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     试验于2006~2007年在西北农林科技大学(108°04ˊE ,34°20ˊ N)农作物标本区遮雨棚内进行,在夏播(2006)和春播(2007)玉米生育期内,通过人工模拟降雨装置,研究不同降雨量下微集水种植农田土壤水分动态、温度状况和玉米生理生态反应及增产效应,以进一步明确和完善农田微集水种植技术农田水温效应及影响作物生产力的机制。
     2)在玉米生育期,随着时间的推移和累积降雨量的增加,微集水种植垄下土壤水分逐渐增加,在230mm、340mm和440 mm雨量下,随着雨量递增,沟中种植区土壤水分含量提高幅度增大,垄下土壤水分含量增加速度也加大。
     3)在全生育期230mm~340mm降雨量下,夏播玉米籽粒产量较同雨量下传统平作籽粒产量分别增加了1604kg·hm~(-2)(75.4%)和1184 kg·hm~(-2)(36.7%);春播玉米在全生育期降雨量为230mm~440mm时,与同降雨量下传统平作相比,籽粒产量分别增加2632 kg·hm~(-2)(82.8%)、2347 kg·hm~(-2)(43.4%)和861 kg·hm~(-2)(11.2%)。微集水种植的增产幅度随玉米生育期雨量的递增逐渐减小,尤其是当雨量为440mm时,对夏玉米来说增产效果已不明显。
     4)夏播玉米在全生育期230mm和340mm降雨量下,微集水种植可使农田籽粒产量水分利用效率较同雨量下传统平作分别提高7.4 kg·hm~(-2)·mm~(-1)(73.3%)和4.3 kg·hm~(-2)·mm~(-1)(40.2%)。春播玉米在全生育期230mm、340mm和440mm降雨量下,微集水种植可使农田籽粒产量水分利用效率较同雨量下传统平作分别提高11.3 kg·hm~(-2)·mm~(-1)(77.4%)、7.5 kg·hm~(-2)·mm~(-1)(43.1%)和1.7(9.5%)。
     1)在玉米全生育期230mm~340mm降雨量下,微集水种植玉米可提高农田养分利用效率。对夏播玉米而言,微集水种植使农田氮、磷和钾素利用效率(NUEN、NUEP和NUEK)在230mm雨量下分别增加了56.0%、44.4%和106.8%; 340mm雨量下分别增加了22.8%、18.1%和35.5%;440mm雨量下与平作相比差异不明显;对于春播玉米而言, NUEN、NUEP和NUEK在230mm雨量下分别增加了64.0%、52.2%和123.9%;340mm雨量下分别增加了30.4%、21.8%和41.2%;440mm雨量下NUEN提高了10.1%,NUEP和NUEK与传统平作无显著差异。
A plastic-covered ridge and furrow rainfall harvesting (PRFRH) system is being promoted to increase water availability for crops for higher and stable agricultural production in arid areas. The technique which based on the collection and concentration of surface runoff from short slopes is especially useful in arid and semiarid regions where irrigation water is not available or too costly to use. In this system, the plastic-covered ridges served as a rainfall harvesting zone and furrows as a planting zone. The PRFRH system can make better utilization of light rain by harvesting rainwater through the plastic-covered ridge.
     Field experiments (using corn as an indicator crop ) were conducted in a rainfall-control chamber of the Crop Specimen Farm of the Northwest A&F University (108°04ˊE, 34°20ˊN) during 2006-2007. In order to investigate the mechanism of PRFRH on soil water and temperature effects of farmland, the experiment comprised the soil water content, topsoil temperature, physiological and ecological characteristics, and grain yield increase for planting corn in two patterns, namely, PRFRH and conventional flat practice (CK), by artificially simulated different rainfalls (230 mm, 340 mm and 440 mm). The main results showed as follows:
     1. Effects of PRFRH on soil water and temperature conditions in the topsoil under different rainfalls.
     1) The runoff efficiency (runoff/rainfall) of plastic-covered ridges was related to the rainfall intensity. The plastic-covered ridges had an average runoff efficiency of 95.1% as when the rainfall intensity was in the range of 30mm/h-40mm/h.
     2) The soil water content in plastic-covered ridges of PRFRH gradually increased with the time and accumulated rainfall increase during the corn growing period. At the rainfall of 230 mm, 340 mm and 440 mm, the amplitude for soil water content both in ridges and furrows increased with the rainfall increase.
     3) PRFRH had especially in clear day a significant effect on temperature increase in topsoil (0-20 cm). However, the topsoil temperature amplitude declined with the rainfall increase during crop growing period and soil layer depth. Within 60 days after planting, the average soil temperature at 10 cm in furrows for PRFRH during daylight increased 0.9-1°C,0.8-0.9°C and 0.7-0.8°C, respectively compared to flat practice when rainfalls were 230 mm, 340 mm and 440 mm during corn growth stages.
