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     方法: 1研究对象:(1)足月前胎膜早破组:选取2007年10月-2008年6月在河北医科大学第二医院妇产科检查并住院分娩的足月前胎膜早破患者20例,发生在37周以前的称为足月前胎膜早破,胎膜早破诊断标准参照6版《妇产科学》,本组孕妇年龄23-37岁,平均28.38±5.01岁,孕周34+1-36周,平均35±0.75周。(2)足月胎膜早破组:选择同期足月发生胎膜早破者20例,发生在满37周之后的称为足月胎膜早破,本组孕妇年龄26-35岁,平均29.1±3.21岁,孕周38+6-40+3周,平均39.2±0.63周。(3)正常妊娠组:选择同期在我院分娩的正常孕妇20例,年龄25-30岁,平均27.67±1.86岁,孕周38+5-41周,平均39.33±1.21周。所有孕妇均为单胎头位,无妊娠并发症和合并症。
     3实验方法:按试剂盒说明操作,MDA采用硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)比色法; SOD活力测定用黄嘌呤、黄嘌呤氧化酶反应系统,以化学发光分析法测定;VE活性采用比色法测定;H2O2采用比色法测定。
     1与正常孕足月妇女相比,40例胎膜早破孕妇脐血氧化指标MDA水平( 15.86±2.33umol/L )和H2O2水平( 126.32±17.58mmol/L )的表达明显高于正常对照组(10.73±4.24 umol/L,109.07±18.93 mmol/L),差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05 , P < 0.05)。而抗氧化指标SOD水平(232.34±20.43 U/ml)和VE水平(4.37±0.85ug/ml)明显低于正常对照组(308.43±22.54 U/ml,6.58±0.39 ug/ml),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.05)。
     2足月胎膜早破组和足月前胎膜早破组表达水平比较: 20例足月胎膜早破者脐血中的SOD(224.42±20.46 U/ml)、MDA(14.08±2.97 umol/L)、VE(4.67±0.38 ug/ml)和H2O2(119.07±20.37 mmol/L)与20例足月前胎膜早破者脐血中的SOD(230.34±19.23 U/ml)、MDA(13.48±2.09 umol/L)、VE(4.00±0.59ug/ml)和H2O2(120.43±18.08 mmol/L)比较,差异均无统计学意义(P<0.05)。
     3在胎膜早破组中,破膜时间对SOD、MDA、VE和H2O2的水平的影响:破膜时间小于12小时的,其SOD水平(251.20±18.42 U/ml)和VE水平(5.43±0.65ug/ml)明显高于破膜时间大于12小时的(221.47±20.62 U/ml,3.55±0.42 ug/ml),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.05)。相反,前者的MDA水平( 12.58±1.93umol/L )和H2O2水平(119.37±15.09mmol/L)则明显低于后者(18.59±2.08umol/L, 140.07±17.81mmol/L),差异亦有统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.05)。
     4相关分析结果表明:胎膜早破组和正常妊娠组SOD与MDA(r=-0.512,P<0.01)、H2O2 (r=-0.254,P<0.01)之间呈显著负相关。与VE(r=0.733,P<0.01)呈显著正相关。VE与MDA(r=-0.497,P<0.01)、H2O2 (r=-0.326,P<0.01)呈显著负相关。
     结论:1 MDA和H2O2在胎膜早破组的表达水平高于正常妊娠组,表明胎膜早破时氧化应激产物生成增多。SOD和VE在胎膜早破组的表达水平低于正常妊娠组,表明胎膜早破时抗氧化剂的强度相对或绝对的减弱。
Objective: To determine expression of maternal Cord Blood SOD、MDA、VE and H2O2 in patients with premature rupture of membranes(PROM) in order to analyze their roles and significance in pathogenesis of PROM.
     Method: 1 The study subject:(1) The preterm premature rupture of the membrane group: 20 patients with premature rupture of membranes who had prenatal examinations and delivered in the Obstetrics of the Second Hospital of HeBei Medical University were selected from October 2007 to June 2008. Preterm premature rupture of the membranes (P-PROM) is diagnosed when clinically apparent leakage of amniotic fluid is confirmed in pregnant women without uterine contractions or vaginal bleeding before the 37 weeks' gestation..They were diagnosed according to the diagnostic standard (Obstetrics and Gynecology,the Sixth Edition).Mean age of this group was 28.38±5.01 years old (23 to 37 years old),and mean gestational age was 35±0.75 weeks(34+1 to 36 weeks of gestation).(2)The full term premature rupture of the membrane group:20 patients with premature rupture of the membrane after 37w were selected,who were delivered in our hospital in the same time. Mean age of them was 29.1±3.21 years old (26 to 35 years old),and mean gestational age was 39.2±0.63 weeks(38+6 to 40+3 weeks of gestation).(3)normal pregnancy group:20 normal pregnancy march with the two groups were randomly selected. Mean age of them was 27.67±1.86 years old (25 to 30 years old),and mean gestational age was 39.33±1.21 weeks(38+5 to 41 weeks of gestation).All the subjects must meet the following criteria: single pregnancy, head fetal position, with no complications of intered medicine and other complications of pregnancy.
