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南海作为西太平洋地区最大的边缘海,位于欧亚大陆、菲律宾群岛和婆罗洲之间。其形态和地理位置决定了对环境变迁的灵敏性,以其高沉积速率和碳酸盐保存条件,弥补了西太平洋深水区的不足,业已成为古海洋学研究的理想场所之一。晚末次冰期,尤其是末次盛冰期以来经历了从末次冰期向全新世的转变过程,气候波动频繁,其沉积记录所反映的古气候信息受到越来越多学者的关注。而确定海洋沉积物的来源是研究陆源物质反映的环境和气候变化的先决条件。每年,珠江以及来自台湾的高山河流大约给南海输入了260Mt的沉积物。然而,由于这两个主要来源区的地质条件相似,例如岩石的性质和Nd同位素,学者很难确定沉积物的真实来源。海洋沉积物中的黏土矿物组合特征通常被认为是示踪沉积物来源和反映周围大陆风化条件的良好指标。先前对于南海柱状沉积物中黏土矿物组合的分析主要是以更新世以来大尺度的研究为主,很少涉及晚末次冰期以来的变化。同时,对于流入南海的第二大河流——珠江的泥质沉积的输运过程和沉积分布并未展开研究。笔者通过对南海北部黏土矿物的分析发现,虽然前人对南海表层黏土矿物组合特征展开了研究,但是并未从整体上对其分布特征和来源进行探讨。因此,本文中笔者采用AMS 14C定年柱状样的浮游有孔虫碳、氧同位素、黏土矿物、元素分析、有机碳以及碳酸盐含量等指标对晚末次冰期以来的古气候和古环境进行了探讨,并综合自己与前人的研究成果,系统讨论了南海表层黏土矿物的分布特征及来源,同时还运用2007年南海北部地球物理航次中获得的Chirp浅地层剖面与AMS 14C定年的柱状样对全新世以来珠江的泥质沉积物的输运过程和分布特征进行详细的研究。获得的主要认识如下:
     1.通过对ZHS-176柱中的浮游有孔虫G. ruber进行AMS 14C测年以及与SONNE17940柱的对比得出,ZHS-176柱的底部年龄约为22 ka BP。以柱深345 cm为深海氧同位素(Marine Isotope Stage, MIS)1/2期的界限,即末次冰期/全新世界限,上部为MIS 1,下部为MIS 2。年代数据表明在ZHS-176柱中,MIS 2未见底。
     5.在ZHS-176柱发现的所有气候变化中,全新世事件3最受关注。全新世事件3可能是由于4.2 ka BP前后太阳活动减弱,一方面导致北大西洋表层浮冰增加,表层海水温度降低,减弱了温盐循环,使海陆温差减小,季风减弱,另一方面使热带幅合带南移,在北半球中、低纬度大部分地区形成干旱降温事件。这一事件在各种气候载体中都有体现。而这一事件最终导致了非洲尼罗河流域古埃及文明、两河流域美索不达米亚古阿卡德帝国、印度河流域哈拉帕文明以及中国新石器文化的衰落。
     6.在ZHS-176柱中发现,Bφlling-Allerφd暖期时浮游有孔虫的碳同位素发生明显而短暂的负漂。这主要是由于当时大量的南极冰川水注入海洋,使南极中层水的密度小于北大西洋深层水,加速了北大西洋表层水的下沉与北大西洋温盐循环,使南海北部中层水温度急剧升高,而当时海平面又处于一个相对较低的阶段(-70~-80 m),从而导致海底天然气水合物失稳分解,释放出大量甲烷,影响了浮游有孔虫的碳同位素记录。类似的晚第四纪天然气水合物释放记录在加利福尼亚的圣塔芭芭拉盆地、瓜伊马斯盆地、俄罗斯的贝加尔湖、格陵兰海、秘鲁、东格陵兰陆架、巴布亚新几内亚以及南海南部均有发现。
     8.ZHS-176柱的化学元素变化特征显示晚末次冰期期间沉积物源区化学风化作用弱,陆源物质输入量高,而在全新世时则化学风化作用强,陆源物质输入量低,所指示的化学风化作用强度的变化与浮游有孔虫的氧同位素有着较好地对应关系。而ZHS-176柱的有机碳主要为生物成因,随着夏季风的增强,陆源有机碳的含量增加,但在3 ka BP前后由于夏季风减弱而导致陆源有机碳逐渐减少。
     10.高分辨率Chirp浅地层剖面和钻孔资料显示,在珠江三角洲平原以及珠江口—雷州半岛长约350 km的南海北部陆架存在一厚度达~30 m的全新世珠江源泥质沉积区。这些陆源沉积物被南向的中国沿岸流和北向的南海暖流限制在南海北部陆架。在粤西陆架区,泥质沉积物主要分布于-50 m等深线以内,在珠江口东南部则可达-120 m等深线处。通过对比其他西太平洋边缘海陆架陆源沉积物所形成的沉积层序,笔者发现该泥质沉积区的形成过程可分为中全新世高海平面(~7.0 cal.ka BP)之前和之后两个阶段。在中全新世高海平面之前,远源的泥质沉积主要形成于11.2~9.8 cal.ka BP,当时海平面处于“冰融水脉冲事件”(meltwater pulse, MWP)1B之后的平缓上升期,而近端泥质沉积则形成于9.0 cal.ka BP之后,对应于MWP-1C之后的海平面平缓上升阶段。中全新世高海平面之后,距珠江口~150 km以内的粤西内陆架发育斜层理,厚度从-5~-10 m等深线处的~10 m向外海逐渐递减到-20~-30 m等深线处的<1~2m。
The South China Sea (SCS) is the largest marginal sea of the Western Pacific. It is surrounded by the Eurasia continent to the north and west, and Philippine islands and Borneo to the east and south. Due to the high sedimentation rate and carbonate preserving efficiency, the SCS is an ideal location for the paleoceanography studies. During the late last glacial period, especially for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), there were numerous climatic changes. The studies of the paleoenvironmental variation have attacted the scholars' interests. Determining the provenance of marine sediments is essential to understand the environmental and climatic conditions of its source areas. The SCS receives~260 Mt of fluvial sediments annually from the north direction, the majority of which is delivered by the Pearl River and small mountainous rivers in Taiwan. However, due to the similarity lying in the geological setting of the Pearl and Taiwanese rivers (e.g. characters of source rocks and Nd isotope value), the source of the sediments accumulated in the SCS has not been well established during the last glacial period. Clay mineral assemblages in marine sediments in general represent a well-suited tracer concerning their sources and the weathering condition of the surrounding continents. Although previous clay mineral studies in the