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This thesis is the case study of works by Johan Huizinga.
     As the leading figure in cultural historical study in the20thcentury, more researcheson Johan Huizinga s works need to be done and more misunderstandings need to beclarified in China. I had been to Leiden University where Johan Huizinga had taught formany years. With the help of professor Willem Otterspeer, the author of the only criticalbiography of Johan Huizinga, I had luckily got many valuable reading materials. To beginwith, this thesis focuses on Huizinga s life and his view on history in general, and thenintroduces the academic context of Huizinga, his works and the inner-relationship of theworks and the receptions of works by Huizinga in different countries. By contrasting theEnglish version and Chinese version of Huizinga s works, problems have been detectedand clarifications have been made, trying to come closer to the better understanding ofHuizinga s works.
     The close relationship with art history is one of the features of Huizinga s study ofcultural history. Influenced by the trend of multidisciplinary studies in art history, thisthesis tries to explore Huizinga s works from the perspective of the methodology of arthistory. Firstly, to analyze and summarize Huizinga s methods of historical research, toexplore the role played by fine arts in works by Huizinga from the perspective of culturalhistory and then to discuss the problem of the uses of images as historical evidence in abroader sense.
     The last part of the thesis goes back to the key issue, that is, to reflect on theinspirations drawn from the research of cultural history by Huizinga from the perspectiveof art historical research, looking for the reasons why Huizinga was able to makebreakthroughs in important issues of art history. The insight into and the grasp of theessence of idea and mentality of an age, the contrast and comparison of different culturalforms of an certain age, the rebuilding of context and atmosphere from the culturalrelationships of art, those form the main aspects of Huizinga s methods in the research ofart history. Finally, for the Middle Ages and the Renaissance have been the key topics inboth researches of art history and Huizinga s cultural history, the researches by Huizinga isshown in another dimension and the value of his research is highlighted by comparing theworks by Huizinga with the ones by Burkhardt and other historians.
    2R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964), p.611.
    4J. H. Huizinga, My Path to History, in Dutch Civilization in the Seventeenth Century and Other Essays, Collins, StJames s Place, London,1958, p.245.
    5J. H. Huizinga, My Path to History, in Dutch Civilization in the Seventeenth Century and Other Essays, Collins, StJames s Place, London,1958, p.246.
    10弗里德里克·马克思·穆勒(Frederich Max Muller,1823-1900),德裔英国东方学家和语文学家,是西方印度研究和比较宗教学的创始人,他的主要著作有《吠陀与波斯古经》、《比较神话学》等等,还主持编译《东方圣书集》,系统翻译和介绍东方古代宗教经典。
    11Anton van der Lem, Het Eeuwige verbeeld in een afgehaald bed: Huizinga en de Nederlandse beschaving,Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek,1997, p.364.
    16R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964), p.611.
    18青年语法学派也叫新语法学派(Neogrammarians),语言学的一个学派,德语原文是Junggramatiker。19世纪70年代德国莱比锡大学卡尔·布鲁格曼(Karl Brugmann)、H.奥斯特霍夫(H. Osthoff)、伯托·德尔布吕克(Berthold Delbrück,1842-1922)、奥古斯特·莱斯金(August Leskien)等人建立。他们提出了对梵语和希腊语关系的新见解,老一辈语言学家G.库尔蒂乌斯(G.Curtius)等人揶揄地称其为“青年语法学派”。他们欣然接受,沿用至今,在语言学界通常也称为“新语法学派”。
    20托罗普(Jan Theodore Toorop,1858-1928),19世纪下半叶荷兰现代主义时期象征主义画家、版画家、北欧新艺术风格代表人物,作品多宗教和神话题材。
    21普利克(John Thorn Prikker,1868-1932),画家、设计师,荷兰新艺术运动中宗教艺术的代表人物,以彩色玻璃窗设计知名。
    23J. H. Huizinga, My Path to History, in Dutch Civilization in the Seventeenth Century and Other Essays, Collins, StJames s Place, London, p.260.
    24Willem Otterspeer, Reading Huizinga, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam,2010, p.43.
    27R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964),p.612.
    32Pieter Geyl, Huizinga as Accuser of his Age, in History and Theory, vol. Ⅱ,1963.
    33Willem Otterspeer, Reading Huizinga, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam,2010, p.46.
    34R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964), p.610.
    35Wessel Krul, In the Mirror of van Eyck: Johan Huizinga sAutumn of the Middle Ages, Journal of Medieval andEarly Modern Studies, Volume27, Number3,1997, Duke University Press, p.378.
    36Bert F. Hoselitz, Introduction to Men and Ideas, in Men and Ideas: History, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance,Essays by Johan Huizinga, translated by James S. Holmes and Hans van Marle, Meridian Books, Inc, New York,1959,p.10.
    37R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964), p.611.
