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    变率和 CT值变化率存在统一性规律,宝量解释了水环境变异引起土体孔
    著性及对细观结构的贡献。提出细观结构变异具有1 化”或“弱化”
With the development of the city construction and increasingly population, the ground water, surface water and atmospheric water " three-water " circle system are interrupted, groundwater's chemistry component is changing. City construction goes on day after day, the affection that human's movement having on geological environment is not a constant, so the imbalance in the soil and water continually exists. Though groundwater -soil interaction is long and slow, It is marked and transient the water's chemistry change comparing to the interaction between the water and soil during whole geological history process. The results of quantity accumulated in a short time will reduce to the soil's nature change. Research on which under normal temperature and press in city will help forecasting the problems of foundation's distortion and stabilization in city construction environment. It is an important content which engineering geologist in the studying field of city geological environment stability should answer, and
     experts inside and outside pay increasingly attention to it. This research provides theory for preventing and decreasing disaster, it's also the precondition and foundation for the city's continuous development.
    Basing on the above viewpoints, this paper aims at affection that groundwater's chemistry component change having on fine-grained soil structures strength, and analyses the connection and cementation between soil granules proceeding with water chemistry function. By modern test and experiment technology, building many kinds of indoor simulative environment, emphasizing on soil Mini Scale structure, it study soil-water
    interaction, soil's mechanical properties and structures strength.
    This article draws out that the water-soil interactive essence is at inner
    relations among groundwater environment~componen -- strength, from some
    phenomenon and problems in nature or engineering project, pointing out that groundwater chemistry field variation will strengthen or weaken soil character through the adjustment on soil structure.
    As far as Nanning groundwater environment is concerned, the background of groundwater environment and factors of its chemistry field variation are analyzed, it gives rational research and division on evolution rule of groundwater chemistry field as Nanning a example. It sets up a evaluated system by analyzing groundwater chemical components, through studying pertinence in water chemical component and soil strength, it also puts forward that water chemical change can map soil strength variation under water-soil interaction.
    From the theory of the water-soil interaction on, the interrelation of city construction, the variation of groundwater condition and the soil structure strength is analyzed and that the measure of soil structure and the significance which is by the water-soil interaction is studied in this paper. At the same time, in the paper: the recourse of the soil structure strength is summarized; the physical meaning of soil mini-scale structure is defined; the measure of soil structure is classified; the four basis forms of the water-soil interaction is induced; the chemistry mechanism of the water-soil interaction is discussed. As result of above, soil character's variation can be measured by structure, especially by mini-scale structure, under circumstance of normal temperature, normal pressure and slowly groundwater variation, and so mini-scale structure is platform and main location for water-soil interaction taking place and developing, also the carrier of their effect .The water-soil interaction can be analyzed by the soil mini-scale structure, from this the mathematical model on the variation of mini-scale structure and the deformation forecast model can be established.
    It is manifested by tests and researches that there is the variation of soil structure caused by water-soil interaction, moreover, which can be recognized and showed by some tests. It can conform the existence of the structure variation by water-soil interactio
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