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     饲料碳同位素和氮同位素组成不同,影响动物组织中的δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N值。选择36头12-14月龄的青年牛作为试验动物,分为两个大组,分别饲喂C3、C4植物含量不同的日粮,探讨牛组织中δ~(13)C值和膳食中C3、C4植物比例间的剂量响应关系。132天后将试验动物屠宰。利用同位素比率质谱仪测定牛尾毛、脱脂牛肉、粗脂肪、各种饲料原料的δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N值。结果表明,牛组织中碳同位素组成主要受饲料的影响,牛尾毛、脱脂肌肉、粗脂肪中的δ~(13)C值随着C4植物含量在牛饲料中的比例增加而升高,随着C3植物含量在牛饲料中的比例增大而降低,并且均与C4、C3植物含量呈极显著的相关性(P<0.01),用牛组织中的δ~(13)C值可以调查牛饲料中的主要成分;牛组织中的氮同位素一定程度上受饲料因素的影响,但未随饲料组成成分的改变而呈现规律性变化;牛尾毛、脱脂肌肉相对饲料对13C的富集比例两组试验结果不一致,牛尾毛对15N的富集比例大于脱脂肌肉,富集比例约在3‰- 5‰,饲料种类、牛个体等因素对富集比例均有一定影响;牛尾毛、脱脂肌肉、粗脂肪中的δ~(13)C值三者之间相关性达到极显著水平(P<0.01)。牛尾毛、脱脂肌肉、粗脂肪均可作为牛肉溯源的材料。
Stable isotope technology was applied in the fields of geology, archeology, medical and environmental science in early time. In recent years, stable isotope analysis is applied in the traceability of food geographical origin thanks to its virtue. The objective of this article was to push forward its application and development into food science and it was studied in beef traceability.
     In order to research on different stable isotope composition in the different beef tissues, as well as the breed, longissimus muscle, psoas major muscle, leg muscle, buttock muscle, cattle tail hair, blood, liver and feed were collected, which were belonging to simmental and charolais cattle under the same culture conditions. Theδ~(13)C,δ~(15)N,δ~2H,δ~(34)S values of above tissues,andδ~2H,δ~(18)O of muscle tissue water were determined using isotope ratio mass spectrometry(IRMS). Then the data were performed using multivariate analysis including ANOVA with the help of SAS Package for windows. The results showed thatδ~(13)C,δ~(15)N,δ~(34)S values of cattle tissues exceptδ~2H values were not different between breed. Theδ~(13)C values of crude fat were far lower than those of other tissues, but it had not significant difference between different fat sources and the same as other defatted tissues (P>0.05). However,δ~(15)N values of defatted liver, andδ~2H,δ~(34)S values of cattle tail hair were significantly higher than those of muscle tissues (P<0.01). So these results indicated that isotope fractionation in the various tissue was discrepant. Theδ~2H andδ~(18)O values of muscle tissue water were positively correlated (R2=0.83, P<0.01 ), but these values varied in a large range. Theδ~(13)C,δ~(15)N,δ~(34)S,δ~2H values between each tissue were not significantly correlated, so the proper tissue or component should be selected according to the purpose and object in the beef traceability study.
     Previous studies had shown that the stable carbon and nitrogen composition of diets influenced theδ~(13)C andδ~(15)N values of animal tissue. 36 (12 to14 months old) young bulls were selected and assigned to 2 large groups fed with a diet consisting of different content of C3、C4 plant with the aim of developing a quantitative relationship between the dietary C4 and C3 plant intake andδ~(13)C of bovine tissues. All animals were slaughtered after feeding for 132 days. Theδ~(13)C andδ~(15)N values of cattle tail hair, defatted muscle, crude fat and each feed material were determined by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). It was shown that the stable carbon isotope composition of beef tissue was primarily dependent on the diet the animals were fed,meanwhile theδ~(13)C values of cattle tail hair, defatted muscle and crude fat all enhanced with the increment of the proportions of C4 constituents in diet, but those values were on the contrary with the enhancement of the proportions of C3 constituents. Moreover, allδ~(13)C values of different tissues were significantly correlated with the content of C4 and C3 plant material. So, the main component of cattle feed could be investigated with the help ofδ~(13)C values. Theδ~(15)N values of beef tissues were affected by feed composition to some extent, but it had no regularity. The cattle tail hair and defatted muscle enriched in 13C to their feeds gave different results between the two groups, but cattle tail hair enriched in 15N much more than defatted muscle and in the proportion of 3‰- 5‰, plus, cattle variety and individual had effect on the proportion of enrichment. Theδ~(13)C values between cattle tail hair, defatted muscle, crude fat were significantly correlated (P< 0.01), which suggested that all of them could be used for beef traceability.
     For exploring the feasibility of stable isotope technique for cattle geographical origin, the beef samples and drinking water samples were collected from different regions, then theδ~(13)C,δ~(15)N values of defatted muscle andδ~(18)O values of crude fat and drinking water were determined. The results showed that the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope composition of beef were significantly different, and the same as theδ~(18)O values of crude fat, but also they were highly correlated with theδ~(18)O values of drinking water. Therefore, stable isotope technique can distinguish cattle from different regions, and also the main component of cattle feed can be inferred using theδ~(13)C values of beef.
     This article studied the stable carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, hydrogen and oxygen composition of beef different tissues with IRMS, and established the relationship between the dietary C4, C3 plant proportion andδ~(13)C of bovine tissues by the animal experiment. At the same time, the stable isotope technique was proved for cattle geographical origin by analyzing beef samples from different regions.These results provided theoretical basis in the food traceability for the stable isotope technology.
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