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论文根据国内外对陆架边缘海域悬浮颗粒有机质的研究现状,通过目前国际上公认的对海水颗粒有机碳(POC)、氮(PN)测定的先进方法,即利用元素分析仪和MAT-251质谱仪和Finnigan Delta plus同位素比值质谱仪测量了黄东海及长江河口区悬浮颗粒有机碳、氮含量和同位素组成,以弄清1998年长江特大洪水对黄东海悬浮颗粒物质输运的影响和三峡截流对长江口区悬浮颗粒有机物质分布的影响。主要结果如下:
     二、三峡截流后长江口悬浮体及颗粒有机碳、氮的分布和来源2004年秋末冬初,在具有高悬浮泥沙浓度的长江口区,POC、PN质量浓度和TSM含量呈现正相关关系,相关系数分别为R=0.708 6和R=0.648 3,表明长江口TSM和POM的物源一致性;而且悬浮体有机C/N比值大多数在12以上,显示了该区域TSM及其POM的陆源性质。
Water column concentrations of total suspended matter(TSM),particulate organic carbon(POC),particulate nitrogen(PN)and their stable isotopic compositions(δ13C andδ15N)are measured at two to five different depths in the Yellow Sea and East China Seas and Yangtze Estuary to clarify the effect of the Yangtze River close off at the Three Gorges project on the distribution of suspended matter in the estuary and the effect of’98 Yangtze great flood on the transport of suspended matter in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. The results are followed:
     1. The effect’98 Yangtze great flood on the transport of suspended matter in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea
     Suspended matters are collected to analyze the distributions of TSM, POC, PN and S throughout the Yellow Sea and East China Sea in the autumn of 1998. There are marked positive correlations (r=0.89~0.98) among TSM, POC and PN, but negative relationships (r=-0.29~-0.59) between TSM and salinity. These results conclude that the POC and PN were controlled primarily by the concentrations of TSM.
     The C/N ratios of particulate organic matter have a negative linear correlation with PN % (r=-0.44~-0.71), but no correlation with POC %, which suggests C/N ratios are mainly controlled by PN %.
     There are distinct positive correlations betweenδ15N and POC % or PN % in surface water( r=0.36 and 0.24,p<0.01,respectively), however, the correlation don’t exist in more deeper depths. It indicates thatδ15N could be changed by a lot of factors such as nutrient utility, nitrification, denitrification, and different material sources and so on, except decomposition of organic matter.
     The distributions of C/N ratio andδ13C values of the particulate organic matter suggest that suspended matters from Yangtze River could be transported directly into the Okinawa Trough under the condition of’98 Yangtze great flood, which break through the foregone knowledge obtained under the normal hydrological condition.
     2. The distributions and source of POM in the water column throughout the Yangtze River Estuary after the Three Gorges There are positive correlations between concentrations of POC and TSM (R=0.708 7) and between concentrations of PN and TSM (R=0.648 4) throughout the turbid Yangtze River Estuary during November and December 2004, it shows the POM has the same source with TSM. Furthermore, Most samples display C:N ratio >12, suggesting the both TSM and POM in this region are mainly of terrestrial origin.
     Comparing the data of concentrations of TSM and POC in the Yangtze River estuary before and after the Three Gorges project, it indicates that the Yangtze River close off at the Three Gorges has not influenced on the distribution feature of TSM and POC in the Yangtze River estuary.
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