SCS addressed the influence of chemical weathering and physical erosion on the surrounding continents in the past 20 Ma, few of them focuses on the entire period since the late last glacial period. Meanwhile, we also know little about the delivering process and distribution of mud from the Pearl River, the second largest river that drains into the SCS. Based on the review of the clay mineral research in the northern SCS (NSCS), I find that there is limited compilation for the source of the fine-grained sediment in the whole SCS. Therefore, a coupled approach based on clay mineral assemblages, planktonic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotopes, element analysis, organic carbon, and calcium carbonate content from the AMS 14C-dated borehole is used to trace the sources of the fine-grained sediments and to investigate the paleoenviornmental evolution in this area. I combine the research which conducted in the NSCS with the published data of the clay minerals in surface sediments of the SCS to trace the source of the clay mineral in the whole SCS. I also present the Chirp sonar high resolution sub-bottom profiles, which were obtained from the NSCS geophysical investigation in 2007, and adjacent sediment cores, which were published by previous scholars, to help better understand the Holocene delivering process and distribution of the Pearl River-derived sediment. Detailed conclusions are shown below:
     1.I use both planktonic foraminifera G. ruber AMS 14C dating and age correlations between cores ZHS-176 and SONNE 17940 for an age control of the past 22 cal. ka. The switch point from the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 to MIS 1 occurs at 345 cm depth. Below the 345 cm is MIS 2; above the 345 cm is MIS 1. The dating data show that the bottom of the borehole is not the start of the MIS 2.
     2. The clay mineral assemblages of core ZHS-176 are mainly composed of four species, which are dominated by illite (~39%) and chlorite (~27%), with associated with smectite (~21%) and kaolinite (~13%). The clay mineral assemblage analysis suggests multiple sediment sources. The denudation rates in Taiwan are almost the highest in the world, with providing numerous illite and cholorite to the NSCS. The East China Sea (ECS)-derived clay mineral assemblage is similar with Taiwan's. Kaolinite comes mainly from the Pearl River, and Luzon Island is the main contributor for smectite.
     3. Due to the closure of the Taiwan Strait, and lower sedimentation rates, sediment from the ECS is hard to enter the NSCS during the late last glacial period. The influence from the Pearl River increases during the cold interval due to a fallen sea level and the seaward extended paleo-Pearl River estuary. During the Holocene, the coastline generally remains the same position as it is today, the ECS-derived sediment reenter the SCS.
     4. The planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopic oscillations in core ZHS-176 during the late last glacial period reveal the paleoclimatic variations, including the LGM, Heinrich event 1, Bφlling-Allerφd (B/A), and Younger Dryas. During the Holocene, I also find three periods of strong precipitation stages (S1~S3) and three periods of weak precipitation stages (W1~W3). The oxygen isotopic record exhibits correlation with climate records from distant regions, including the high-latitude area of North Atlantic, providing evidence for global tele-connection among regional climates.
