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The controversy between rules and discretion in the monetary policy research has a long history. Since the seventies of the 20th century, monetary policy rule has made breakthrough progress in theoretical research, after the theory of dynamic inconsistency being put forward, people began to realize that discretionary prone to time inconsistency of monetary policy and inflation bias. The significant progress of monetary policy rules in theory and practice in the 1990s reflected in the following:Taylor (1993) put forward a Taylor rule that interest rate as policy instrument, New Zealand took the lead in the world to establish inflation targeting monetary policy in 1990. Svensson, as a representative, had been intensive studying the theory of inflation targeting. All of these greatly promoted the research in monetary policy rule theory. After New Zealand first implementation of inflation targeting, many other countries have also adopted this new monetary policy framework, The implementation of monetary policy that include rule in these countries can successfully control inflation and achieve macroeconomic stability.After 1984, the People's Bank of China to perform the functions of the Central Bank, the operation of monetary policy decisions with the discretion features, The macro-economy state had been changing between hot and cold, and macroeconomic instability faced with the threat. In the mid-90s from the 20th century, China began to implement monetary policy framework that money supply is the intermediate target, it became important for money supply in the macro-control. However, the performance of monetary policy in recent years shows that relationship between the money supply indicators and the ultimate objective of monetary policy had become instable, it is become more and more difficulty for the central bank to control money supply, the endogenous of money supply is increasing, the efficiency of central bank through controlling money supply to achieve monetary policy objectives is declining, it is an urgent for monetary authority to adjust and improve the current monetary policy framework.. Because of discretionary monetary policy being prone to inconsistency and inflationary bias, therefore, it is important for China to introduce rule in the monetary policy framework. During the design of monetary policy framework, it is necessary to clarify the following question:Which kind of monetary policy rules there is? What is the application of each type of monetary policy rules? How about effective of each type of monetary policy rules in practice? Is China's current monetary policy framework effective? If China's current monetary policy framework lack of efficient, then which monetary policy rule should be selected for the China's, future monetary policy framework design? The dissertation will study all above issue. The main content of this dissertation is:
     Introduction section introduces the research background and significance, overviews monetary policy rules research home and aboard, briefly describes the main contents and research methods in this dissertation, points out the major innovation and deficiencies of the dissertation.
     Chapter 1 gives the concept of monetary policy rules, and monetary policy rules are classified, in particular to introduce in detail about the instrument rules and targeting rules. Instrument rules not only include the traditional rules, such as Taylor rules, McCallum rules, Friedman rule, Melzer rules, but also non-traditional rules, such as exchange rate rules and monetary conditions index. Targeting rules Mainly include following rules, such as inflation targeting rule, price level targeting rules, monetary growth targeting, nominal GDP targeting rule, exchange rate targeting and hybrid inflation and price-level targeting.
     Chapter 2 is the starting point for monetary policy rule theory research. in general, There are two way to implement monetary policy,one way is with rules, the other way is with discretion. The question is which way is more appropriate? Various economics schools had been debating in this subject for a long time. The dynamic inconsistency theory ended the long time dispute between rules and discretion. The dynamic inconsistency theory suggest that discretionary monetary policies is easily result in time inconsistency and inflation bias. Barro and Gordon's research further verified the rules is better than discretionary; In order to overcome the inflationary bias in monetary policy, in addition to use monetary policy rules, there are other options available in theory, such as the reputation constraints, hiring a conservative central bankers to implement monetary policy, the use of the Principal-agent Theory with escape clause, design the optimal incentive contract and the implementation of inflation targeting.
     Chapter 3, The theory of monetary policy instrument choice is analyzed both from the perspective of graphical and from mathematical model. The research suggest that the instrument choice between money supply and interest rate depends on the stability of IS curve and LM curve. To derive the famous instrument rule:Taylor rule. There are two method can be used, one is from the perspective of the quantity theory of money, the other is from the perspective of dynamic macroeconomic models. Since Taylor put forward his famous instrument rule, the Taylor rule has been extensively used in studying and evaluating most of countries'monetary policy, in empirical study economist also modified and extended Taylor rule. About the application of Taylor rules in empirical study,this dissertation main include the following studies:Taylor rule is applied to estimate the developed economies'monetary police reaction functions; Taylor rules is applied in estimating emerging market economies'monetary policy rule; Taylor rule is applied to estimate China's monetary police reaction functions.
