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With the improvement of environmental management in China, the target ofwater pollution control from concentration control and goal amount control tocapacity amount control, and from chemical pollution control to water ecologicalenvironmental management. In the process, the key factors to decide water ecologicalenvironmental management failures or success are scientific, rational, advisable andfeasibility of water ecological benchmarks and standards. Ecological criteria are notonly the theoretical basis for developing its standards, but also can provide data tosupport management decisions and identify potential problems. Therefore, ecologicalcriteria theoretical and methods research should be developed as soon as possible. Itcan improve the scientific and technological level of environmental standards system,promote the realization of the strategic objectives of environmental management andenhance the international reputation of environmental technology.
     This article based on the calculation of biological criteria and nutrient criteria byUnited States Environmental Protection Agency. Two ecological criteria technologysystem (rivers and lakes) were establish based on the changes of the planktoncommunity. And the calculation data came from experimental data, investigation datain Taihu and Liaohe River (2009and2010), and historical data. The main ecologicalindex are plankton community (composition, biological density and diversity index),nutrients (total nitrogen and ammonia), chlorophyll a, heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Cu, Pband Zn), dissolved oxygen. There were three methods to calculate ecological criteria:dual-value standards, multimeric indexes and frequency distribution. To study thedifferences on calculation process and results in two watershed type (lakes and rivers),and test the feasibility of technology framework by examples.
     The main conclusions of this article are as follows:
     ①The ecological criteria can be calculated by dual-value standards, multimericindexes and frequency distribution. Compared with multimeric indexes and frequencydistribution, dual-value standards can be used when the pollutants have toxic effects to the target. So the dual-value standards are not suitable as a method of calculatingthe ecological criteria.
     ②The watershed ecological criteria technology framework mainly includes fiveparts: the investigation of watershed environmental of ecological criteria indicator,the selection method and technology of reference sites; ecological integrity indicatorsand application based on plankton; the calculation of ecological criteria; verificationby RTAG. The core of framework is ecological criteria calculation. The feasibility ofthe watershed ecological criteria technology framework is tested through the study inTaihu and Liaohe case.
     ③The sampling data show that the number of plankton species, the largestbiological density fluctuation and worst water quality of Taihu’s four districts isMeiliang Bay. The best the water quality of Taihu’s four districts is east shore area.The number of plankton species and biological density in the space distribution ofLiaohe were first increase and then decrease from upstream to downstream. The bestwater quality is Hun River, and the worst water quality is Da Liaohe.
     ④The results of ecological criteria calculated by multimeric indexes are asfollows: the value of IEI ecocriteria of Taihu were94.7(summer) and86.7(winter);the value of IEI ecocriteria of Liaohe were100(summer) and96.4(winter); the valueof Chl a ecocriteria of Taihu were4.90μg/L; the value of TN ecocriteria of Taihu were2.21mg/L; the value of ammonia nitrogen ecocriteria of Taihu were1.43mg/L; thevalue of DO ecocriteria of Taihu were10.09mg/L; the value of phytoplankton H ofTaihu were2.72; the value of phytoplankton H of Taihu were2.72; the value ofzooplankton D of Taihu were2.21; the value of phytoplankton D of Taihu were2.03.
     ⑤The results of ecological criteria calculated by frequency distribution are asfollows: the value of zooplankton D ecocriteria were7.70(Taihu) and7.02(Liaohe);the value of zooplankton H ecocriteria were3.86(Taihu) and3.41(Liaohe); the valueof phytoplankton D ecocriteria were2.03(Taihu) and2.08(Liaohe); the value ofphytoplankton H ecocriteria were2.77(Taihu) and3.65(Liaohe); the value of Chl aecocriteria of Taihu were5.87μg/L; the value of TN ecocriteria of Taihu were1.83mg/L; the value of ammonia nitrogen ecocriteria were1.50mg/L (Taihu) and1.03 mg/L (Liaohe); the value of DO ecocriteria were10.09mg/L (Taihu and Liaohe).
     ⑥Compared the ecological criteria with the domestic and internationalbenchmark standard which is calculated by frequency distribution and multimericindexes, most of the ecological criteria are reasonable. Due to the impact of rarespecies, the values of phytoplankton D ecocriteria were small. And the values of DOecocriteria were large because of sampling data mainly derived from the surface ofTaihu and Liaohe.
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