     2. Effects of PRFRH on physiological and ecological characteristics of corn under different rainfalls.
     1) At the rainfall of 230 mm and 340 mm, PRFRH increased the leaf instantaneous water use efficiency (WUE) by 30.0% and 22.1%, respectively compared to CK during the whole growth period of corn sown in summer.
     2) For corn sown in spring, at the rainfall of 230 mm, PRFRH increased the leaf instantaneous WUE by 13.6% compared to conventional flat practice during the whole growth period. At the rainfall of 340 mm, the leaf instantaneous WUE during jointing and flowering was increased by 15.2% and 30.1% respectively compared to control. The average leaf instantaneous WUE increased by 12.4% during the whole growing period.
     3) At the higher rainfall, the advantages of PRFRH on leaf net photosynthetic rate and WUE increment for corn sown both in summer and spring decreased compared to CK. At the rainfall of 440 mm or more, the leaf instantaneous WUE of corn even declined.
     3. Effects of PRFRH on corn growth and development under different rainfalls.
     1) At the rainfall of 230 mm-440 mm, the PRFRH planting could make developmental stages occur earlier. For corn sown in summer, the corn seedling emerged 1d in three rainfall levels. The jointing, flowering and maturing occurred earlier 8d, 5d and 11d, respectively at the rainfall of 230 mm, earlier 4d, 4d and 6d at 340 mm rainfall, and earlier 2d, 2d and 3d at 440 mm rainfall. For corn sown in spring, the corn seedling emerged 2d in three rainfall levels. The jointing, flowering and maturing occurred earlier 14d, 11d and 13d, respectively at the rainfall of 230 mm, earlier 10d, 9d and 8d at 340 mm rainfall, and earlier 2d, 2d and 5d at 440 mm rainfall. Effects of PRFRH on corn growth stages decreased with the rainfall increase. The order was as follows: 230 mm > 340 mm > 440 mm.
     2) PRFRH enhanced corn biomass accumulation at the rainfall of 230 mm-440 mm during the whole growth stages. Compared to CK, the dry matter weight under PRFRH after corn harvested, increased by 44.7%, 28.5% and 7.6%, respectively for corn sown in summer, and by 86.6%, 59.7% and 12.1%, respectively for corn sown in spring at three rainfall levels.
     3) At 230 mm and 440 mm rainfalls, the grain yield of corn sown in summer under PRFRH increased by 1604kg·hm~(-2) (75.4%) and 1184 kg·hm~(-2) (36.7%), respectively compared to conventional flat planting. At the rainfall of 230 mm-440 mm, the grain yield of corn sown in spring under PRFRH increased by 2632 kg·hm~(-2)(82.8%), 2347 kg·hm~(-2)(43.4%) and 861 kg·hm~(-2)(11.2%), respectively compared to control. The grain yield amplitude of PRFRH decreased with rainfall increase during corn growth stages. The PRFRH had no significant effect on yield increment especially at 440 mm rainfall for corn sown in summer.
     4) For corn sown in summer, PRFRH could enhance grain yield and WUE by 7.4 kg·hm~(-2)·mm~(-1)(73.3%) and 4.3 kg·hm~(-2)·mm~(-1)(40.2%) respectively compared to CK at 230 mm and 340 mm rainfall. For corn sown in spring, the grain yield under PRFRH increased by 11.3 kg·hm~(-2)·mm~(-1)(77.4%), 7.5 kg·hm~(-2)·mm~(-1)(43.1%) and 1.7(9.5%) respectively compared to control at the rainfall of 230 mm-440 mm.
     4. Effects of PRFRH practice on soil available nutrient under different rainfalls.
     1) At 230 mm, 340 mm and 440 mm rainfalls during the whole growing period of corn sown in summer, soil available nutrient contents (N, P and K) in topsoil were significantly increased due to the effect of harvesting water and nutrition in planting furrows of PRFRH, and the increment was responsible for rainfalls.
     2) At different rainfalls during the whole growth stages of corn sown in summer, the soil layer stations of soil available nutrient contents increase under PRFRH were different. When the rainfall was lower, the layer of soil available nutrient in farmland mainly focused on topsoil (0-40 cm). With the rainfall increase, the soil available nutrient contents in deep soil layer also enhanced.
     5. Effects of PRFRH on nutrient use efficiency (NUE) in farmland under different rainfalls.
     1) At the rainfall of 230 mm-340 mm, the PRFRH could increase NUE in farmland. For corn sown in summer, at 230 mm rainfall N NUE, P NUE and K NUE (NUEN, NUEP and NUEK) under PRFRH increased by 56.0%, 44.4% and 106.8%, respectively, at 340 mm rainfall, by 22.8%、18.1% and 35.5%, and at 440 mm rainfall there was no significant difference compared to conventional flat planting. For corn sown in spring, the NUEN, NUEP and NUEK under PRFRH increased by 64.0%, 52.2% and 123.9%, respectively at 230 mm rainfall, by 30.4%、21.8% and 41.2% at 340 mm, at 440 mm, the NUEN increased by 10.1% compared to CK, while NUEP and NUEK had no significant difference between two planting patterns.
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