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Water is the source of life, one kind of valuable resources indispensable for human’s surviving and developing, a basic factor for sustainable development, and an important factor for restriction of natural eco-environment. For the western Jilin area with a semi-arid and semi-humid mainland monsoon climate, maintaining and enhancing eco-environment is restricted to a large extent by water supply. There are, however, a great many problems existing in process of exploiting water resource in the area. Problems on eco-environmental water requirement are becoming more and more prominent, with the beginning of establishing eco-environment in the western area, and accordingly, there is an increasing attention paid to problems on carrying capacity of water resource. For realizing reasonable distributing and sustainable use of water resource between regions or departments, it is important to research on eco-environmental water requirement and carrying capacity of water resource in the area.
    Fortunately, the author joined fund project of hydraulic ministry and natural science fund project presided over by professor Tang, and finished the thesis based on it while in master period. Thereinafter the thesis is introduced within five parts.
    (1) The thesis analyses detailedly problems existing in exploiting process of water resource in the western Jilin province. Primary problems include: water resource and its total quantity is scarce in local area; configuration of exploiting water resource is unreasonable; exploitation composition of part ground water is irrational, regional water lever dropping and output of single well decreasing, and ground water descendent funnels occur; low efficiency of water resource utilization and severe waste; unreasonable waste water drainage cause pollution of water resource at different degree; water consumption of eco-environment is embezzled greatly and of
    marshland and grassland is not ensured, and area of surface water is diminishing gradually.
    (2) The thesis anticipates industry, agriculture and living water requirement in the western Jilin province with the method of increase forecasting. In anticipating living water requirement, direct calculating method is used to anticipating total population, urbanization rate and livestock quantity firstly, hence the urban population and livestock quantity of level year, and thereafter, water requirement ration of different level year is used to count living water requirement of this area, living water requirement 0.2837 billion m3and 0.3716 billion m3 in 2010 and 2020 respectively; the method of water consumption per ten thousand production value is used anticipating industry water requirement, annual increasing rate of industrial production value determined by local economy-development program and hence production value of every program year, industry water requirement in 2010 and 2020 anticipated with method mentioned above and the result 0.1837 billion m3 and 0.3466 billion m3 respectively; water requirement of farmland irrigation is estimated by program of farmland development and irrigation ration, the outcome 2.8904 billion m3 and 3.394 billion m3 in 2010 and 2020 respectively. Furthermore, possible water supply is anticipated in 2010 and 2020 in the western Jilin province, the result 2.959 billion m3 and 3.583 billion m3 respectively. The thesis compares and analyzes supplying-consuming balance on the base of mathematical outcome gotten from above, obtaining result that the water shortage is 0.402 billion m3 in 2010 and 0.529 billion m3 in 2020. Water resource supply is insufficient so supplying-consuming conflict becomes increasingly prominent. By means of anticipation and balance analysis, the thesis seizes supplying-consuming condition of water resource in every program year in the area and provides important reference for scientific management and reasonable program of water resource.
    (3) The thesis discusses concept of eco-environment water requirement
    and summarizes count method of it both in and out the country. Acco
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