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     针对已知系统响应求系统模型参数问题,以机械撞击为研究对象,提出了在给定变截面杆下,冲击活塞动态反演设计方法。研究了活塞与半无限杆撞击产生应力波原理,推导了在给定被撞击变截面杆条件下的冲击活塞结构参数计算公式,为新加坡Nanyang Technological Universitv防护研究中心大直径SHPB试验机成功设计了冲击活塞。
On the base of analyzing the theories of the inverse design and their present application status, from the view of the combine of the design methodology and inversion, the common problems in inverse design methods are discussed in detail. Aiming at the dynamic qualities of the machine system, several typical inverse design problems and approaches in impact machine systems have been studied systematically. These inverse design methods are applied to the design.
    For the problem to get the model parameters of the system when giving the output or the response, the impact piston dynamic inverse design method has been presented, in which the profile of the variable cross-sections rod is given. The produce mechanism of the stress wave during the process of the piston impacting the semi-infinite rod has been studied. The formulas for calculating the geometry parameters of the projectile are derived. A projectile for large SHPB equipment of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has been designed and manufactured successfully.
    For the problem to inquire the input or the stir of the system when giving the output or the response, the dynamic inverse design method of impact parts with given transmissivity has been put forward. In frequency-domain, the wave transmissivity of the part is defined. The transmission principles of stress wave through the mechanical impact system have been studied. Consequently, the transmission characteristic matrix is obtained. The formulas for solving the impact parts are gained. The variety of inverse design results has been discussed as well as the precision of design.
    For the problem to search the structure parameters of the system when giving the relation of the output or the response and the input or the stir, the pleasant dynamic inverse design method is brought forward. The dynamics problems of the driving system of hydraulic winding machine, the winder rope system and container are all studied. Wave discrete method is used to solve the input function of the hydraulic driving system that is fitting to passengers. The couple dynamics problem in the vehicle-road-human system is inquired into. Considering the road alignment as the impact input
    of the above system, the characteristic polygon of the sample curve is constructed. At the same time, the transition vertical curve is designed by optimizing to insure the comfort of the passengers.
    By applying the inverse design methods and the related theory of impact mechanics, we have successfully developed a multi-function horizontal impact test set-up QCJ. The dynamic measurement system based on Odyssey data acquisition system to gain stress is set up. Introducing the dynamics parameter a and the kinematics parameter t into the design of impact machine, a new conceptual design method of the percussive drill is developed by means of mixing kinematics and kinetics. YST-25 full-hydraulic pressure hammer drill with supporting leg has been designed and manufactured based on above approach.
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