     5. Among the climatic oscillations which are found in core ZHS-176, the Holocene event 3 attacts huge interests. The weak solar activity is the main mechanism of this cold and dry event in most part of the low and middle latitudes in North Hemisphere. It causes the sea surface temperature, thermohaline circulation and monsoon decreasing, and Intertropical Convergence Zone southward moving. It appears in different proxies. This cold/dry or cold/wet climate fluctuation maybe the main reason of the collapse of the Old Kingdom in Nile River, Akkadian empire in Mesopotamia, urban Harappan civilization in Indus valley, and Neolithic cultures in China.
     6. There is a brief negative planktonic foraminifera carbon isotopic shift in core ZHS-176 during B/A. Due to the massive input of freshwater from Antarctica, the density of the Antarctic Intermediate Water decreases and the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation intensifies, which leads to the NSCS intermediate water warming at the Bφlling oscillation. During the relative low sea level stage (-70~-80 m), rapid increase of temperature in NSCS will dissociate the gas hydrate at depth and expel massive methane into the overlying sediments and ocean water. Releasing of gas hydrate markedly affects the planktonic foraminifera as shown by the carbon isotopic variation in core ZHS-176. Similar carbon isotope excursions also happened in other areas, such as the Santa Barbara Basin, Guaymas Basin, Lake Baikal, Greenland Sea, Peru, East Greenland continental shelf, Papua New Guinea, and southern SCS.
     7. The calcium carbonate content variation history of core ZHS-176 reveals that there is a low calcium carbonate event during the early Holocene. Compared with that of other five cores, I find this event occurs widely in the whole NSCS. There are two main reasons for this excursion: (1) abundant precipitation, cold events and centralized volcanic eruptions reinforce the dilution of terrigenous sediment, (2) strong carbonate dissolution, and (3) low primary productivity reduces the carbonate content. The terrigenous sediment dilution dominates the calcium carbonate content in the NSCS, the carbonate dissolution and sea surface primary productivity are the secondary mechanisms.
     8. The major and trace element variations of core ZHS-176 show that the amplitude of chemical weathering is low, and the terrigenious input is high during the late last glacial period, while the amplitude of chemical weathering is high, and the terrigenious input is low during the Holocene. The oscillation of the elements is related to the planktonic foraminerfera oxygen isotope variation. The organic carbon is mainly biogenic origin. The terrigenious organic carbon relative content increases with the strengthen summer monsoon, while it decreases around 3 ka BP.
     9. The clay mineral assemblages in surface sediments of the SCS consist of illite, chlorite, kaolinite, and smectite. The relative abundance of these clay mineral components varies in different regions and also with different water depth. It is mainly controlled by the provenance. I combine the research which conducted in the NSCS with the peers' published data of the clay minerals in surface sediments of the SCS, and divide the SCS into four parts to trace the sources. The Taiwan Island and Luzon Island are the main provenances for the eastern SCS. The Mekong River, Borneo, Sunda shelf and Indonesia arc are the contributors for surface sediments in the southern SCS. The clay minerals in surface sediments of the western SCS are mainly from the Mekong, Red, and Pearl Rivers, Sunda shelf, Indonesia arc and Borneo. The Pearl, and Yangtze Rivers, Taiwan and Luzon Island are the sources for surface sediments in the NSCS.
     10. High resolution Chirp profiling and coring reveals an elongated (~350 m) Holocene Pearl River-derived mud area (thickness<30 m) extending from the Pearl River delta plain southwestward off the Guangdong coast to the Leizhou Peninsula. Most of the terrigenous sediments are transported and trapped on the NCSC continental shelf, because of the convergence of the southward-flowing China coastal current and northward-flowing SCS warm current. On the continental shelf off the west Guangdong Province, the mud is deposited in water shallower than 50 m; while to the southeast of the Pearl River estuary, the mud area can extend to the-120 m isobath. Through analyzing the terrigenous sedimentary sequences from other continental shelves of the Western Pacific marginal seas, we find the formation of the mud area can be further divided into two stages:before the mid-Holocene sea-level highstand (MHSH) (~7.0 cal. ka BP), the distal mud was deposited between 11.2 and 9.8 cal. ka BP, when the sea-level rose slowly after the meltwater pulse (MWP)-1B. The proximal mud was deposited after 9.0 cal. ka BP, when the sea-level rose slowly after MWP-1C; after the MHSH, clinoform developed on the continental shelf off the west Guangdong Province, extending~150 km from the Pearl River estuary. This clinoform thins offshore, from~10 m thickness around 5-10 m water depth to< 1~2 m around 20-30 m water depth.
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