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     学界对基于生态系统的渔业管理方式解决当前渔业资源衰退、生态系统恶化危机的有效性和必要性已经初步达成了共识,认为实施基于生态系统的渔业管理方式是世界渔业管理发展的趋势和目标。对基于生态系统的渔业管理、渔民及其社区和其他利益相关者的参与型管理和科学指导管理的渔业管理理念等问题的研究已成为现代渔业管理理论研究的主要方向。Pitcher et al.(2009)对世界33个国家实施基于生态系统的渔业管理方式的原则、指标和执行情况进行了评价,结果表明目前各国无一达到良好标准,加拿大达标,我国的评级为不及格。中国和加拿大都处于从单物种渔业管理向基于生态系统的渔业管理转变的过渡阶段,但加拿大的渔业管理位居世界先进国行列,我国的渔业管理仍处于较为初级的发展阶段。尽管中加两国的渔业海洋生态环境不同、渔业资源状况不同、国情不同、渔业管理体制和制度不同,客观的比较是困难的,但整体观的比较可以明晰两国海洋渔业管理的先进经验和失败教训,在现阶段进行这样的比较研究是必要的且非常有意义的。本文旨在探索解决我国海洋渔业发展问题的现实途径和制度安排,为完善我国海洋渔业管理发展提供切实可行的参考建议,为我国的渔业管理决策提供理论和技术支撑。
Fishery resources exploitation has developed from the status of being less exploited,fullyexploited, overexploited tothe status of being depleted, so people pay more attention tofishery management. There are four stages in the development of fishery management: freefishing, input controls only, input and output controls, ecosystem based fishery management(EBFM). While facing at the features of fishery resources (common, straddled), thecharacteristics of fishery marine ecosystems (dynamic and complex) and the increasing captureand pollution, traditional fishery management methods are of no effects to solve the situations ofresources depletion.There are some disadvantages existed in the China‘s marine fisherymanagement process: administrative institution arrangement is not adequate, fisherymanagement mechanism is not reasonable, scientific decision-making is not high emphasized,fishery management mood is not advanced, fishery management measures is not effective.
     The researchers reached the consensus about necessities and effects on solving fisheryresource depletion and ecosystem crisis by EBFM implementation, with the agreement thatEBFM implementation is the target and tendency of the development of global fisherymanagement.Studies on modern fishery management theories focus on EBFM, participatorymanagement and scientific-based manament. The performance of33countries was evaluated forEBFM in three fields (principles, criteria and implementation) using quantitative ordinationincluding uncertainty (Pitcher et al.2009). No country rated overall as good‘, Canada was adequate‘, while China received fail‘grades.China and Canada aretransforming from singlefishery management to EBFM.Canada‘sfishery management is listed at the top level of theworld, while China‘s fishery management still stays in the primary stage.China and Canadadiffer in fishery marine environment, fishery resources status, national situations, fisherymanagement mechanisms and regimes, so the fair comparison is difficult. However, comparisonfrom a whole picture is necessary and meaningful in current stage. The purpose of this study isto clarify each other‘ssuccesses or failures, to find out the practical and institutional solutions,providereferences for China‘s fishery management development and also support fordecision-making in theories and techniques.
     This paper discusses the major problems in the development of China‘s fisherymanagement and conducts analysis based on the fishery management theories, with historicalcomparison on fishery marine environment, marine fishery reso urces exploitation, fisherymanaging mechanisms and regimes between China and Canada. It can be concluded bycomprehensive and systemic comparison between China and Canada that Canada formedcomprehensive, precaution-based principle, high involvement of stake holders, rule by law,scientific decision-making process with good ocean position, abundant fishery resources andlong fishery management history. On the contrary, China‘s fishery resource cannot be exploitedsustainably with the depletion of major commercial fishery resources and the deterioration ofecosystem. China peruses economy interests maximized and its current managing focus ontaking technique measures to conserve resource, managing by input control mainly andgovernance of government-oriented. China‘s fishery management still stays in the primarystage,not adapting to the development of fishery resources exploitation.
     This paper studies fishery and fishery regimes of two typical species cases, hairtail in theEast China Sea and silver hake in the scotia shelf of Canada. It is the first time in China toassess managing efforts for hairtial from being compared to silver hake, which with similarbiological characteristics as hairtail. The relationship between silver hake‘s landing andrecruitment is analyzed by building the―landing-recruitment‘model (reverse-Ricker model),and the value of max recruitment is calculated when reached the max landing for the purpose ofassessing its managing efforts. The results show that management measures were effective beingimplemented in1994by Canadian government, which is beneficial for resources conservation.Modeling the relationship between landing and recruitment is the further applicationfor Rickermodel in the field of biology and it can be used as a reference objective. Such is an originality ofthis paper. Still, the relevant relationship between recruitments of these two species andenvironmental factors is analyzed in order to study the influence of marine environment shifts tothe variation of fishery resources. As general results show that hairtail and silver hake aremanaged by single species management methods. Hairtail managing relies on moratorium andactually there is no release for the resources recovery although a short-term benefit occurred.Also the stable marine environment helps the conservation of hairtail resource. While, althoughthere are some fluctuations in the biomass of silver hake influenced by environment factors,silver hake still keep in the status of sustainable development, which means that silver hakemanaging is effective. China could learn the pioneer experience of silver hake managementregimes, such as by-catch controls of non-target fishery resources, marine protected areafocused on multi-species and adaptive policy frame in response to the environment shifts.
     This paper summarizes Canadian successful managing practices in the following aspects:persisting in legal governance, implementing sustainable fishery development objectives,emphasizing assessment of marine fishery resources, authorizing fisherman participating anddecision-making rights and being active in international fishery cooperation. Based on China‘scurrent developing fishery management, this papersuggests China‘s future approaches in marinefishery management, which arebeing transformedfrom technique measures implementedmanagement to right-based management legal governance, from orientated governance tocommon management mechanisms,from extensive targeted management to intensive processmanagement and from single species resources management to EBFM.
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