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随着经济和人民生活水平的提高,蔬菜消费量日益增加,以设施蔬菜栽培为主的蔬菜生产在我国北方地区迅速发展。但由于利益的驱使,为获取高产在设施蔬菜生产中长期“大水大肥,不用问人”的水肥管理导致设施蔬菜产量低、品质劣、土壤可持续生产能力下降。2007年和2008年在中国科学院安塞野外试验站内日光温室隔水小区中,以日光温室黄瓜、番茄为试材,设计了3个不同的水分水平(Wh:90%-100%;Wm:70%-80%;Wl:50%-60%)和2个肥料水平(Fh: 600 kgN?hm-2+420 kgP2O5?hm-2;Fl: 420 kgN?hm-2+294 kg P2O5?hm-2)共6个处理的随机区组试验,分析了水肥处理对日光温室黄瓜和番茄植株生长发育、果实产量、品质及土壤温度、理化性质和生物特性的影响。主要研究结果如下:
     1.通过分析水肥水平对黄瓜和番茄叶片保护酶特性、果实品质以及产量的影响,提出了优质、丰产和提高水分利用效率的水肥组合。当土壤相对含水量(SRWC)水平相同时,Fh处理(600 kgN?hm-2+420 kgP2O5?hm-2)比Fl处理(420 kgN?hm-2+294 kg P2O5?hm-2)叶片SOD(超氧化物歧化酶)和POD(过氧化物酶)活性增强,Pn(净光合速率)增加,叶面积及叶片扩展速率增加,而初期和盛期叶片抗脱水能力降低;经济产量高、耗水量少、WUE(水分利用效率)高;黄瓜品质指标(糖、氨基酸、硝酸盐和蛋白质含量)都提高,Vc含量降低;番茄果实品质指标(糖、有机酸、氨基酸、Vc和可溶性蛋白质)降低。随SRWC的增加,初瓜期和盛瓜期叶面积及叶片扩展速率增加,盛瓜期叶片抗脱水能力降低;黄瓜和番茄产量提高、植株耗水量增加、WUE降低。当土壤相对含水量为70%-80%时,黄瓜叶片CAT(过氧化氢酶)活性最高而POD活性最低、初瓜期和后期叶片抗脱水能力最强;番茄叶片保护酶(POD、CAT、SOD)活性和后期叶片保水能力最高、而MDA(丙二醛)含量最低;黄瓜和番茄果实中糖和可溶性蛋白质含量较高、品质较优。逐步线性回归分析叶片生理特性对产量的影响显示,黄瓜叶片POD活性、叶片扩增速率、叶片抗脱水能力和叶片净光合速率对黄瓜产量的影响最大。番茄叶片SOD活性、叶面积、叶片扩增速率、叶片抗脱水能力对番茄产量的影响显著。运用灰色关联分析黄瓜和番茄产量、品质和水分利用效率的综合评价,土壤相对含水量为70% -80%,施600 kg N?hm-2+420 kgP2O5?hm-2的WmFh处理对黄瓜(关联系数0.81202)和番茄(关联系数0.78291),相比于其它水肥处理,综合评价最好,能实现高产、优质、高效生产。
     3.就水肥处理对土壤生物环境的影响进行了系统分析,提出了优化土壤生物环境的水肥管理方案。水肥处理改变土壤的水、热和养分环境,随土壤相对含水量增加,耕作层地温降低,但地温波动幅度小,土壤蔗糖酶、脲酶和中性磷酸酶活性提高;增加施肥量,平均地温也降低,但为植株生长和微生物繁殖提供了充足C/N营养,促进微生物多样性发展,土壤呼吸和土壤中活性碳含量增加,土壤中蔗糖酶、磷酸酶和脲酶活性增强。土壤中生物特性之间相互关联,共同影响土壤生物环境。灰色关联度综合评价水肥处理对黄瓜和番茄土壤生物环境的影响,土壤相对含水量70%-80%,施肥量为600 kgN?hm-2+420 kgP2O5?hm-2的WmFh处理在黄瓜结瓜期(关联系数0.9099),番茄结果期(关联系数0.91448),表明,该处理土壤酶活性强、土壤中活性碳含量高,土壤呼吸较强,微生物多样性、均匀度高,为土壤微环境发展提供了较优越的条件,生物环境综合评价最优,为地上部植株的高效、优质生产提供了有力保障。而土壤相对含水量50%-60%,施肥量为420 kgN?hm-2+294 kgP2O5?hm-2的WlFl处理在黄瓜结瓜期(关联系数0.78074)和番茄结果期(关联系数0.7812),排序最差,土壤生物环境差。
     4.采用灰色关联分析方法对不同水肥管理模式的优劣进行了综合评价,筛选出黄瓜和番茄优质、高效和可持续生产的水肥管理模式。以黄瓜和番茄植株生理特性、产量、品质、水肥利用效率以及土壤可持续生产潜力为基础进行灰色关联分析,结果表明,土壤相对含水量70%-80%,施肥量600 kgN?hm-2+420 kgP2O5?hm-2的WmFh处理在黄瓜优质、高效、可持续生产评价中(关联系数0.81202),而番茄中关联系数为0.78291),关联系数都较高,综合评价较好,能实现黄瓜和番茄优质、高效和可持续生产;土壤相对含水量50%-60%,施肥量420 kgN?hm-2+294 kgP2O5?hm-2的WlFl处理在黄瓜和番茄生产中应该淘汰。
With the development of economy and people’s living standard, vegetable consumption increased gradually; at the same time, vegetable production in greenhouse was developed rapidly in the north of China. In order to get more benefits from vegetable production, farmers preferred to input water and fertilizer as much as possible. In vegetable production, improper fertilization and watering cause undesirable effects on fruit yield and quality, as well as on soil. In this paper, with cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) in the greenhouse as samples, a total of six treatments with three relative water content(RWC) levels (Wh: 90%-100% RWC, Wm: 70%-80% RWC, Wl: 50%-60% RWC) and two fertilization levels (Fh: 600kgN?hm-2+420 kgP2O5?hm-2, Fl: 420 kgN?hm-2 +294 kgP2O5?hm-2) were established to be used in the investigation of their coupling effects on the basis of previous studies. Carried out were continuous studies in 2007 and 2008 of coupling effects on plant growth, fruit yield and quality, soil nutrients and temperature, and biological environment. The following results were obtained.