    38RobertAnchor, History and Play: Johan Huizinga and His Critics, in History and Theory, Vol. XVII,1968.
    39R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964),p.612.
    42Willem Otterspeer, Reading Huizinga, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam,2010, p.206.
    43Johan Huizinga, Herfsttij der middeleeuwen, Uitgeverij Contact,1997, p.88-89.
    50Johan huizinga, In the Shadow of Tomorrow: A Diagnosis of the Spiritual Distemper of Our Time, WilliamHeinemann Ltd., Londan&Toronto,1936, p.24.
    52Willem Otterspeer, Reading Huizinga, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam,2010, p.125.
    55Bert F. Hoselitz, Introduction to Men and Ideas, in Men and Ideas: History, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance,Essays by Johan Huizinga, translated by James S. Holmes and Hans van Marle, Meridian Books, Inc, New York,1959,p.9.
    60狄尔泰(Wilhelm Dilthey,1833-1911),德国哲学家、历史学家、心理学家。德国“生活哲学”的创始人,主张“历史的相对主义”,开创了“精神科学”研究人以及人的精神。
    62J. Huizinga,“The Task of Cultural History,”in Men and Ideas:History, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, New York:Meridian Books,1959, p.30,转引自周兵,《论赫伊津哈的史学思想》,《史与诗:世界诸文明的历史书写》,复旦大学历史系编,复旦大学出版社,2007年,第97页。
    66奥斯瓦尔德·施本格勒(Oswald Spendgler,1880-1936),德国哲学家,他认为文明和文化就像人类一样有一个成长、兴起和衰落的周期,代表作为《西方的衰落》(Decline of the West)、《世界历史的远景》等。
    77Johan Huizinga, TheAutumn of Middle Ages, Trans. Rodney J. Payton and Ulrich Mammitzsch, Chicago, Universityof Chicago Press,1996, p.83.
    79Bert F. Hoselitz, Introduction to Men and Ideas, in Men and Ideas: History, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance,Essays by Johan Huizinga, translated by James S. Holmes and Hans van Marle, Meridian Books, Inc, New York,1959, p.11.
    80马克·布洛赫(Marc Bloch,1886-1944),犹太人,20世纪法国最著名的中世纪史与农村经济史学者之一,年鉴学派创始人之一。著有《法兰西岛》、《国王和农奴》、《国王的神迹》、《法国农村史》等。
    87安德鲁·朗格(Andrew Lang,1844-1912),苏格兰著名诗人、小说家及文学评论家,在人类学方面也做出了贡献,以收集研究神话、民间故事和童话知名,著有《法国古代民歌与抒情诗》、《荷马的世界》、1889至1910年陆续出版蓝色、红色、绿色至淡紫色十二本童话故事集等等。
    100R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964),p.612.
    101Wessel Krul, In the Mirror of van Eyck: Johan Huizinga sAutumn of the Middle Ages, Journal of Medieval andEarly Modern Studies, Volume27, Number3,1997, Duke University Press, p.353.
    102Johan Huizinga, Dutch Civilisation in the Seventeenth Century and Other Essays,selected by Pieter Geyl and F. W.N. Hugenholtz; translated [from the Dutch] by Arnold J. Pomerans, London: Collins,1968, p.272.
    103夏特兰(Georges Chastellainc,约1405/1415-1475),勃艮第编年史家、宫廷诗人。曾为勃艮第公爵好人菲利浦效劳至1435年,后来主要任普瓦图司法总管皮埃尔·德·布雷泽的秘书。1455年被任命为勃艮第史官。他的《勃艮第公爵编年史》传世部分仅三分之一。编年史从1419年修至1474年,其中尚有空漏之处。它的价值在于描述和史实,以及对时人和时事所做的精辟评论。其他著述有政论文章、诗文、歌谣和戏剧。
    104傅华萨(Jean Froissart,约1337-1405),法国中世纪编年史家和宫廷诗人,著有《编年史》,是对于欧洲14世纪封建时期最重要详实的历史记录,最充分地展现出当时的骑士精神和宫廷理想。
    121Johan Huizinga, In the Shadow of Tomorrow:ADiagnosis of the Spiritual Distemper of Our Time, WilliamHeinemann Ltd London&Toronto,1964, Preface.
    122R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964),p.613.
    123R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964),p.613.
    125Bert F. Hoselitz, Introduction to Men and Ideas, in Men and Ideas: History, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance,Essays by Johan Huizinga, translated by James S. Holmes and Hans van Marle, Meridian Books, Inc, New York,1959, p.11.
    130Wessel Krul, In the Mirror of van Eyck: Johan Huizinga sAutumn of the Middle Ages, Journal of Medieval andEarly Modern Studies, Volume27, Number3,1997, Duke University Press, p.353.
