become the key issue to China's economic development.
     On the basis of exploration and practice in most places of China, a lot of research foucus and study on the topic of land circulation and make great improvement. The problems is tha most of these studies mainly focuse on the problems of land circulationing, influencing factors, the influencing degree of various factors and countermeasures and so on. In order to study the behavior of land circulation deeper, we also need to research and study the essence of the characteristics of land circulation, the decision-making motivation and processe of pricing issuees between different stakeholders in the land circulation. Therefore, based on the introduction of the relevant research results of spatial econometrics and bargaining theory, this paper studies the characteristics of land circulation and the relationship between the various stakeholders, analyzes the optimal mechanism of land circulation and the land circulation pricing issue by building an appropriate economic mathematical model, draws some important conclusions from the theory and practice aspects. The content of this paper extends several relevant conclusions of land circulation, provides feasibility inspiration and guidance for mechanism design and construction of land circulation.The main research content goes as followes
     1. As the premise of in-depth theoretical analysis, this paper firstly summarize the relevant theory of land circulation, collate and review the research results of land circulation, including the overview of China’s land circulation and the relevant research of land circulation at home and abroad, concluded the differences between Chian and foreign countries by comparative analysis. On the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of land circulation, we get that land circulation is the fluxion and alienation of land-use right, it means that farmers could transfer the land-use right of their contract cultivate land to anyone if they wish, and make a deep investigateon this viewpoint.
     2. Introduced spatial econometrics, established index of the land circulation degree, and studyed spatial mechanism of land circulation. Research have shown that the better economic development and the more government attention, the more conductive to regional land circulation; Research funds also have significant influence on land circulation in recent years,which also shows that scientific and technological progress, technological innovation become more and more important in regional land circulation; increasing fixed investment will increase the fixed capital in rural areas, and then increase the value of land attachment capital stock, thus play a deterrent effect on the land circulation. The spatial clustering test results show that because of lack of proper commuication, the regional land circulation have significant differences, and the characteristics of gather land circulation become more and more clear from 2005.
     3. Introduced bargaining theory, analyzed the optimal mechanism of land circulation among central government, local government, investors and farmers. Research shows that if farmers and investors bargain over the price directly, the outcome of the competition between investors is that farmers must be given a higher compensation price by investors, which will lead to low investment income, thereby reduce the enthusiasm of investors. Based on the conclusion of the above game, introduced equity theory, established local government payoff function which balabcing equity and efficiency, analyzed the situation that the game is played with a fair and efficient local government and farmers. The analysis result of the model shows that if a fair and efficient local government bargain with the farmers first, then circulation land to investors, can be an appropriate balance of the interests between investors and farmers, also there is more policy space.
     4. Based on the analysis of the land circulation characteristics and the current problems and influencing factors of the land circulation pricing model, established a land circulation pricing model with the nature of social welfare which containing the rent of land-use right circulation, subsistence allowance, land value-added benefits and the new skill training cost of farmers. Meanwhile, study on the influencing factors of land circulation price by empirical analysis.The results showed that the urbanization rate, inflation, land revenue and the farmers’fixed capital have significant positive impact on land value, which is the factors that have been exxpected, which implies the land circulation pricing model based on social sucurity is certain rationale.
     5. Taked the only ethnic minority autonomous county of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area - Shizhu as an example, depending on the investigation of questionnaire, this paper studied the land circulation problem in Three Gorges Reservoir Area. The results showed that the development of urbanization promote the land circulation, while the factors of distance from rural to main urban areas, mountainous area ratio and the attitude of farmers play a deterrent effect on the land circulation. At the same time, the paper analyzed various factors on the land circulation intention based on the results of the questionnaire and the influcing factors of land pricing model. The results showed that land rents price, social security, value choice and rate of employment are important factors to influce famers’intention on land circulation. These factors are positive correlated with circulation intention, while value choice is negative correlation.
     The main research conclusions and innovations are:
     1. Analyzed the current situation and mechanism of land circulation by introducing spatial econometrics. Constructed new indexes to measure the degree of land circulation, and analyzed the interactive mechanism between land circulation and environmental factors by spatial econometric model. Investigated the characteristics of land circulation from an overall perspective by using new methods, and drew some feasibility conclusions.
     2. Introduced bargaining theory into land circulation mechanism, and investigated the optimal equilibrium solution of different stakeholders’income distribution in the process of land circulation. Through modifying the classical bargaining game model, established local government payoff function which balancing equity and efficiency, analyzed the situation that the game is played with a fair and efficient local government and farmers, put forward a viewpoint that the local government is the key to successfully implement land circulation.
     3. On the basis of the characteristics that land is not only productive property, but also has the function of social security, combining the current problems and influencing factors of the land circulation pricing model, established a land circulation pricing model with social welfare factors which containing the rent of land-use right circulation, subsistence allowance, land value-added benefits and the new skill training cost of farmers, provided the guidance to frame a more realistic land circulation mechanism.
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