     Different soil water and fertilizer influenced the growth and production of cucumber and tomato. When the soil relative water content (SRWC) was at the same level, several indexes including SOD activity, POD activity, net photosynthetic rate(Pn), leaf area and expansion rate at early fruit stage and fruit stage at the Fh level were increased over that at the F1 level, while MDA content and the ability to resist dehydration of leaves were reduced. And higher yield, less water consumption, increased water use efficiency (WUE) and fruit quality indicated by the contents of glucose, amino acid, nitrate and protein were achieved for cucumber under Fh treatment, meanwhile fruit quality of tomato indicated by the contents of glucose, organic acid, amino acid, Vc, and soluble protein decreased comparing with Fl level. With the increase of SRWC, leaf area and expansion rate at the early-fruit stage and fruit stage were increased, while the leaf ability to resist dehydration at fruit stage was reduced, and while yield and water consumption of cucumber and tomato enhanced, their WUE decreased. When SRWC reached 70%-80%, leaf’s CAT and leaf ability to resist dehydration at early-fruit and later-fruit stage of cucumber were the strongest; and the leaf’s CAT, POD, SOD activity is strong while MDA content low, which indicated that the plant grew healthily. Stepwise linear regression analysis was used to reveal the effect of leaf physiological characters on yield. The data showed that POD activity, leaf expansion rate, the ability to resist water, and net photosynthetic rate had a significant influence on cucumber yield. The same approach was used for tomato and the data showed that SOD activity, leaf area, leaf expansion rate, the ability to resist water had a significant influence on tomato yield.
     Different soil water and fertilizer treatments influenced the distribution of N, P in plant and in soil. The increase of SRWC resulted in an increasing irrigation level, and led to higher efficiency in the use of nitrogen and phosphorous. When SRWC was the same level, additional fertilization would result in low efficiency in the use of nitrogen and phosphorous. After two years’coupling treatments of water and fertilization, several soil nutrients indexes including organic matter, total nitrogen, available nitrogen(NO3--N, NH4+-N), total phosphorous, available phosphorous were increased. When SRWC was the same, soil organic matter, total N and NO3--N, total phosphorous, available phosphorous were increased with the fertilizer supply increased. With the increase of SRWC, plants grew stronger and absorbed more N, P nutrition from the soil, as result that soil total phosphorous, available phosphorous, total N and NO3--N declined.
     The coupling treatments of water and fertilizer changed the environment of soil water level, temperature and fertility. Researches on dynamic change and diurnal variation of soil temperature in 2007 and 2008 indicated that, the increase of SRWC led to lower soil temperature at 5cm, 10cm, 20cm, 30cm. At the same level of SRWC, soil temperature was lower at the Fh level than at the F1 level. While the fertilizer supply increase, there was enough C/N nutrition for microbial reproduction, and soil micro-diversity index, evenness index, soil respiration and active Carbon, activity of Suc, Pho, Ure were increased. With the increase of SRWC, the activity of Suc, Ure and Pho were increased. The soil microbial features, such as, soil enzymes, soil microbial diversity, soil respiration and soil active carbon, were closely related and they together influenced the soil microbial environment. Grey rational analysis indicated that the best soil microbial environment was achieved under the treatment of SRWC 70%-80% and 600kgN?hm-2+420 kgP2O5?hm-2 fertilization.
     Grey rational analysis indicated that the most comprehensively evaluated plant grew healthily, with high quality and more benefit; sustainable development of cucumber and tomato production was achieved under the treatment of SRWC 70%-80% and 600kgN?hm-2+420 kgP2O5?hm-2 fertilization.
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