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紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica)是我国夏季重要的观花小乔木,具有花期长、花色丰富以及抗污染等优点,深受人们的广泛喜爱,在园林中越来越受到重视,目前正大量应用于园林绿化。但在应用过程中,往往存在着品种少、花色单一、株型单调等不足。造成这种现象的原因主要是缺乏对我国紫薇资源的系统研究,不清楚现有资源的家底,以致使一些具有优异性状的种质,如垂枝、多瓣等类型无人问津。针对这一情况,本研究首先详细地调查了我国现有的紫薇资源,在此基础上,利用AFLP标记技术确定一些传统品种和新品种间的亲缘关系。通过研究,得出如下主要结论:
     1.我国现有紫薇18种,从东南亚引入3种,共计21种。广泛分布的种类是紫薇 L.indica、南紫薇 L.subcostara和福建紫薇 L.limii;我国特有种是云南紫薇 L.intermedia、广东紫薇 L.fordii、福建紫薇和狭瓣紫薇 L.stenopetala。我国现有紫薇栽培品种48个,其中15个品种以前未见过报道,为作者调查发现的新品种,包括白花品种6个:‘粉蕊出墙’、‘白蝶飞舞’、‘层云积雪’、‘白密香’、‘交互银薇’、‘垂枝白’等,红紫花品种8个:‘垂枝粉’、‘垂枝红’、‘红蝶飞舞’、‘二层紫’、‘幺红’、‘垂枝紫’、‘蓝紫’、‘直枝紫’等,红叶品种1个,即‘红叶紫薇’。我国100年以上的古蔸紫薇近万株,主要分布于四川脾县地区和湖北保康两地。
Common Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia indica L.), mainly distributing both in southern and southwestern China , is an important ornamental tree species blooming from summer to autumn in China. In order to bring unknown L. indica cultivars cultivated, it is crucial to investigate, collect, and study its germplasm resources first. Based upon morphological traits as well as result analyses by AFLP techniques, some L. indica cultivars were identified and their DNA fingerprints were established. The main results were as follows:
    1. According to the investigation, there are 18 species of the genus Lagerstroemia distributing in China. L. indica, L. limii and L. subcostata are widely distributed, and L. intermedia, L. fordii, L. limii and L. stenopetala are endemic to China. The investigation results also show that there are at least 48 L. indica cultivars in China, 15 of which had not been reported before. These 15 cultivars are: ' Fenrei Chuqiang ', ' Baidie Feiwu ', ' Cengyun Jixue ', ' Bai Mixiang ', ' Jiaohu Yinwei ', ' Chuizhi Bai ', ' Chuizhi Fen ',
    ' Chuizhi Hong ',' Hongdie Feiwu ',' Erceng Zi',' Lanse Yaoji',' Chuizhi Zi',' Lanzi', ' Zhizhi Zi 'and ' Hongye Ziwei '. There are about 10,000 older-than-100-year L. indica plants in China, and most of them were found in Pixian County, Sichuan and Baokang County, Hubei. The author concluded, therefore, that these two counties must have been the most important native growing areas of L. indica in history.
    2. All the investigated L. indica cultivars were named according to their own characteristics. A key of these newly-named cultivars was also worked out for quick identification. Meanwhile, standards for the eminent germplasms and their characteristics were also brought forward in the study. In term of the standards mentioned above, 6 eminent L. indica germplasms were identified: aromatic flower, red leaf, weeping branch, large flower , androptalous and mosaic leaf features,. Five species of Lagerstroemia and 30 cultivars of L. indica were collected and cultivated in two gardens specially set up for conserving germplasms and cultivar resources of Lagerstroemia both in Jigongshan Mountain and the Yellow River Tourist Area, Henan.
    3. By using Msel-Pstl digest and 7 primers, a suitable silver-staining AFLP system for L. indica was developed. Clear- and high-resolution DNA fingerprints were obtained, which meant success in DNA extraction, restriction-ligase reaction, double amplification, and the staining techniques.
    4. The AFLP results show that the genetic relationships between dwarf cultivars are close. Among them, the relationship between ' Fenrun ' and ' Aisheng Chuizhi Fen ' is the closest. The results also suggested a close genetic relationship between ' Baidie Feiwu ' and ' Cengyun Jixue ', ' Hongdie Feiwu ' and ' Lanse Yaoji ', ' Zizhao Yinwei ' and ' Baiyun Yingxia ', respectively. All the above cultivars are genetically far away from ' Bai Mixiang '. Furthermore, natural hybrids of L. indica, L. limii and L. subcostata are identified by AFLP techniques.
    The objective of this study was to provide scientific bases for establishment of gene pool, selection and breeding of eminent cultivars, seeking and conservation of new cultivars, and for protection and usage of genetic resources and their relationships in L. indica. Besides, DNA fingerprints of L. indica could also be used for genetic mapping, marker-assisted selection and map-based cloning. Therefore, the results wound exert important effects on genetic improvement of L. indica at the molecular level.
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