     Chapter 4 is mainly study the most popular targeting rule:inflation targeting. The main content of research include the content and features of inflation targeting, the prerequisite conditions for inflation targeting implementation, the effect of inflation targeting impact on macro-economy. It is growing important for two targeting rule (price level targeting and nominal income targeting rules) in recent years. For this reason, It is necessary to make a comparative analysis for inflation targeting and these two targeting rules.
     Chapter 5, we make a empirical research about the effectiveness of our current monetary policy framework. The research show that the effectiveness of the current monetary policy framework is decline, it is necessary to reform and improve the current monetary policy framework, the research suggest that the reform direction of China's future monetary policy framework is to transfer to inflation targeting. The innovation of this dissertation is mainly manifested in:
     Firstly, we use time-varying parameter model to estimate China's monetary policy reaction function. At present, most researchers mainly use time-invariant parameter Taylor rule to test China's monetary policy. China is a developing country in transition, the central bank's monetary policy objective is always changes and adjustment, the monetary policy framework in the gradual adjustment, the responses of central bank to the changes of macroeconomic variables is changing, using the time-invariant parameter Taylor rule to estimate China's monetary policy reaction function may not be appropriate, therefore, It may be more in line with China's actual for using state-space model and Kalman filter to estimate time-varying parameters Taylor rule.
     Secondly, we use smooth transition regression model to estimate the nonlinear Taylor rule. At present, most researcher use linear Taylor rule to estimate China's central bank's reaction function. In fact, the central bank in the face of different inflationary pressures and different growth conditions, the response of the central bank to macroeconomic variables are also different, it is difficult for the linear rule to describe this situation. In this paper, we use smooth transition regression model to estimate the China's central bank's monetary policy reaction function. The research shows that the China's central bank's monetary policy reaction has nonlinear characteristics.
     Finally, we summarize the comparative studies between inflation targeting and the other two targeting rules. Existing literature on the targeting rules have focused on the introduction of inflation targeting. Although the other two targeting rules, such as price level targeting and nominal GDP targeting, is not applied in practice, but it has important theoretical research value. The research interests about the two targeting rules has been growing in recent years abroad. Based on the existing of Foreign literature, we give a comparison between inflation targeting and two targeting rules (price level targeting and nominal GDP targeting). The aim is to attract researcher to study.the two targeting rules.
    ①在什么条件下,价格水平目标制比通货膨胀目标制更可取,详细分析见Barnett and Engineer (2000)
    ②赞成名义收入目标制的情形在Hall and Mankiw(1994)的文献中得到证明。
    ③菲利普斯曲线或经济的供给方面对于名义收入目标制绩效的重要性已不是什么新话题,实际上Bean (1983)和West (1986)早已对此有所强调。
    ① Merriam-Webster (1988), Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, Merriam-Webster.
    ②他们就是泰勒所讨论的规则。Taylor, John B., ed. (1998c),.The Robustness and Efficiency of Monetary Policy Rules as Guidelines for Interest Rate Setting by the European Central Bank,. prepared for Sveriges Riksbank-ⅡES Conference on Monetary Policy Rules, Stockholm, June 12-13,1998.
    ① Svensson (2003)所说的可操作的目标指的是根据传统损失函数中的变量或数值(如通货膨胀和产出缺口等)来设定的目标,而不是中央银行对外宣称的价格稳定或最大可持续的产出增长。
    ②然而,Svensson(2004)承认,“一般目标规则(general targeting rule)”这个术语与Walsh(2003)定义的“目标制度(targeting regimes)”相比可能不太恰当。
    ①基于一些经验性的偏相关分析,真实利率(缺口)对产出缺口或真实经济的影响的滞后期要短于对通货膨胀影响的滞后期。而且Blinder(1995)和英格兰银行货币政策委员会(1999)的发现也证实了这种观点。其它些采用后顾性模型的研究,如Svensson (1996)、Ball (1997)以及Rudebusch and Svensson(1999)也将货币政策对产出缺口的影响的时滞描述成短于对通货膨胀影响的时滞。
    ②在他所使用的模型中,总供给曲线中,前瞻性程度为1,这是一种极端的情形。而Ball(1997)和Svensson(1997)所使用的模型是一个加速主义的菲利普斯曲线(accerlerationist Phillips curve),前瞻性程度为零,这是另一种极端的情形。
    ①值得注意的是,McCallum(1988)年提出他的规则时,泰勒还没有提出他的著名的泰勒规则。然而,Judd and Motley (1992)提出了一个以利率为工具的政策规则,这个规则将利率与名义产出而不是泰勒规则中的产出缺口联系起来。但它却没有像泰勒规则那样得到广泛的认可。
    ①英文的表述为:Conditional Versus Unconditional Rules.
