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     含有螺旋金属-水簇链的超分子配合物[Mn(dafdc) (H_2O)_4]·7H_2O;
With the rapid growth in supramolecular chemistry in recent years, a great deal of effort has been devoted to the design and assembly of supramolecular compounds, for these compounds have potential applications in the ionophore chemistry, ion pair extraction chemistry, phase transfer catalysis chemistry and so on. Moreover, the syntheses of various supramolecular compounds help to obtain new information of intermolecular interactions, which is apparently important for rational design and construction of new framework structures. Currently, a lot of researchers are focusing their attention on the crystal engineering of supramolecular architectures organized by coordinate covalent bonds or hydrogen bonds andπ-πstacking interactions. In particular, the hydrogen bonding has attracted most interest due to its relative strength and directionality in generating a great variety of one-(1-D), two-(2-D), and three-dimensional(3-D)either non-interpenerating open networks with variable cavities or channels of desire size, or well entangled structures through interpeneration.
     Water clusters have been intensively investigated both experimentally and theoretically due to their important relevance to biological systems and chemical processes. Their structural information holds considerable promise for achieving a more accurate description of the properties of bulk water at a molecular level. These polymeric water morphologies, which structurally lie in between water clusters and bulk water, have physical properties very closely associated with those of bulk water. Without doubt, the above studies have significantly advanced the understanding of water structures and provided novel structural aspects of water and new insights into water with implications for biological environments.
     In this paper, the new ligands of 3,5-(4,5-Diazafluoren-9-ylideneamino)benzoic acid(dafdc) and 4, 4′-Dini-trostilbene-2, 2′-Disulfonic Acid(DNS) with nitrogen sulfur and oxygen Atoms were synthesized. Then the follows new supramolecular metal complexes were synthesized by conventional method.
     The supramolecular complexes with infinite metal-water clusters chain of [Mn(dafdc) (H_2O)_4]·7H_2O;
     The supramolecular complexes with new DNS of [Ni(H_2O)_6](DNS)·2H_2O; The metal complexes with sodium diphenylamine sulphonic acid salt(dpas) of [Ni(en)_2](dpas)_2;
     The crystal structure and composition of the complexes were confirmed by X-ray single crystal diffraction and infrared spectrum and elemental analysis.
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