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Under the background of the economic crisis at the end of 1970's and the welfare system reform in 1980's and 1990's in the Western countries, a new economic shape, also a charity mode is shining. Integrating successful business model with social aims, profit with charity, it strives to innovate charity by entrepreneurship. It is known popularly as social enterprises (SEs). The practice of social enterprises is raging like a storm. It not only breaks the deadlock, also breaks the plight of the dependence on the third-party funding for NPOs and create a new path of sustainable development for the NPOs and the public benefits activity. Social enterprises have made important contributions to promote employment, creat income and reduce poverty. Their contributions were also far beyond its economic value. The social enterprises carry out social innovation in the areas of child care, disability employment, community development, etc. They also provide solutons for social ills and play a unique and valuable role in meeting the needs of the vulnerable groups, improving social fairness and justice, constructing harmonious society, promoting sustainable development.
     Since 2004, with the introduction of Western social enterprises and social entrepreneurship practice, researching articles published in newspapers and magazines, the Western scholars'translations issued, the concept of social enterprises spreads in the domestic, a lively discussion on the social enterprises by the practitioners and theorists. The practice of some pioneers has shown that social enterprises' important role in promoting China's economic and social harmonious development. The social enterprises will have a broad development space and great potential for development in China. Compared with the warm of the practice of social enterprises by the practitioners, the domestic research on the social enterprises is lagging behind in the quantity and the quality, such as a small number, low quality and even that the concept of social enterprise in the basic issue remains unclear. Consequently, it is necessary to make theoretical sense of social enterprises. Firstly, the basic theory of social enterprise issues is described. I hope that can help solve th problem of lacking a clear understanding of the basic theories of social enterprises in the domestic academic community. On this basis, from the analysis of social enterprises in the rise and development of Western society to start, this article tap the value and contribution of social enterprises, study the developement of social enterprises and how to develop social enterprises in China.
     Text is divided into six chapters:Chapter I is an introduction, describes the research significance, research methods, the article's basic framework of ideas and sorts out the domestic and international research on the status of social enterprises and put forward the existing problems, the theoretical basis of social enterprises are also described. ChapterⅡis about the basic theories of social enterprises. The definition of social enterprise, characteristics, related concepts, the type and scope of social enterprise in China were analyzed one by one, hoping to explain the basic concept of social enterprise issues, as a follow-up analysis an important prerequisite. ChapterⅢanalyzes the cause of the rise of social enterprises in the West, and generalizes the value and contribution of social enterprises. The issues related to the social enterprises market operations are also discussed. Chapters IV to VI are the key of the full text, focusing on the combination of the social enterprises and China's national conditions. Firstly, the development of social enterprises in China, the significance of the development of social enterprises and feasibility are analyzed; Secondly, the problems and challenges faced by the development of social enterprises in our country are probed deeply into. The suggestions of the development of social enterprises are put forward in China. The question of defining social enterprises is conducted in-depth interpretation in the fifth chapter. As a result, the suggestions for all social enterprises are built on the principles of a clear positioning, which ensure that government policies and laws both not only take root in the actual development of Chinese society, but also correspond with the characteristics of social enterprise in itself. Therefore, the government policies and laws are feasible and forward-looking.
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