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目前全球大气臭氧(O3)浓度已经从工业革命前的38 nl L-1(25-45 nl L-1,夏季每天8 h平均)上升到2000年的50 nl L-1。IPCC预测,到2050年,地球表面的O3浓度将会提升23%,悲观估计2100年将上升到80 nl L-1。大气O3浓度升高不仅影响植物的生长、产量和品质,也使植物对元素吸收和分配的模式发生改变。水稻是世界上最重要的粮食作物,大气O3浓度升高对水稻不同生育期大量和微量元素含量、吸收和分配是否有影响?这种影响是否因品种和不同生长季而异?这些问题均不清楚。为了明确这一问题,2008-2009年我们利用世界唯一的稻麦轮作生态系统开放式空气O3浓度增高(FACE,Free-Air Ozone Concentration Enrichment)技术平台(32°35.5’N,119°42’E,中国江都),以武运粳21、扬稻6号、汕优63和两优培九为供试材料,O3浓度设正常O(3Ambient)和高O(3FACE,1.5倍Ambient)2个水平,研究其对水稻不同生育期(够苗期、拔节期、抽穗期、穗后20 d和成熟期)九种元素(K、Ca、Mg、Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn、B和S)的浓度、累积量以及在不同器官中分配的影响,以期为未来高O3浓度条件下我国水稻作物生产的适应决策提供试验依据。
     1.多数情况下,水稻够苗期、拔节期、抽穗期、穗后20 d和成熟期地上部各元素浓度不同品种间存在显著或极显著差异,但O3浓度升高对水稻不同生育时期各元素浓度无显著影响。方差分析表明,O3×品种和O3×年度的互作对水稻不同生育时期地上部植株各元素浓度多无显著影响。
     2.不同水稻品种同一生育时期干物质累积量的差异均达极显著水平。O3浓度升高对水稻干物质累积量的影响随生育进程的推移有增大趋势:两季平均水稻够苗期、拔节期、抽穗期、穗后20 d和成熟期分别减少4%、6%、9%、7%和10%,其中拔节期达显著水平,抽穗期、穗后20 d和成熟期达极显著水平。O3×品种、O3×年度的互作对水稻各期干物质累积量多无显著影响。
At present, the wordwide average tropospheric ozone concentration ([O3]) has been increased from an estimated pre-industrial level of 38 to approximately 50 nl L-1. According to IPCC, tropospheric [O3] is projected to increase by 23% by 2050 and to reach the level of 80 nl L-1 by 2100 based on most pessimistic. Elevated [O3] not only influences the growth, yield and quality of plants, but also changes the patterns of element uptake and allocation. Rice is the most important food crop in the world, however, to date, no information is available on the seasonal responses of element (include macro-elements and micro-elements) concentration, uptake and allocation of rice to elevated [O3] and whether the ozone effect was modified by cultivars grown or developmental stages. In order to investigate the effects of elevated [O3] on seasonal changes in nine element (i.e., K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, B and S) concentration, absorption and allocation at different growth stages of rice (including tillering, jointing, heading, 20 days after heading (DAH) and maturity stage), we conducted a unique free-air O3 enrichment (FACE) experiment in a rotation system of rice and wheat at Jiangdu, Jiangsu Province, China (32°35.5’N,119°42’E) in 2008-2009. Four rice cultivars: Wu Yunjing 21 (WYJ21), Yangdao 6 (YD6), Shanyou 63 (SY63) and Liangyoupeijiu (LYPJ) were grown at ambient (AMB) or elevated [O3] (FACE, 50% above ambient). The results obtained here could provide important implications on fertilizer management and strategies of rice in a future elevated [O3] world.
     1. In most cases, significant differences (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05) existed among the cultivars for concentrations of all elements in aboveground at all growth stages of rice (i.e. tillering, jointing, heading, 20 DAH and maturity stage), however, no effect of elevated [O3] was detected for concentrations of the all elements in aboveground across the season. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated no significant O3×cultivar and O3×year interaction for above parameters.
     2. The differences among the rice cultivals for dry matter accumulation were significant (P < 0.01) at different growth stages. The negative effect of elevated [O3] on dry matter accumulation of rice tended to increase with crop development: averaged across the two growing seasons, dry matter accumulation of rice plant was lower under FACE by 4%, 6%, 9%, 7% and 10% at tillering, jointing, heading, 20 DAH and maturity stage, respectively, with the effect being significant at jointing (P < 0.05), heading, 20 DAH and maturity stage (P < 0.01). In most cases, there was no siginificant interaction between O3×cultivar or O3×year for dry matter accumulation of rice plant at all sampled stages.
     3. Significant differences (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05) existed among the cultivars for accumulations of all elements in aboveground at different growth stages, and elevated [O3] was detected for concentrations of all elements in aboveground across the season, the rate of decrease had increased with the growth stages, but not significantly. there was no siginificnat interaction beween O3×cultivar or O3×year for dry matter accumulation of rice plant at all sampled stages.
     4. In most cases, significant differences (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05) existed among the cultivars for distribution of all elements in green leaves, yellow leaves, stem and panicle at different growth stages, however, no effect of elevated [O3] was detected for distribution of the all elements. there was no siginificnat interaction beween O3×cultivar or O3×year for the proportion of elements distribution in different parts of rice at all sampled stages.
     5. In maturity stage, significant differences (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05) existed among the cultivars for the concentration of the elements in seeds of rice. But the elevated O3 almost had no effect on the concentration of elements. There was no siginificnat interaction beween O3×cultivar or O3×year for the concentration of the elements of rice plant at all sampled stages.
     6. Significant differences (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05) existed among the cultivars for the accumulation of various elements of seeds in different cultivars of rice. the accumulation of K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, B and S was lower under FACE by 2%, 2%, 1%, 4%, 1%, 9%, 11% and 1%, respectively, but did not reach significant level. There was no siginificnat interaction beween O3×cultivar for the accumulation of various elements of seeds at all sampled stages. But there was siginificnat interaction beween O3×year for the accumulation of various elements of seeds at all sampled stages.
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