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     本文对建设规模为600 t/d的中等规模的垃圾焚烧发电厂进行技术经济评价。经过确定性及不确定性经济分析,项目的各项指标都在可行范围内。
Techno-economic appraisal is a feasible analysis process in technical and economic evaluation, which purpose is helpful to managers' decision-making. At the same time, it can provide basic information for offering loans, endorsing among copartner and designing of project. A perfect project must be provided with not only advancing technology, rational income but also social benefit.
    Appraising a project includes definite and indefinite appraisal analysis. The former judges whether a project is feasible or not by static and dynamic indexes. Static indexes are available in the earlier phrases, which techno-economic data are imperfect and inaccurate. Dynamic indexes are often used in final decision of feasibility investigation. Any appraisal index only shows one or more aspects, which is not enough. In practice, several indexes are combined aiming to evaluate thoroughly as possible as we can. Some important indexes are listed here, such as ratio of benefit/cost ratio, Payback period, Net present value and Internal rate of return. Break-even point, sensitive analysis and probability are used in indefinite evaluation.
    It is obvious that municipal solid wastes(MSW) are overrun all over the world. The urgent measure is not how to control and annihilate these wastes but effective disposal by positive measures. Municipal solid wastes are definited as the secondary resource. The increase of garbage is surprising in our country. However the domestic industry of waste disposal is in underway. There are many issues in both macroscopical and microcosmic aspects. It is worth carrying out further research. On account of significance of waste disposal, such as economizing energy, improving environment, it is necessary to evaluate the industry of MSW disposal.
    The evaluation in MSW incineration disposal industry is the same as a normal project, but there are specialities of its own. For example, it is deferent in financing, investment and sources of benefits from others. Additionally, the industry pays more attention to social and environmental benefits.
    In this paper, a moderate scale plant of MSW incineration disposal is appraised. , Ordinarily disposal scale of 600t/d can be taken for moderate scale. Based on
    definite and indefinite analysis, all of the economic indexes are in feasible scope.
    Generally speaking, the incomes of this kind of project are frictional, and payback period is much longer. It is acknowledged that steady-going and less risk are the advantages. We can regard this kind of investment as strategic investment, but not as risky ones.
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