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     5)在库尔勒地面灌溉条件下,氮肥(纯)总用量为380kg/hm2,基肥施用比例40%,灌溉为W1水平的情况下,第一次追肥为57kg/hm2(15%),花蕾期蕾铃脱落率最低为2.51% ,第二次追肥为87.4kg/hm2 (23%),花铃期蕾铃脱落率最低为10.27%,第三次追肥为83.6kg/hm2 (22%)时,棉花蕾铃脱落较少,产量较高。
Through irrigation conditions on different growth stages under different irrigation and nitrogen loss under the abscission of cotton buds and bolls survey to study the amount of irrigation, nitrogen application rate for cotton in the whole growth period, different growth stages of the impact of falling of bud. It draws the following conclusion:
     1). Water and fertilizer are two key factors affecting the growth of cotton, with lower inputs of fertilizer is not conducive to increasing the role played by irrigation; reasonable fertilizer inputs in favor of increasing the role played by irrigation; too much water or fertilizer inputs can not access to high-yielding cotton .
     2).The abscission rate of cotton buds and bolls is very closely linked with fertilizer and irrigation volume growth period, where appropriate, under abscission the rate of cotton buds and bolls very low, too high or too low fertilizer would result in a large number of the fertilization rate of cotton buds and bolls.
     3). In different growth stages, the fertilization rate of cotton buds and bolls is different. Low and high nitrogen application make the fertilization rate of cotton buds and bolls high ,and the suitable nitrogen fertilizer is loss.
     4). In surface irrigation conditions, when the nitrogen fertilizer (pure) for the total volume is 380kg/hm2, the proportion is 40% of basal fertilizer application, 2 times with water to recover the respective proportions are 15% fertilization and 20%; irrigation volume is 5250m3/hm2, water ratio is 25%, 30%, 30%, 15% of processing, the yield of seed cotton can achieve 6400.2kg/hm2, and the abscission of cotton buds and bolls is 57.65%.
     5). In surface irrigation conditions, when the nitrogen fertilizer (pure) for the total volume is 380kg/hm2, the proportion is 40% of basal fertilizer application, irrigation level for the case of W1, the first top dressing for 57kg/hm2 (15%), flower period the abscission of cotton buds and bolls is 2.51 percent for the second top-dressing is 87.4kg/hm2 (23%), boll stage spend a minimum of the abscission of cotton buds and bolls is 10.27 percent, the third top dressing is 83.6kg/hm2 (22%), the abscission of cotton buds and bolls is lower and the yield is high .
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