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During the last decades, Hydraulic engineering constructions have received great achievements in our country, however, too many attention had been paid to the social benefit and national economic benefits, the financial benefit of hydraulic enterprises and the departments controlling project operation had been overlooked. These problems result in the unsound cycle of development in hydraulic basis industry, the imbalance in social development, and a low water price which conduced to the waste of water resources. Dahuofang diversion project is a great hydraulic project still under building in our province which needs great cost; the reasonable water price will greatly conduce the sound development of the hydraulic projects in our province. Therefore, this paper analyzes the water price of the project by considering both the cost accounting and consumers bearing capability to the price, which can not only satisfy the demand of returns on investment and the good operation of the project, but also be accepted by
     the users-that is to say, the water price confirms to the law of supply and demand of marketplace.
    Analyzing systematically the problems on water resources in central Liaoning province, predicting the demand for water in water wastage areas, bases on resolving the current water resources problems, the paper proposed the water shortage volumes in the six cities in central Liaoning province-which decide the project scale of Dahuofang diversion project. Then, an analysis on the water price of the project is done, the following two points are considered in the analysis, on the one hand, the current water price is in a low level, which had resulted in a serious waste of water resources. So after analyzing the cost of the project construction and operation, the paper proposed the concept "supply water price" which can ensure the natural operation of the project and will bring some benefits, on the other hand, based on current statistical data, analyzing the bearing capability to water price of industrial users and citizens, in this paper the concept "acceptable water price", which based on analyzing the princip
    le that must be considered in fixing reasonable water price, is proposed, and a AHP model is built after analyzing systemically the two water prices. The paper analyzes and confirms the evaluation index system for the model and the relationship between the indexes. By using AHP method, supply water price considering the project developer and acceptable water price are coupled. The water price considering the benefit both the developer and customer is a reasonable and feasible water price, which can facilitate sustainable development and reasonable resources distribution.
    Studying the contradiction between supply water price and acceptable water price in theory and analyzing systemically them by using AHP method, the paper proposes a reasonable water price for the Dahuofang diversion project, which is feasible in theory and can acceptable by both the developer and customer, therefore, the paper is of significant value both in theory and in practice for fixing water price.
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