     2 Sample collecting: After delivery, draw off 3 ~ 5ml blood in fetal cord blood immediately. 15 minutes centrifugation ,remove serum and reserve them to the refrigerator of -70oC.
     Marked every object with its name, age, weight index, occupation, times of pregnancy, gestational weeks, delivery style, reason of cesarean,time from the membrane rupture to collecting the specimen. Every specimen must be signed clearly.
     3 The experiment methods: determine the level of index according to the kit specification. The levels of MDA were tested by Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances(TBARS). To assay the levels of SOD by means of xanthine and xanthine oxidase reaction system.The levels of VE and H2O2 were tested by chromatometry.
     4 Statistics analysis: All the data were processed by SPSS13.0. All values were expressed as mean±standard (—X±s). Deviation and differences were compared using Student’s t-test and one-way ANOVA. Pearson correlate was made for correlate analysis.α<0.05 was consideredstatistically significant.
     1 Compare with the full-term pregnant woman : the levels of oxidation target MDA ( 15.86±2.33umol/L )and H2O2( 126.32±17.58mmol/L ) in 40 pregnant woman with premature rupture of membranes are higher than the normal control group obviously(10.73±4.24 umol/L,109.07±18.93 mmol/L).. The differences were significant in statistics(P<0.05).But the levels of oxidation resistance target SOD(232.34±20.43 U/ml)and VE (4.37±0.85ug/ml)are lower than the normal control group obviously(308.43±22.54 U/ml,6.58±0.39 ug/ml ) . The differences were significant in statistics(P<0.05).
     2 Compare the expression level of the full term premature rupture of membranes with preterm premature rupture of membranes group : For the 20 patients with preterm premature rupture of membranes and 20 patients with full term premature rupture of the membranes, the expression levels of SOD、MDA、VE and H2O2 were no statistical significance(P<0.05).
     3 Fetal membrane rupture time effect on the levels of SOD、MDA、VE and H2O2: For the patients whose time less than 12 hours, the SOD leve(l251.20±18.42 U/ml)and VE level(5.43±0.65ug/ml)are higher than the group of the time greater than 12 hours obviously ( 221.47±20.62 U/ml , 3.55±0.42 ug/ml ) .The differences were significant in statistics (P<0.05,P<0.05). On the contrary, the former MDA level(12.58±1.93umol/L)and H2O2 level (119.37±15.09mmol/L)was significantly lower than the latter. The differences were significant in statistics (P<0.05,P<0.05).
     4 Correlation analysis results shows: the expression of SOD in normal group and PROM group were negative correlation with MDA(r=-0.512,P<0.01) and H2O2 (r=-0.254,P<0.01) and positive correlation with VE(r=0.733,P<0.01).The expression of VE were negative correlation with MDA(r=-0.497,P<0.01)and H2O2 (r=-0.326,P<0.01).
     1 In PROM group, the expression level of MDA and H2O2 are higher than the normol group, it shows that when premature rupture of membranes there generate a product of increased oxidative stress. The expression level of SOD and VE are lower than the normol group,it shows that when premature rupture of membranes the intensity of antioxidants relatively or absolutely weaken.
     2 The patients with premature rupture of membranes in vivo emergence imbalance of oxidant / antioxidant, occurred oxidative stress.
     3 Associated with the extension of fetal membrane rupture time, the body's antioxidant levels and activity decreased gradually, and oxidant levels and activity gradually increased.Note that there was a clear relationship with oxidative stress and rupture time.
     The discovery have great significance to recognize the causes of premature rupture of membranes, the prevention and treatment .
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    17 Plessinger MA, Woods JJ, Miller RK. Pretreatment of human amnion-chorion with vitamin C and E prevents hypochlorions acid-induced damage [J]. Am J Obstet Gynecol,2000,183(4):979-985
    18 Hampson V,Liu D,Billett E,et al.Br J Obstet Gyanecol, 1997,104(9):1081-1091
    19 Artal R,Burgeson R,Fernandez FG,et al.Copper levels and premature rupture of membrane.Obstel Gynecol, 1979, 53:608
    20 Woods Jr JR. Reactive oxygen species and preterm premature rupture of membranes-A review. Placenta 22 supplement A Trophoblast Research 2001;15:S38-44
    21 Buonocore G, Perrone S, Longini M, et al. Oxidative stress in preterm neonates at birth and on the seventh day of life. Pediatr Res 2002;52:46-9
    22 Wall PD, Pressman EK, Woods Jr JR. Preterm premature rupture of the membranes and antioxidants: the free radical connection. J Perinat Med 2002;30:447-57

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