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本论文针对农药对家蚕(Bombyx mori Linnaeus)的毒性评价问题,测定了常规农药和特异性杀虫剂对家蚕的急性毒性并进行了安全性评价;研究了4种特异性杀虫剂低剂量处理家蚕后对其生长发育的影响;研究了溴虫腈在家蚕和桑树主要害虫间的选择性;探讨了家蚕不同龄期幼虫的酶活性;研究了敌敌畏、灭多威处理家蚕4龄幼虫对其酶活性的影响;并进行了家蚕与甜菜夜蛾(Spodoptera exigua Hübener)4龄幼虫酶活性比较的研究。现将试验结果总结如下:
     1.采用浸叶法在室内测定了30种农药对家蚕的急性毒性并进行了安全性评价。结果表明,有3种药剂的LC_(50) <0.1 mg·L~(-1),属于特高毒级;9种药剂的LC_(50)为0.1~10 mg·L~(-1),属于高毒级;8种药剂的LC_(50)为10~1000 mg·L~(-1),属于中等毒级;10种药剂的LC_(50) >1000 mg·L~(-1),属于低毒级。
     2.采用食下毒叶法在室内测定了4种特异性杀虫剂对家蚕的毒性,并进行了安全性评价。结果表明,氟铃脲、定虫隆、虫酰肼和甲氧虫酰肼对家蚕24h的LC_(50)分别为425.77、>1000、>1000和320.58 mg·L~(-1);48h的LC_(50)分别是0.3509、0.6644、145.80和10.480 mg·L~(-1);96h的LC_(50)分别是0.02735、0.03857、0.2863和0.4175 mg·L~(-1)。因此氟铃脲和定虫隆对家蚕属于特高毒级;虫酰肼和甲氧虫酰肼属于高毒级。
     4.研究发现溴虫腈在家蚕和桑树害虫之间存在显著的毒力选择性。二嗪磷、敌敌畏、辛硫磷和三唑磷对家蚕72h的毒性分别是溴虫腈的22.6倍、123.6倍、203.8倍和287.6倍。处理后48h,溴虫腈对桑尺蠖的毒力分别是三唑磷、辛硫磷、敌敌畏和二嗪磷的15.2倍、21.3倍、35.5倍和49.1倍;对桑螟的毒力分别是22.2倍、33.1倍、44.8倍和79.4倍;对桑毛虫的毒力分别是21.1倍、30.2倍、40.6倍和67.2倍。对桑树喷施100、50、25和12.5 mg·L~(-1)的溴虫腈,桑叶的残留毒性期分别为3d、0d、0d和0d。用溴虫腈100、50、25和12.5 mg·L~(-1)处理的桑叶饲喂家蚕后,存活幼虫的历期、眠蚕体重、熟蚕体重、全茧量、茧层量、蛹重和化蛹率与对照
Aimed at the problem of pesticides toxicity to Bombyx mori Linnaeus , the acute toxicity of general pesticides and especial insecticides to Bombyx mori and the safety evaluation were studied ; the effect to growth and development of Bombyx mori dealed with low dose of especial insecticides were studied ; the comparison on toxity selectivity of chlorfenapyr between Bombyx mori and mulberry pestes was studied ; the enzyme activity of different instar of Bombyx mori were determined; the enzyme activity of the fouth instar Bombyx mori dealed with dichlorvos and methomyl were measured; the enzyme activity of the 4 instar lavae of Bombyx mori and Spodoptera exigua Hübener were researched also in the article.The results could be summarized as followings :
     1. The acute toxicity of thirty pesticides to Bombyx mori were evaluated in laboratory using Leaf dipping method ; the grade was compartmentalized according as toxicity scope and the safety evaluation were made for these pesticides .The results indicate that the LC_(50) of three insecticides were lower than 0.1 mg·L~(-1), belong to special high toxicity grade;that of nine insecticides between 0.1~10 mg·L~(-1), belong to high toxicity grade ; that of eight pesticides between 10~1000 mg·L~(-1), belong to middling toxicity grade ; that of ten pesticides higher than 1000 mg·L~(-1) , belong to low toxicity grade .
     2. The acute toxicity of four especial insecticides to Bombyx mori were evaluated in laboratory using food intake method and the safety were evaluated . The results indicate that the LC_(50) in 24h of hexafluron , chlorfluazuron , tebufenozide , methoxyfenozide and chlorfenapyr were 425.77 , >1000 , >1000 and 320.58 mg·L~(-1), respectively ; the LC_(50) in 48h were 0.3509, 0.6644, 145.80 and 10.480mg·L~(-1), respectively ; the LC_(50) in 96h were 0.02735, 0.03857, 0.2863 and 0.4175 mg·L~(-1) eachly . Sothat , hexafluron and chlorfluazuron have very high risk to Bombyx mori ; tebufenozide andmethoxyfenozide have high risk to Bombyx mori.
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