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     1.氮肥对新麦草种子产量具有显著影响。随着氮肥施用量的增加,新麦草种子产量增加显著。种子产量在所设计的14个施氮量中分为三个区间,在总施肥量0~200 kgN/hm~2的区间内,产量最高的是50 kgN/hm~2(早秋)+50 kgN/hm~2(晚秋)+100 kgN/hm~2(早春)的施肥处理,这个区间基本遵循了产量与总施氮肥量成正比的规律。在总施肥量为250 kgN/hm~2的不同组合中,获得最高种子产量的是50 kgN/hm~2(早秋)+100kgN /hm~2(晚秋)+100 kgN/hm~2(早春)处理,达到1425.0kg/hm~2;产量最低的是对照0 kgN/hm~2(早秋)+0 kgN/hm~2(晚秋)+0 kgN/hm~2(早春)处理。均匀施用氮肥可提高新麦草种子产量,在同一个时期施用大量氮肥不仅起不到增产作用,并且会使产量降低。如0 kgN/hm~2(早秋)+0 kgN/hm~2(晚秋)+250 kgN/hm~2(早春)处理最终产量只有700.9kg/hm~2,而250 kgN/hm~2(早秋)+0 kgN/hm~2(晚秋)+0 kgN/hm~2(早春)只有973.1kg/hm~2。在总施肥量大于250 kg N/hm~2的不同处理中,实际种子产量有较大幅度的增加,但未超过250 kg N/hm~2的最大产量,而且它们彼此之间差异也不显著。
This article is about the systemic research of optimization management of Russian Wildrye in its different seasons and the analysis of different factors which lead to its yield changed. The experimentations provide theory basis for the further research and the seed production of Russian Wildrye. These are the results of the experimentations:
     1.The nitrogen application: There are considerable effects of the nitrogen for Russian Wildrye. The seed yield is increased remarkably with a more nitrogen concentration. The seed yield which come from 14 different treatments can be classified three parts. The first is the nitrogen concentration zone is 0~200 kg N/hm~2. The highest seed yield come from the treatment of 50 kg N/hm~2(fall)+50 kg N/hm~2(later fall)+100 kgN/hm(2spring),the yield is 1383.3 kg/hm~2.Basicly, yield is direct proportion with nitrogen concentration In this zone. The second part is 250 Nkg/hm~2 zone, the most yield is 1425.0 kg/hm~2, from the treatment of 50 kg N/hm~2(fall)+100 kg N/hm~2(later fall)+100 kg N/hm~2(spring)and the least yield is 700.9 kg/hm~2 from the treatment of 0 kg N/hm~2(fall)+0 kg N/hm~2(later fall)+0kg N/hm~2(spring).The experimentation shows that the seed yield increases when the nitrogen is used in different time with some proportion but decreases when mass nitrogen is used in the same time as 0 kg N/hm~2(fall)+0 kg N/hm~2(later fall)+250 kg N/hm~2(spring)and 250 kg N/hm~2(fall)+0 kg N/hm~2(later fall)+0 kg N/hm~2(spring)for example. The third part which the nitrogen concentration is up the 250 kg/hm~2, the seed yield is increased indistinctive compared with the most yield, 1425.0 kg/hm~2.
     3. The effect of harvest time for the seed yield and its quality. The seed yield and quality is different significantly in different harvest time. It shows that the seed yield is up then down with the seed moisture content is down. The greatest yield is 2250kg/hm~2 at 24d after peak anthesis, the moisture content is 31%.The greatest quality seeds is harvested in 24d~27d after peak anthesis and their moisture content is 40%~10%, and their accelerate aging determination and determination are 96.5% and 99%.
     2. The effect of different harvest ways and electing ways for the seed yield. There are 3 ways for 4 kinds of seed: whole harvesting, bundling by people and combine harvesting .It shows that combine harvesting is more effective than bundling by people. The yield increase 385.1kg/hm~2, 66.8kg/hm~2 and 275.0kg/hm~2 for Russia Wildrye, Festuca and Agropyron cristatum with combine than bundling by people, but it is fewer than the whole harvesting way. There are 2 electing ways: pipelining and manpower. The result shows that pipelining is better.
     4.Dispose the crop residue : Because of changing the effect of photosynthesis of the base of plant, the number of the segregate and of the product tress will be increased through the treatments for the crop residue. It shows that density of the plant and seed yield will be changed in different ways to deal with the crop residue after harvesting. The yield of“winter grazing+ spring burning”is greatest ,it has the most segregates (1160.75/m~2 in regreen time,1728/m~2 in jointing)、the most production tresses(667/m~2)and the greatest yield (1253.85kg/hm~2).The production stress and yield of the“winter grazing+ spring burning”has more 327% and 493% than the control’s. Their difference is significant(P<0.05).
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