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本研究以“全明星”草莓(Fragaria ananassa Duch cv.“All star”)为试材,系统探讨了不同的肥料种类、灌溉方式以及水肥组合对草莓生长、产量品质和水肥利用效率的影响。目的是找到适合温室草莓生长的灌溉方式和肥料种类,及合适的灌水和施肥量,为节水节肥农业的发展提供理论依据和技术支持。试验结果表明:
The effect of different fertilizer, irrigation methods and coupling of water and controlled-release fertilizer on the growth potential, fruit yield and quality and use efficiency of water and fertilizer were studied with "All-Star" Strawberry as trial material. The purpose was to find appropriate irrigation methods and types of fertilizer for the growth of strawberry in greenhouse, and amount of water and fertilizer. This study provided theoretical basis and technical support for the development of water-saving and fertilizer-saving agriculture. The results showed that:
     1. The strawberry growth potential, yield and quality, and fertilizer use efficiency in agriculture were studied in equal amount of controlled-release fertilizer treatment and chemical fertilizer treatment.The results showed that controlled-release fertilizer treatment was better than chemical fertilizer treatment. Compared with chemical fertilizer treatment, strawberry revenue of controlled-release fertilizer treatment was increased by 80.3%.
     2. Partial root-zone drying treatment (PRD) had certain advantages in maintaining production and water status of plant and saving water. The midday leaf water potential(ΨL)in PRD1 (one-half of the root-zone was irrigated to field capacity, and the other half maintained drying; irrigation was shifted from one side to the other side of root-zone when valumetric soil water content (θ) at the drying side decreased to about 10%) and PRD2 (irrigation methods was the same as PRD1, irrigated water was 1/2 of FI) were accordingly higher than in DI1(irrigation methods was the same as FI, irrigated water was the same as PRD1) and DI2 (irrigation methods was the same as FI, irrigated water was the same as PRD2), fresh strawberry yield and water use efficiency significantly increased, but their stomatal conductances (gs) were lower; Compared with FI, yield was significantly decreased in PRD2、DI1and DI2 treatments, therefore, PRD2 was an inappropriate application on strawberry production. However, increasing PRD irrigation properly (such as irrigation amount equal to 70% of FI) could still save a lot of irrigation water without significantly decreasing strawberry yield.
     3. Every growth indicator of strawberry in different treatments existed significant differences. Overall the indexes at 75% soil moisture conditions were better. T6, T7, T8, T10 and T11 treatments could enhance growth potential of plants. This explained that the more fertilizer the stronger growth potential under full irrigation conditions within the limits of certain fertilizer and the fertilizer promotion to crop was great; under water deficit conditions, the effect of controlled-release fertilizer applied on the strawberry growth potential was modest.
     4. The effect on physiological changes in strawberry growth periods under different water and fertilizer treatments was that: plant photosynthetic rate in T6 was the largest in all treatments, followed by T10 and T11.The maximum of dry matter content appeared in T7 treatment, higher than T6 only by 2.9%; 75% fertilizer treatments was even higher than 100% fertilizer treatments, but the differences were not significant. Chlorophyll content inT6 and T7 was relatively higher, and the changes were stable. Root activity in 75% of the irrigation treatments reached the maximum, and in T6 and T7 were the largest and their differences were not significant. The highest value of SOD activity, POD activity, CAT activity of leaf in different periods appeared in T6; the difference of MDA content in different treatments wasn’t significant. The soil water potential changes in T2, T7 and T10 were the most. Noting from the physiological view, T6 and T7 treatments were the optimal combination for strawberry growing.
     5. Coupling of water and fertilizer could change quality and yield of strawberry significantly, but not the more the better. The quality of strawberry in T1, T7 and T10 treatments was better. Yield reached maximum in T7 treatment of all the processing; Strawberry fruit weight in T11 was largest, followed by the T6 and T7 treatments; T6 was the best treatment for gross income, net income in T7 was the largest, T7 and T6 treatments were better for increasing strawberry economic returns, therefore, T6 and T7 were the better combination.
     6. Different combinations of water and fertilizer could impact the water and fertilizer use efficiency: The fertilizer use efficiency in T7 treatment was significantly higher than other treatments; The changes of nitrogen content of leaf in T2, T3, T6 and T7 were small; The phosphorus content of leaf in T7 was the highest, followed by T6 treatment, and the difference between two treatments was not significant; The trend of potassium content was similar to nitrogen content; agricultural Fertilizer use efficiency in T7 was higher than others; The large-element content of leaf in T6, T7 and T11 was higher, and changes were relatively stable. The difference between T6 and T7 was similar. In summary, T6 and T7 were the optimal combinations for strawberry growth, but input of T6 was more, so T7 was the best combination of water and fertilizer within low-input and high-output.
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