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水工建筑物会因自然因素或人为因素遭受破坏,一旦遭到破坏,其对下游人民生命财产的影响远远大于洪水,而水库和堤坝的安全又是水工建筑物设计和管理的核心问题,因此,溃坝计算对于水工建筑物失事后的影响评估起着重要的作用,也可为后期的环境与生态评估系统的开发提供水流模型基础。本论文在有限体积无结构网格上建立两类高性能格式——TVD-MacCormack格式和MUSCL格式,计算出溃坝坝址流量、水位及向下游洪水演进得出沿程各处的流量、水位、流速和波前。模拟算例表明此类格式能够自动俘获间断且能消除激波附近的虚假数值振荡,克服了许多格式在间断处不是过分耗散就是数值振荡的缺点。对复杂地形和边界进行了有效处理并在地形起伏较大处采用水面梯度法(SurfaceGradient Method,SGM),得到满意的结果。显示出此类格式的守恒性、逆风性、TVD(Total Variation Diminishing)性及对间断的高分辨率等优良特性。
The hydraulic structure could be damaged due to natural or human factors. Once it happens, it would destroy lots of the properties and lives downstream of the structure. Therefore, safety of the hydraulic structure is the most important factor of the design and management. Simulation of the dam-break wave plays a key role hi assessing the effect of hydraulic structure damaging and provides the basis for exploring system assessing environmental and ecological consequences. Two schemes, TVD-MacCormack and TVD-MUSCL were constructed based on Finite Volume Method (FVM) with high performance. Two schemes can be used to compute discharge, water level at collapsed dam-toe and each section along the propagating route, the sharp front of the wave. Two models were tested by analytical solution of one-dimensional dam-break wave. The results showed that the models could capture the dam-break wave front correctly and eliminate the false numerical oscillations. The models overcome either too much dissipation or numerical
    oscillation, which many other schemes do. This thesis also developed a technique treating complicated geometry. The results from the simulation of the dam-break wave propagating on a real topography prove that the technique developed in this thesis is useful in practice.
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