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     (1)共记录鸟类10目35科70属106种47 516只。雀形目种数最多,17科45种7 509只。水鸟6目14科53种39 732只。优势种4种,常见种14种。冬候鸟47种,留鸟35种,夏候鸟15种,旅鸟9种。鸟类区系以古北界成分为主。《Birds to watch名录》收录5种,《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》收录10种,《中国濒危物种红皮书》收录7种,国家重点保护鸟类12种,省级重点保护鸟类35种。
     (3)不同湖泊水鸟分布研究中,共记录水鸟6目14科30属48种38 454只。冬候鸟27种;古北界31种。鸻形目种类最多,17种;雁形目数量最高,28 462只。战备湖水鸟种类最多,34种;其次为常湖24种。常湖水鸟数量最多,25 793只;其次为战备湖5 197只。多样性分析显示:白沙湖水鸟Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H′最高,其次为战备湖。相似性指数分析表明:下北甲湖和凤尾湖之间的相似度最高,凤尾湖和常湖之间的最低。
     (4)6种越冬水鸟行为研究中,斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)、苍鹭(Ardea cinerea)和豆雁(Anser fabalis)以停伫行为为主,分别占全天行为的62.26%、53.76%和53.47%。小(Tachybaptus ruficollis)和凤头(Podiceps cristatus)游水活动较为频繁,分别占全天行为的56.16%和46.07%。鹤鹬(Tringa erythropus)取食行为非常活跃,占全天行为的81.46%。
     (5)6种越冬水鸟取食生态位研究中,小(Tachybaptus ruficollis)、凤头(Podiceps cristatus)、鹤鹬(Tringa erythropus)和豆雁(Anser fabalis)的取食时间生态位较宽,分别为0.979、0.978、0.956和0.915。凤头(Podiceps cristatus)的取食空间生态位最宽,为0.809;斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)的最窄,为0.098。豆雁(Anser fabalis)与鹤鹬(Tringa erythropus)的取食时间生态位重叠度最大,为0.901;斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)与苍鹭(Ardea cinerea)的重叠度最小,为0.360。斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)与豆雁(Anser fabalis)的取食空间生态位重叠度最大,为0.716;斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)与苍鹭(Ardea cinerea)、斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)与鹤鹬(Tringa erythropus)之间无重叠。
The wetland in Nanjishan is a sensitizing area for migratory birds along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. For the purpose of understanding living conditions of birds especially wintering waterbirds, the bird diversity was investigated using point count method from October 2009 to March 2010; behaviors of wintering waterbirds were observed by the methods of continuous-time sampling and focal animal sampling, and their ecological niche were studied by the method of scan sampling. Results indicated that:
     (1) A total of 106 species and 47 516 individuals were recorded, which belonging to 70 genus, 35 families and 10 orders. The species of Passeriformes (including 45 species, 7 509 individuals and 17 families) were the most abundant. Fifty-five species and 39 732 individuals of the waterbirds were recorded, which belonging to 14 families and 6 orders. Generally, 4 dominant species and 14 common species had been observed in the reserve. Among the 106 species, 35 species were residents, 71 species were migrants which consist of 47 winter migrants, 15 summer migrants and 9 travel birds. For the avifauna, the birds in this study were dominated by the palaearctic element. Concerning their preciousness, 5 species were listed in B2W, 10 species were listed in CITES, 7 species were listed in RDB of China and 12 species belong to national key protected birds.
     (2) During these 5 months, the H′index (from high to low) was as follows: October (4.52), December (3.76), November (2.74), March (2.58) and January (1.50). In the 3 habit types, the H′index (from high to low) was as follows: grass land (3.71), village farm (3.49) and lake (2.51). The bird communities of the village farm and grass land habitats showed similar, while those of village farm and lake habitats were not.
     (3) A total of 48 species and 38 454 individuals were recorded, which belonging to 30 genus, 14 families, and 6 orders according to the study on the distribution of waterbirds among the 9 lakes. Species of the Charadriiformes and numbers of the Anseriformes were the most abundant in the total. The species of Zhanbei Lake and the numbers of Changhu Lake were the most abundant in these 9 lakes, while Nihu Lake was in shortage. The H′index of waterbirds in the Baisha Lake was the biggest, and followed by the Zhanbei Lake according to the diversity index analysis. Xiabeijia Lake and Fengwei Lake showed the most similar, while those of Fengwei Lake and Changhu Lake were the lowest according to the similarly analysis.
     (4) From the observation on the behaviors of these 6 wintering waterbirds, the results indicated that Anas poecilorhyncha, Ardea cinerea and Anser fabalis mostly showed standing still behavior, accounting for 62.26%, 53.76% and 53.47% of their whole daytime behaviors, respectively. Swimming was the major behavior of Tachybaptus ruficollis and Podiceps cristatus (56.16% and 46.07%, respectively), while Tringa erythropus preferred to feeding behavior very much (81.46%).
     (5) The results of the study on feeding niche of 6 wintering waterbirds showed that time niche breadth of Tachybaptus ruficollis, Podiceps cristatus, Tringa erythropus and Anser fabalis were wide, equal to 0.979, 0.978, 0.956 and 0.915, respectively. The space niche breadth of Podiceps cristatus was the highest, equal to 0.809, while Anas poecilorhyncha was the lowest, equal to 0.098. The time niche overlap index between Anser fabalis and Tringa erythropus was the highest, equal to 0.901, while the Anas poecilorhyncha and Ardea cinerea was the lowest, equal to 0.360. The space niche overlap index of Anas poecilorhyncha and Anser fabalis was the highest, equal to 0.716, but without an overlap between Anas poecilorhyncha and Ardea cinerea, Anas poecilorhynch and Tringa erythropus.
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