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This paper discusses the way to design the seepage monitoring system of the dam, and simulates the seepage of dam on the platform of the Ansys program.
    The seepage monitoring system can ensure the dam work properly. At first, this paper discusses the main content and ways of the seepage monitoring system. On the basis of the theory and combined with the Zhaopingtai reservoir, in this paper the seepage monitoring system is explicated, at the same time this paper introduces the hydraulic automation of Zhaopingtai Reservoir in brief. Zhaopingtai reservoir is composed of a main dam, an auxiliary dam, flood discharge gates, a water transport hole and a power station. Using the distributed dam safety monitoring system, the dam seepage press and water level are real time collected by sensors. PLC technology is employed to control the gates automatically. The reservoir important facilities are monitored through the images monitoring system. The monitoring data from all subsystems are sent to the center station by cables and then analyzed hi computers, which realizes the automatic management of this reservoir. The application of this automation system will enhance the reservoir information automation system.
    Secondly, the paper explains the soft programs of the seepage monitoring system. We give the principles and flow charts of the soft programs. The functions of the programs are introduced in this paper.
    At last, according to comparison of the fundamental equations and boundary conditions, the Ansys function of temperature field analysis is applied to that of seepage flow field, the element birth or death technique with overlap method is adopted to calculate the free water surface site-saturation line, in order to solve the problem of Earth dam seepage flow stability. This method can solve the seepage flow problem of complex boundaries and mediums.
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