    132赫伊津哈论坛(Huzinga Lecture)是为了纪念赫伊津哈而设立的一年一度的学术活动,始于1972年,由NRCHandelsblad日报、莱顿大学人文学院和荷兰文学协会主办,每年都邀请文化史或哲学研究领域的知名学者前往莱顿大学讲学。
    133在她之前的演讲人中有苏珊·桑塔格(Susan Sontag)、乔治·斯坦纳(George Steiner)、诺姆乔姆斯基(NoamChomsky)、约瑟夫布罗茨基(Joseph Brodsky)等人。
    138[英]彼得·伯克著,《什么是文化史》,蔡玉辉译,杨豫校,北京大学出版社,2009年10月第一版,2010年6月第2次印刷,第25页,转引自Ernst Gombrich, In Search of Cultural History,1996,in Ideals and Idols,1979,p.25-59.
    139同上,第94页,转引自David Gary Shaw, Huizinga s Timeliness, in History and Theory, vol.37,1998.
    140R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964),p.621.
    142该论文发表在2000年9月美国芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)学术史国际协会和弗兰克人文学院(International Society for Intellectual History and the Franke Institute for the Humanities)举办的《转折点》(TurningPoint)学术会议上。
    143雅克·勒高夫(Jacques Le Goff,1924-2014),法国历史学者,专长于中世纪尤其是12至13世纪的历史研究。他是年鉴学派第三代代表人物之一,也是新史学的主要人物。从1972年至1977年,他担任法国社会科学高等学院的院长。
    145R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964),p..617
    146彼得·盖尔著有在《赫伊津哈的意义》(De Betekenis van Huizinga,Nederlandse Figuren (2vols,Amsterdam andAntwerp,1962), I,127)和《赫伊津哈责难他的时代》(Huizinga as Accuser of His Age,1961)。
    147扬·罗曼撰写有《赫伊津哈文化与历史观点概况》(Kantteekeningen bij Huizinga s Cultuurhistorische Verkenningen,1948)。
    152R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964), p.615.
    158Johan Huizinga, Homo Ludens:a Study of the Play-element in Culture, the Beacon Press, Boston,1955, Forward ix.
    169Wessel Krul, In the Mirror of van Eyck: Johan Huizinga sAutumn of the Middle Ages, Journal of Medieval andEarly Modern Studies, Volume27, Number3,1997, Duke University Press, p.353.
    181R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964), p.608.
    182诺贝特·埃利亚斯(Norbert Elias,1897-1990),20世纪著名社会学家,主要著作有《文明的进程》(The CivilizingProcess)、《个体的社会》(The Society of Individuals)、《宫廷社会》(The Court Society)等。
    191Willem Otterspeer, Reading Huizinga, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam,2010, p.175.
    192R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964), p.625.
    204Willem Otterspeer, Reading Huizinga, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam,2010, p.131.
    207Willem Otterspeer, Reading Huizinga, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam,2010, p.126.
    215R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964),p.613.
    230Willem Otterspeer, Reading Huizinga, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam,2010, p.179.
    234Willem Otterspeer, Reading Huizinga,Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam,2010, p.14-15.
    249R. L. Colie, Johan Huizinga and Cultural History, The American Historical Review, Vol.69, No.3(Apr.1964), p.611.
    282Willem Otterspeer, Reading Huizinga,Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam,2010, p.29-30.
    371Jo Tollebeek, Renaissance and Fossilization: Michelet, Burckhardt, and Huizinga, Renaissance Studies, Vol.15,No.3,2001, p.354-355.
    374Bert F. Hoselitz, Introduction to Men and Ideas, in Men and Ideas: History, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance,Essays by Johan Huizinga, translated by James S. Holmes and Hans van Marle, Meridian Books, Inc, New York,1959, p.13.
    375Jo Tollebeek, Renaissance and Fossilization: Michelet, Burckhardt, and Huizinga, Renaissance Studies, Vol.15,No.3,2001, p.359.
    377Jo Tollebeek, Renaissance and Fossilization: Michelet, Burckhardt, and Huizinga, Renaissance Studies, Vol.15,No.3,2001, p.361.
    379Jo Tollebeek, Renaissance and Fossilization: Michelet, Burckhardt, and Huizinga, Renaissance Studies, Vol.15,No.3,2001, p.362.
    383Jo Tollebeek, Renaissance and Fossilization: Michelet, Burckhardt, and Huizinga, Renaissance Studies, Vol.15,No.3,2001, p.363.
    384Jo Tollebeek, Renaissance and Fossilization: Michelet, Burckhardt, and Huizinga, Renaissance Studies, Vol.15,No.3,2001, p.364.
    386Jo Tollebeek, Renaissance and Fossilization: Michelet, Burckhardt, and Huizinga, Renaissance Studies, Vol.15,No.3,2001, p.365.
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    [9] Brian Morris, Anthropological Studies of Religion: An Introductory Text, Cambridge, New York,Port Chester, Melbourne Sydney: Cambridge University Press,1987.
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