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Laboratory screening with DNA-based markers and field measurements of biomass production were carried out on mach of the 120 trigenomic hybrids, obtained by interspecific hybridization between Brassica napus (AACC) and B. campestris (A'A'). The objective of this study was to elucidate the relationship between molecular markers and biomass heterosis of the interspecific hybrid between B. napus and B. campestris, which has been explored practically in rapeseed production for many years. The experiment was first carried out on sixty-five trigenomic hybrids in 1999. The average over-mid-parent heterosis of biomass production was around 30%, and the highest value was 175.4%. In the following year, the observation was expanded to 120 trigenomic hybrids and the best average over-mid-parent heterosis was 93%. A total of 1477 DNA fragments, generated by Southern hybridization with 50 Brassica cDNA clones and 25 Arabidopsis EST clones, was scored across their parental lines. One hundred twenty-six and 215 fragments we
    re identified as significantly associated with biomass production respectively in the two successive years. Using these active markers, a statistical model to resolve the heterosis is proposed and a new way to make use of the subgenomic heterosis is also discussed.
    In another experiment, we screened a set of Sclerotinia stem rot resistance related genes in Brassica napus using Arabidopsis cDNA microarray and designed a set of computer software for data analysis.
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