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Everyone is likely to encounter all kinds of problems or traumas in the process of growth. Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, landslides, etc, had brought people a huge physical and psychological trauma. In the social environment of rapid development of information, many young people lost their mind in the materialistic city. One important issue of quality education is to teach students to successfully deal with life trauma and suffered various setbacks to enhance the psychological quality. One of the inevitable trends of modern education reform is intergrated psychological counseling in Chinese education. In our current cultural context, subject teachers implement psychological counseling had been become an important research topic what have many advantages.
     The purpose of this research, was analysis the relationship between Chinese language education and writing therapy and trauma narratives, discussed the Chinese language education was conducive to the psychological health of the mechanisms and it's influencing factors. In the theory part, explained the Chinese language education for the psychological health of the mechanisms and unique function, while teachers exert the key influences in the permeability of psychological counseling; from a practical point of view, designed a questionnaire to investigate language teachers views on the infiltration of psychological counseling, into the different schools in-depth interviews to understand the teacher's ideas and specific practices, and discussed methods of Chinese education on the integration of psychological counseling. Empirical study was consisted of four parts, using different research methods, including questionnaire survey, qualitative interviews, action research, case studies and other research methods.
     In questionnaire section, using self designed questionnaire "language teachers and psychological issues related to the status of the investigation" to find Chinese teachers' awareness and understanding on the issues related to psychological. The subjects are many Shanghai and Gansu Chinese teachers in 38 schools. After the testing, the questionnaire had good reliability and validity. The scale's Cronbach's a was 0.856, and Cronbach's a of all factors were 0.765、0.678、0.696 and 0.713. It could be seen from the questionnaire survey that the teachers are mostly sure of the relationship between psychological consultation and study, and positive toward the combination of Chinese Teaching and psychological consultation. They certainly believed that counseling could promote development of students, etc. Besides, they thought that they are lack of psychological consultation knowledge and skills; the most important traits are teaching ability of practice and healthy personality. In the daily time, they often judge students by their behavior, communicate with them and encourage them to deal with several things.
     In qualitative interviews section, it is involved 23 interviewees. The interviews indicated that teachers hold a positive and supportive attitude to integration. They thought that there was a close relationship between Chinese language education and mental counseling. Most language teachers were passively and unconsciously to resolve the students'problem, and to construct the teacher-student relationship through reason, talk, communication, etc. Some Chinese language teachers were able to consciously and proactively to take advantage of rich text content and the language curriculum resources to provide counseling for students.
     They commonly used methods are using of text content, storytelling, the creation of scenarios with music, insight and verbal encouragement, talk diary, Textbook Plays and Role Playing. It requires teachers to unconditionally accept the students, love students, self-reflection, in-depth understanding and active exploration to integrating. In this process, these teachers often confusing the task is unclear, the lack of systematic and so on, family, social and other external environment factors, therefore they need to receive appropriate training, to enhance counseling capacity. This process will be affected by many external factors, such as family, society, etc. Therefore, they need appropriate training to enhance the ability of psychological counseling.
     In action research, it is conducted from the viewpoint of cases, referenced field experiment design ideas, purposefully selected from different schools in four language teachers for training and guidance. Under the guidance of the researcher, the four teachers have a deep understanding of the students by using word association, figure speaking and writing, and interfere in the results flexibly through various developmental teaching methods, such as emotional diary and Chinese classics. The quantitative results show that there are different changes before and after research in different schools respectively and differences among teachers'interventions, but no significant effect of Q School. There are a few changes among several experimental and control classes in L、H and M schools, especially in the emotion item. There were significant differences between the results of evaluation of teachers and students. It can be seen from the above that Chinese teacher acts a key role in the combination of psychological consultation and teaching. The qualitative results show that it is feasible that under the conscious ability to enhance counseling and actively participate in the experiment conditions, the language teachers to counsel students. It is concluded that Chinese language teachers can understand students better by use writing and other language activities to discover their emotional trauma, cognitive, etc. In the course of the implementation of Chinese language education permeability of psychological counseling to prevent and reduce psychological problems, and promote the harmonious development of physical and mental.
     In the case study section, we can found that Language teachers could be more thorough, detailed and comprehensive understanding of students, including their basic information and family background. They could put themselves in for the sake of the students that full of emotion; they could understand the characteristics of students in the process of teaching in the classroom; they could provide counseling for student by the content of the text, etc. All in all, the Chinese language teacher should fully understand the students, to classroom teaching as the main channel, to extra-curricular activities as assistance, to give the students a deep love that is a guarantee of teaching success, to enhance their own quality and continue to reflect themselves. So, training of teachers in counseling ability is an important task for the key to success in education.
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