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     (1) 利用模糊综合评判法的水体评价结果表明潮白河水系的水质状况相对较好,多为Ⅱ、Ⅲ类水质,大清河水系、蓟运河水系、北运河水系水体污染严重,多为Ⅴ类或劣Ⅴ类水。密云水库水质较好,为Ⅲ类水质,官厅水库富营养化为Ⅳ类水质,珍珠湖和海子水库水质污染超标严重。
     (2) 利用GPS、GIS技术展示了北京大尺度范围地表水污染的空间分异特征,各水体指标的浓度分布都大致呈西北—东南走向的污染规律,水体污染严重的区域主要集中在人类活动频繁的北京东南部区域,包括顺义、平谷、丰台、房山、大兴、通州和昌平地区,主要涉及北运河水系、蓟运河水系、大清河水系,而在人类活动较少的高海拔地区,污染相对较轻。
     (3) 通过对典型水体沉积物的内源重金属污染评价及利用室内模拟试验进行重金属释放的研究表明:温榆河底泥各站点重金属呈现极强的生态危害,以镉为主。温榆河柱状沉积物中重金属生物可给态总量以沉积柱表层最高,并随深度增加呈递减之势,温榆河段重金属污染以一定速率迭加。土柱淋溶试验表明,四种重金属都有从土柱中淋出的现象,重金属淋溶能力递减顺序为Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb,河流沉积物存在污染地下水的风险。
     (4) 北京市水体污染的经济损失评估结果表明:2002年的水污染总体的年经济损失值为4亿多元,其中工业损失值最大约占72.63%,而人体健康损失、地下水污染功能损失、农作物损失,畜牧渔业损失共占27.37%.该项损失值达1.108亿元。
     (5) 通过大量的调查研究表明,北京市的水体污染主要由点源污染和农业面源污染造成的,点源主要包括工业、生活污染,面源污染主要由农药、化肥的流失污染、水土流失污染以及畜禽养殖业粪污水排放导致。在工农业活动密集的顺义、平谷、朝阳、大兴、通州、房山等地水体污染严重,涉及北运河水系、蓟运河水系和大清河水系,主成分分析结果揭示了同样的污染原因。
     (6) 北京市水体污染控制是项庞大的系统工程,既要搞好地表水体功能区划和污水资源化又要进行宏观污染控制。参考此次水质评价的研究结果以及北京市地表水体原有的功能分区状况,对现行功能分区提出了修改意见,饮用水源应继续维持饮用水源保护地功能,考虑环境风险问题,建议对严重污染(Ⅴ类或超Ⅴ类)水体使用现实功能,若进行适当处理可开发多种功能回用于生产和生活。宏观策略结合污染源产生的实际情况对工业排污、农业面源、生活点源等方面加以控制,采取一系列的技术手段,提倡源头治理与控制技术,推行清洁生产和绿色产业技术,并加快企业技术改造和产业结构调整的步伐,进一步推动北京市社会、经济、生态的可持续发展。
Water pollution in Beijing has been the focus in our country even in the world presently. The result of this investigation was just as follows:
    According to the results using fuzzy synthetic evaluation method, the water quality of Chaobaihe water systems was good relatively with II, HI grade mostly comparing to the GB3838-2002 national standard of surface water quality. The water quality of other three water systems including Daqinghe, Jiyunhe and Beiyunhe was contaminated seriously with water quality of V grade mostly. The water quality of Miyun reservoir was good and reached III class level, and that of Guanting reservoir was bad with eutrophication and reached IV class level. The water in Zhengzhu lake and Haizi reservoir was contaminated seriously.
    The spatial distribution of pollution of Beijing in large-scale map was obtained through the GIS and GPS technology with pollution trait towards Northwest and Southeast. The regions contaminated seriously concentrated in the southeast area including such districts and counties as Shunyi, Pinggu, Fengtai, Fangshan, Daxing, Tongzhou and Changping, and the related watersyems contained Beiyunhe, Jiyunhe, Daqinghe. In the areas with less anthropic activities, the water quality was not bad.
    Through the risk assessment on heavy metal pollution of sediments of typical water body and investigation on dissipation of heavy metals using modified soil columns, it showed that the sediment of Wenyuhe existed a strong ecological danger of heavy metals with the greatest potential ecological risk index of Cd. The amount of heavy metals for bioavailability had the greatest in the upper sediment column and reduced gradually with the depth increased, and heavy metal pollution of Wenyuhe was deteriorating in certain degree. The loss of heavy metals by leaching has close relation to soil emission and heavy metal amount of water body. The sequence for vaious teachability of heavy metals was Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb, and there was pollution risk of heavy metals from sediments in riversystems to underground water.
    By the assessment for the economic loss of water pollution in Beijing, the annual total amount of economic loss in 2002 was over 4 billions yuan, and the industrial loss had the greatest with the percentage of 72.63%, and other losses including human health, underground water pollution, crops
    damage, stockbreeding reached 1.108 billion with the percentage of 27.37%. A lot of survey data showed that the reason for water pollution was point source and nonpoint source.
    int source pollution was from industrial loads and domestic sewage, while nonpoint source pollution came from pesticides, fertilizer loss, soil erosion and night soil emission. In the areas with great industrial and agricultural activeties including districts of Shunyi, Pinggu, Chaoyang, Daxing, Tongzhou and Fangshan, the water quality was contaminated seriously; these related watersystems covered Beiyunhe, Jiyunhe and Daqinghe. The same pollution reason was obtained through principle component analysis (PCA) among various parameters reflecting water quality.
    Water pollution control of Beijing is a comprehensive system project, it contained not only wastewater reuse based on function planning of surface water but also various macroscopical controlling strategies for pollution source. According to the result obtained from the water quality assessment and original function planning of Beijing surface water, suggestions were raised for correction. Drinking water source should keep the original function, and the present realistic function was recommended for seriously contaminated water body (> V grade) to avoid environmental risk but more new functions could be developed for social productivity and human lives through various water treatment technology. As some controlling methods were concerned, pollution source including industrial emission, agriculture nonpoint source and domestic sewage should be delt with effiently. A series of technology should be employed and source control should be suggested, with clean p
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