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     2.建立基于GIS/GPS技术的禽流感应急指挥信息系统基于我国现有的禽流感业务数据(2004-2006年度禽流感疫情数据)和GIS基础地理信息数据(1:250000的全国地图),结合国家兽医行政管理部门在防控高致病性禽流感等重大动物疫病中对GIS和GPS技术的需求情况,应用ESRI ArcGIS9.0、MapObjects 2.2、GPS手持定位仪、Delphi 6等开发工具,设计开发了我国C/S(Client/Server)结构的基础地理信息与业务信息有效组合的全国高致病性禽流感防控决策分析支持系统。实现了高致病性禽流感疫点的准确定位,疫点、疫区、受威胁区地理信息的查询和直接显示,疫情应急处置过程进展信息的查询,以及基于GIS的禽流感疫情特定时、空、防控措施指标的三维组合统计分析功能,可为疫情应急处置、风险分析和监测预警工作提供了良好的可视化信息支持,基本可以满足国家兽医行政管理部门禽流感防控决策的实际需要。
The situation of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in the world becoms moreserious in recent years. During the last 3 years, HPAI outbreaks among domestic poultry andmigratory birds occurred in 67 countries and regions. The outbreaks and the spread of HPAIposed a serious threat to poultry industry and public health. It was essential to find outtimely and eradicate the HPAI outbreaks promptly for the prevention and control of HPAI. Sosurveillance and early warning and emergent response were urgently required. With spatialdata direct representation and strong analysis function, GIS&GP could provide informationsupport in HPAI surveillance and early warning and emergent response. On such specialbackground, researches were conducted on the following three aspects systematically:
     1. Studies on Applicable Fields for GIS&GPS Technology on HPAI Prevention andControl. Based on the characteristics of HPAI virology and ecology, referenced to the riskanalysis framework of OIE, combined the global disease situation and the actual condition ofthe prevention and control in China, the indicators system of surveillance and early warningsystem for HPAI prevention and control in China was established. It deals with the threebasic links and two basic factors of animal epidemic incidence, spread and circulation,scenario trees of HPAI occurrences and spread. Applicable fields of GIS&GPS technology insurveillance and early warning, risk prevention and emergent response for HPAI preventionand control in China were systematically analyzed, including building up temporal andspatial distribution pattem database in surveillance and early warning system, veterinaryresources information database, and emergency instructing information system, etc.
     2. Establishment of the Emergency Instructing Information System based onGIS/GPS technology for the HPAI Prevention and Control. Based on the available HPAIdata in China (data of HPAI occurrence information from 2004 to 2006) and GIS basicgeography information data (China map, 1:250,000), combined the requirements ofGIS&GPS technology for HPAI prevention and control, the C/S ( Client/Server ) structuredpolicy analysis supporting system for HPAI prevention and control in China was designedand developed by using the tools of ESRI ArcGIS9.0, Map Objects2.2, portable GPSorientator, Delphi 6. With the application of the system, the following four functions wererealized: accurate orientation of the infected points of HPAI; geographical inquiry and directvisual showing the geographical information of infected points, infected areas and threatenedareas; and statistic analysis based on integrated three dimensions of GIS special temporal,spatial and prevention and control indicators. Suitable visual information supporting forHPAI emergent response, risk analysis and surveillance and early warning were provided.The practical needs of Chinese veterinary administration management sectors for HPAI prevention and control were met.
     3. Evaluation of the risk distribution patterns of HPAI occurrence in China basedon application of GIS&GPS technology. Based on GIS&GPS spatial data processingtechnology integrated with the theory and methods of risk analysis, risk distribution patternsof HPAI occurrence in China were explored. (1) The HPAI occurrences were declined alongwith the compulsory vaccination policy, but the risk of the virus mutation and disease spreadstill remain significanlyt; (2) Patterns analysis demonstrated that multi-points spread treadscentered in Southeast wetlands, Yangtze River wetlands, Tibet wetlands, Ganmeng wetlandsand Amur River wetlands; (3) Regional pattern analysis showed that the disease werecluster-distributed in Yunnan, Liaoning, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi and Tibet. Thespatial significant association within these given regions made the AI re-occur possible in thefuture; (4) Risk of HPAI occurrence in China would be loomed significantly along withdominated small scaled feeding patterns in the future. The corridors role of AI range inmigratory birds migration routes in Southeast wetlands, Yangtze River wetlands, Tibetwetlands, Ganmeng wetlands and Amur River wetlands would be emerged gradually; (5)Combining with AI risk factors, national scaled risk richness and risk intensity were givenand derived.
     In addition, the limitations of GIS&GPS technology application for HPAI preventionand control was explored, for example, the accuracy of the basic geographical data, and thesystematic epidemiological data needed to improve. The following proposals were raised:utilization of multi-subjects technology and methods to deepen the knowledge of rules ofHPAI occurrence, including researches on the relationship between animal health conditionsand HPAI occurrence, the mechanism of vector and spread in migratory birds, and thedynamic mechanism of HPAI occurrence. It would be of great significance on theunderstanding, knowledge and scientific prevention and control of HPAI occurrence andcirculation.
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