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试验于2011~2012年进行。采用田间小区试验方法,在总氮量相等(60kg N·hm-2)的条件下,设置20(D1)、25(D2)和30(D3)万株·hm-23个密度(2011年未设30万株·hm-2)和4种氮素调控:氮作基肥一次性施用(N1),R3期一次性追氮(N2,2011年),启动氮18kg·hm-2(?)(?)R3追氮(N3,2011年,N2,2012年),R4期追氮42kg·hm-2(N3,2012年),测定了各时期不同冠层的叶面积,叶片、叶柄、茎秆、荚果和籽粒干物质积累量,各器官不同生育期的含氮量和可溶性糖含量,计算了叶面积指数、净同化率、光合势、各器官氮素积累量、可溶性糖积累量、光合产物的转运贡献率和同化贡献率、落英率等指标,研究启动氮加追氮对不同密度条件下大豆群体光合生产能力的影响。两年试验结果如下:
This study investigated the effects of starting-N plus topdressing N (as compared to the common practice of all basal application) on photosynthetic capacity of soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill) with different planting densities. A field experiment in two growing seasons (2011and2012) was conducted under the condition of applying equal total N rate, using a split-plot design with three planting densities (200000plants-ha-1, D1;250000plants·ha-1, D2;300000plants·ha-1, D3), and four N application patterns (all of60kg·N ha-1as basal fertilizer, N1; all N as topdressing at stage R3, N2in2011;18kg·N ha-1as basal fertilizer and42kg·N ha-1as topdressing at growth stages R3, N3in2011;18kg·N ha-1as basal fertilizer and42kg kg·N ha-1as topdressing at growth stages R4, N3in2012). The leaf area, dry matter accumulation in leaves, petioles, and stems at different stages, pods, grains in different canopy, and the contents of N and soluble sugar in soybean organs were determined. The leaf area index (LAI), net assimilation rate (NAR), leaf area duration (LAD), accumulation of N and soluble sugar, contribution of per-seed filling translocation assimilate to seed (CTA), contributions of post-seed filling assimilate to seed (CPA) and pod abscission rate were calculated. The main results are shown as following:
     1. Within the same fertilization pattern, LAI of the top, the middle and the whole canopy per plant decreased as planting density increases; LAI of the top, the middle and the whole canopy of population increased as planting density increases. More importantly, our results from two growing seasons consistently showed that applying starter-N plus topdressing N in comparison to applying all required N as basal fertilizer at the same planting density maintained LAI after stage R5at a higher level, decreased the declining rate of LAI after stage R5. Compared to D1N1and D2N1, LAI of the top, the middle and the whole canopy with D1N3and D2N3at stage R5increased by10.1%-21.7%,10.7%-22.6%and9.18%~27.3%(P<0.05), respectively, and at stage R6increased by15.5%-27.8%,10.8%-19.6%and13.5%~25.2%(PO.05), respectively. However, LAI of the middle canopy at stage R6in2011was no significant different.
     2. Within the same fertilization pattern, LAD increased as planting density increases. When the planting density increased from200000to250000plants·ha-1, NAR of the top, the middle and the whole canopy between stages R4and R5, and NAR of the top and the whole canopy between stages R5and R6increased, but when the planting density increased to300000plants·ha-1, NAR between R5and R6of the middle and the whole canopy diminished. Under the same planting density, applying starter-N plus topdressing N maintained LAD and NAR after stage R5at a higher level. Compared to D1N1and D2N1, LAD of the top, the middle and the whole canopy with D1N3and D2N3between stage R5and R6increased by8.34%~22.9%,10.4%~24.5%and4.93%~13.1%(P<0.05), respectively; NAR of the top, the middle and the whole canopy with D1N3and D2N3at stage R4and R5increased by4.57%~17.2%,7.28%~50.0%and20.2%~29.7%(P<0.05), respectively; NAR of the whole canopy at stage R5and R6increased by20.4%~116%(P<0.01). Starter-N plus topdressing N at stage R4was the most effective pattern for all densities.
     3. Within the same fertilization pattern, soluble sugar contents at different organs under the density250000plants·ha-1is higher than the other two planting density. Results from two growing seasons consistently showed that applying starter-N plus topdressing N in comparison to applying all required N as basal fertilizer at the same planting density, soluble sugar contents of leaves, petioles and stems during stages R5and R6improved by6.43%~23.1%(P<0.05),5.61%-22.0%(P<0.05) and5.80%~20.9%(P<0.05), respectively, and soluble sugar contents of pods during stages R6and R8improved by7.83%~19.3%(P<0.05).
     4. Within the same fertilization pattern, dry matter accumulation per plant at different soybean organs decreased as planting density increases. However, dry matter accumulation per plant with starter-N plus topdressing N at stage R4in different canopy after stage R5under the density250000plants·ha-1was significantly higher than using all N as basal fertilizer under density of200000plants·ha-1. The dry matter accumulation per m2and CPA of soybean were the highest with the density250000plants·ha-1. Under the same planting density, our results from two growing seasons consistently showed that dry matter accumulation on per m2and CPA by starter-N plus topdressing N were greater than the single application of N as basal fertilizer. Compared to D1N1and D2N1, dry matter accumulation with D1N3and D2N3increased by6.82%~16.2%(P<0.05), and dry matter accumulation of leaves, petioles, stems and pods on per m2for whole canopy increased by7.54%~24.9%(P<0.05),8.30%~15.6%(P<0.05),8.06%-12.8%(P<0.05) and8.53%~16.3%(P<0.05), respectively; CPA increased by46.2%-145%(p<0.01). Starter-N plus topdressing N at stage R4was the most effective pattern for all densities.
     5. Within the same fertilization pattern, pod number on per plant at different canopy decreased as planting density increases, however, pod number on per plant with starter-N plus topdressing N at different canopy after stage R5under the density250000plants·ha-1was significantly higher than using all N as basal fertilizer under density of200000plants·ha-1. Pod number on per m2after stage R5by starter-N plus topdressing N at R4under the density of250000plants·ha-1was the highest. Under the same planting density, starter-N plus topdressing N led to the lowest pod abscission rate. Compared to D1N1and D2N1, pod abscission rate of the top and the middle canopy with D1N3and D2N3decreased by4.04%~14.3%and6.50%~39.8%(p<0.05), respectively; compared to D1N1and D2N1, pod number of the top, the middle and the whole canopy on per m2increased by12.1%~24.9%(p<0,01),10.9%~28.5%and10.0%~27.3%(p<0.01), respectively, at stage R8.
     6. Our results consistently showed that under the condition of increasing density, number of pods and seeds per plant decreased with the increasing density, and the yield of soybean was the highest with the density250000plantsha-1. Under the same planting density, starter-N plus topdressing N could significantly improve the number of pods and seeds per plant, with increase of10.8%~23.8%(p<0.05) and8.54%~20.6%(p<0.05), and the yield of soybean increased by8.23%~17.1%(p<0.05), over that of using all N as basal fertilizer. Seed dry weight of the top canopy had the largest proportion; the middle canopy was lower than the top canopy; and the bottom canopy was no significant correlation with yield. Starter-N plus topdressing N at stage R4was higher effective pattern than that of starter-N plus topdressing N at stage R3.
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