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     实验系列1 日粮中长期持续添加大豆黄酮及F89对产蛋高峰期蛋鸡采食和产蛋性能及有关内分泌的影响
     实验系列2 日粮中添加HK02及F89Ⅱ对产蛋后期蛋鸡采食和产蛋性能及有关内分泌的影响
    结果显示:日粮中添加 HK02后,与对照组相比,HK02的mg/kg)组蛋鸡摄食量增加
     日粮中添加 F89llQ)后,与对照组相比,蛋鸡摄食量增加 15.92%①<0乃1\
    产蛋率增加 7.880厌<0.05),只日蛋重减少5.3700<0.05),每枚蛋重减少0.030,料
    清瘦素水平升高 13.46%。
     实验系列 3 环境高温条件下日粮中添加大豆黄酮及 F89 fi对产蛋后期蛋鸡
     黄酮组饲喂基础日粮十Da历mg/kg人 F89ll组饲喂基础日粮十F89llu 八gL每组
     20羽。整个试验持续 30天,鸡舍平均温度为 34.35oC,平均相对湿度为 78.20以实
     酮组蛋鸡摄食量增加 3.00Oo<0.05),产蛋率减少 2.340,只日蛋重增加 11.040
     日粮中添喂F89llQ)后,与对照组比较,蛋鸡摄食量增加 3.330<0刀5\
     产蛋率减少 8.92%,破壳蛋率减少 14.24%,只日蛋重增加* 10%,统计分析差异不显
     著。每枚蛋重增加 5.590o<0.05),料蛋比减少 9.09oO<0.05疗血清T3水平升高了
     实验系列4 口粮中添加大豆黄酮对蛋鸡抗氧化的研究
     后,与对照组比较,大豆黄酮组采食量增加 3.060,产蛋率提高 14.41OO<0.05人
     降低18.48%(P<0刀5入肝脏中s0D水平升高2.14%,肝脏中MD A水平降低34.48%
     (P叼.m);下丘脑中sOD水平降低6.3o%,下丘脑中MD A水平降低25.07%(k0.05)。
The role of daidzein, HK02,F89,F89 II in control of the feed intake and laying performance in hens and involved endocrine mechanisms were studied in this research, the present research include 4 series:
    Series 1: Effect of diet supplemented with daidzein and F89 in long-term on the feed intake and laying performance in laying hens and endocrine mechanisms involved.
    60 26-week-old hens were randomized into 3 groups : basal diet, basal diet+6mg/kg daidzein , basal diet +2mg/kg F89 . Compared to control , the feed intake of basal diet +daidzein group was increased, and laying performance was improved ; serum 17β - estradiol, T3, T4 levels were increased whereas the serum leptin level was reduced ; The feed intake of basal diet +F89 group was increased and laying performance was also improved. Serum insulin and leptin levels were increased.
    Series 2: Effect of diet supplemented with HK02 and F89 II on the feed intake and laying performance in older laying hens and endocrine mechanisms involved.
    60 49-week-old hens were randomized into 3 groups : basal diet, basal diet+6mg/kg HK02 , basal diet +2mg/kg F89II . Compared to control , the feed
    intake of basal diet +HK02 group was increased, and laying performance was improved ; serum 17 β- estradiol, T3, T4 levels were increased whereas the leptin level was reduced ; The feed intake of basal diet + F89II group was increased and laying performance was also improved. Serum insulin and leptin level were increased.
    Series 3: Effect of diet supplemented with daidzein and F89II on the feed intake and laying performance in older laying hens and endocrine mechanisms involved in the condition of high environmental temperature.
    60 53-week-old hens were randomized into 3 groups : basal diet, basal diet+6mg/kg daidzein , basal diet +2mg/kg F89II . Compared to control , the feed intake of basal diet +daidzein group was increased, and laying performance was improved; serum T3, T4 levels were increased whereas the leptin levels was reduced; The feed intake of basal diet + F89II group was increased and laying performance was decreased . Serum T3, T4, leptin levels were increased.
    Series 4: Effect of diet supplemented with daidzein on body SOD and MDA level in older laying hens
    40 60-week-old hens were randomized into 2 groups : basal diet, basal diet+6mg/kg daidzein , Compared to control, the feed intake and laying performance of basal diet +daidzein group were increased, serum SOD and liver SOD levels were increased whereas the hypothalamus SOD levels was reduced ; Serum MDA, liver MDA, hypothalamus MDA levels were all reduced.
    In conclusion, daidzein (6mg/kg diet) can improve the performance and regulate concentrations of some blood hormones in laying hens and it can also perform the effect of anti-oxidation in older laying hens. It seems that the effect of daidzein may be partly related to the alteration of blood 17 P - estradiol, T3, T4, leptin , etc; F89II also increase feed intake and performance hi laying hens, the effect of F89II seems partly related to the alteration of blood insulin, leptin, etc.
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