    ②英文的表述为:Ad Hoc Versus Optimal Rules.
    ③为了使规则具有可操作性,泰勒使用当前的年度通货膨胀率表示πt,使用线性的去趋势产出(detrended output)表示Xt。
    ①英文的表述为:Targeting Versus Instrument Rules.
    ①英文的表述为:Rules Describing Discretion Outcomes Versus Rules Derived from a Commitment.
    ②让人进一步感到迷惑不解的是,如果仅考虑取决于当前经济状态的规则,那么在承诺下的最优工具规则与在相机抉择下、损失函数中产出缺口的权重(λ)较小所得到的规则是相同的,见Clarida,Gali, and Gertler(1999)。
    ③英文的表述为:Mechanical Rules Versus Rules as"Guidelines".
    ①①尽管主张货币规则应该是机械的,但Simons (1936)也承认像固定货币供给这样的无条件规则很可能过于僵硬。
    ①Orphanides and Williams(2003)的研究说明了政策错误和内生预期的相互作用是如何对20世纪70年代的滞胀产生影响的。
    ①以下内容参考Walsh (2003)
    ①注意方程(3-11)中的γt表示名义利率,r表示均衡真实利率,也可以将方程(3-11)表示成:rt=r*+(1+β1)(πt-π*)+β2yt。其中的l仍然表示名义利率,但r*表示均衡名义利率而不是均衡的真实利率。需要注意的是这里的泰勒规则为一个“积极的("active")”货币政策规则,因为它对通货膨胀偏离的反应1+β1 >1。Leeper(1991)将对通货膨胀的反应系数大于1的货币政策称之为“积极的("active")”的货币政策,反之称之为“消极的(passive)”货币政策。
    ②有些文献提出了具有利率平滑的泰勒型规则(Taylor-type rules),例如Sack and Wieland(2000)所提出的规则为:rt=ρrt-1+(1-ρ)[r+πt+β1(πt-π*)+β2yt],其中,0<ρ    ①德意志银行的月度报告(1999年4月)将货币条件指数MCI表述为“……MCI是指对于一个给定的时期t,与基期相比的真实有效汇率的变化和真实短期利率的变化的加权平均值……”有关MCI的研究也可以在Gerlach and Smets (2000)的文献中看到。
    ①如果λ=0,那么该模型称之为“严格通货膨胀目标制("strict inflation targeting") ",在此,假定兄>0,因此,它是一个“有弹性的通货膨胀目标制(flexible inflation targeting) "。
    ②适宜一致性预期,假定α1为1,这里的损失函数与上述Woodford (2003a)的x*等于0的第二种情形相似,有关x*等于0的情形的讨论详见Woodford (2003a, p.407)。
    ③以下的推导也可参见Svensson(1997)和Svensson (1999b)的附录。
    ①这个规则也可以从中央银行的由通货膨胀和产出构成的二次损失函数的框架中得到。(Svensson,1997; Bernanke and Woodford,1997)。
    ①见Boivin and Giannoni (2003)
    ②例如Dolado, Maria-Dolores, and Naveira (2004)发现了泰勒规则非线性行为的证据,这与凸性的菲利普斯曲线的最优响应有关。
    ③对于这种泰勒规则的设定,见Erceg and Levin (2003)
    ① Bayoumi and Sgherri(2004)给出了泰勒规则中时变参数的类似证据。
    ②如Rudebusch (2002,2006)、Sack (1998,2000)、Williams (1999)、Lansing (2002)、CGG(2000)和 Woodford(2003)等。
    ①这种已经实现的时间序列与McCallum(1999)和McCallum and Nelson(2000b)所说的“操作问题”相当。
    ① Bernanke and Mihov(1998)给出了1979年10月-1982年期间货币政策的操作工具是非借入储备的证据。对于其它时期,他们证明联储将联邦基金利率作为货币政策的工具。
    ①韩国银行(2003)对“采用一切方法”的定义是指,中央银行使用所有度量通货膨胀压力的可能的指标,包括计量经济模型、主要数据以及其它近似指标(产出缺口、非加速通货膨胀失业率NAIRU,流动性缺口、货币推力指数(monetary thrust index)以设定货币政策的方向。
    ②对于这种非传统的工具,近年来有许多经验。Ho and McCauley (2003)和Mohanty and Scatigna (2005)的研究有过详尽的描述。著名的案例包括巴西和土耳其,它们广泛使用汇率指数化债券稳定汇率预期。1998年之前,智利对源于汇率投机的短期资本流入要求缴纳准备金(reserve requirements);近年来阿根廷和泰国引入了对源于货币升值的资本流入的各种控制方法;2003年乌拉圭将其短期美元债务转换成长期证券,避免即将来临的违约从而阻止进一步的货币贬值。
    ①Mishkin and Savastano(2001)的研究认为,对汇率变动的“剧烈和频繁地”反应提高了汇率成为事实上的货币政策锚的风险。
    ①与Mehra (1999)不同的是,这里引入的不是货币供应量增长率而是货币供应量缺口。
    ①出于节约篇幅的考虑,在此不打算介绍Kalman滤波和状态空间模型,有关状态空间模型和卡尔曼滤波的理论与估计方法详见Hamilton (1994)、Harvey (1989)和高铁梅等(2006)。
    ③TVP指时变参数(Time-Varying Parameters),即参数会随着时间的变化而变化。
    ①平滑转换回归模型的英文表述为:Smooth Transition Regression Model,简称STR模型。
    ②在Terasvirta(2004)所提出的STR模型之前,经典的STR模型的早期研究文献有Goldfeld and Quandt(1972)及Madadla (1977)等,近年来的文献有Granger and Terasvirta (1993), Terasvirta (1994,1998), Franses and van Dijk (2000)及van Dijk, Terasvirta and Franses (2002)等。
    ①详见Gerlach & Schnabel(2000).Gerlach.Kristen(2003),Gerdesmeier & Roffia (2004)and Surico(2003)。
    ②详见Judd & Rudebusch(1998)对美国经济的分析。
    ①对STR模型的详细讨论,见Terasvirta (1998),和Terasvirta (2004)
    ①因为G*(·)=G(·)-1/2,所以当θ→ 0,G(·)→1/2
    ①联邦基金利率(Federal Funds Rate)指的是美国同业拆借市场的利率,其最主要的隔夜拆借利率。这种利率的变动能够灵敏地反映银行之间资金的余缺,美联储通过瞄准并调节同业拆借利率就能够对商业银行的资金成本直接产生影响,并将同业拆借市场的资金余缺信息传递给厂商,进而对消费、投资和国民经济产生影响。
    ③米什金(Mishikin,1999)将货币政策的“名义锚”(Nominal Anchor)定义为保证国内货币价值长期稳定的约束机制。凡是可以锁定通货膨胀预期、减弱货币政策动态不一致性、降低通货膨胀偏差的机制都可以作为“名义锚”。充当货币政策名义锚的变量常见的有:汇率、货币供应量、通货膨胀率等。
    ① Kuttner (2004)又将这种定义称为“实践性定义”。
    ②因此,Svensson (1997)又称通货膨胀目标制为通货膨胀预测钉住(inflation forecast targeting)
    ① King (1997)称这种通货膨胀目标制为“通货膨胀疯子("inflation nutter") "。
    ③郭万山(2004)将inflation targeting翻译为“通货膨胀钉住制度”
    ①这里给出的是封闭经济下的通货膨胀目标制的后顾性模型。有关开放经济条件下的通货膨胀目标制的原理,详见Svensson, Lars E. O.,2000. "Open-economy inflation targeting," Journal of International Economics, vol.50 (1), pages 155-183, February。
    ①这个结果证实了Benati (2004)对20个OECD国家通货膨胀动态性研究的结果。
    ①争论的详细讨论见Lin and Ye (2007)
    ②这些研究包括:Ammer and Freeman (1995)、Mishkin and Posen (1997) 、Groenveld (1998)、Kutt ner and Posen (1999)、Johnson (2002)以及Ball and Sheridan (2003)等。
    ③详见Bernanke et al. (1999)、Svensson (1997)和Mishkin (1999)
    ①弹性价格水平目标制的英文表述为:Flexible Price-Level targeting。
    ①弹性通货膨胀目标制的英文表述为:Flexible Inflation Targeting。
    ①这个模型依赖于Taylor (1979)、Calvo (1983)、Rotemberg (1987)、Roberts (1995)和McCallum (1997)等的贡献,在文献中通常称之为新凯恩斯模型,Clarida, Gali and Gertler (1999)认为这个模型提供了一种分析货币政策的有用框架。
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